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ASME Standards Technology, LLC
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ISBN No. ______
Copyright © 2008 by
ASME Standards Technology, LLC
All Rights Reserved
Style GuideSTP-XX-YYY
Table of Contents
3.2Headers and Footers
3.3Text Styles
3.4Automated Features
3.5Landscape Pages
4.1Heading 2
4.1.1Heading 3
6.1STP Numbering
Appendix A
Abbreviations and Acronyms
List of Tables
Table 1—Sample Table
Table 2—Example Landscape Table
List of Figures
Figure 1—Sample Figure
[Include Foreword here. Also, include standard description paragraphs for the ASME and ST-LLC below at the end of the Foreword.]
Established in 1880, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is a professional not-for-profit organization with more than 127,000 members promoting the art, science and practice of mechanical and multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences. ASME develops codes and standards that enhance public safety, and provides lifelong learning and technical exchange opportunities benefiting the engineering and technology community. Visit for more information.
The ASME Standards Technology, LLC (ASME ST-LLC) is a not-for-profit Limited Liability Company, with ASME as the sole member, formed in 2004 to carry out work related to newly commercialized technology. The ASME ST-LLC mission includes meeting the needs of industry and government by providing new standards-related products and services, which advance the application of emerging and newly commercialized science and technology and providing the research and technology development needed to establish and maintain the technical relevance of codes and standards. Visit for more information.
[Insert abstract here; may be renamed Executive Summary or Summary]
Style GuideSTP-XX-YYY
This document is intended to provide guidance for developers of manuscripts to be published as Standards Technology Publications (STPs) by the ASME Standards Technology, LLC (ST-LLC). To the maximum extent practical, all STPs will be generated using MS Word. ST-LLC project teams are responsible for providing final documents with accurate technical content. Electronic files will then be copy-edited and formatted prior to publishing. In order to expedite the publishing process, those developing the content of reports intended for publishing as STPs are requested to comply with the guidance in this document.
The electronic version of this document may be used as a template for developing manuscripts. It is expected that most original manuscripts will be developed independently of this template and converted to the required format later. Since many authors may not be familiar with use of MS Word templates, this file has been saved as a document file (*.doc) rather than a template file (*.dot). To use this template, it is recommended that authors delete non-relevant portions of the guide, insert manuscript sections, apply formatting, and save the file with a different name. A *.dot version of this template is available at
Standards Technology Publications should generally contain the following sections:
(a)Cover Page: first page of the document. The cover page should include the report title and authors or principle investigators and their affiliation. Note, the cover page is separate from the report cover, which will be generated and integrated with the completed document.
(b)Disclaimer: the standard disclaimer on (see 2nd page of this guide) should be inserted behind the cover page of each publication. The disclaimer may be modified as appropriate.
(c)Table of Contents, which includes the List of Tables, List of Figures, as applicable.
(d)Foreword: include a discussion of relevant background information such as project purpose, scope, and goals. Discuss any related work.
(e)Abstract (or Executive Summary)
(f)Report Sections: main content of the report; uses section numbering; author’s discretion
(j)Abbreviations and Acronyms
In order to develop a consistent product and help simplify the editing process, the following MS Word formatting and features should be used to generate Standards Technology Publications.
(a)Single column
(b)Font: Times New Roman (11 pt) for text; Bold Arial (12 pt/ 11 pt) for section headers; black text. See Section 3.3.
(c)Paragraphs: block paragraphs; fully justified; hanging first line to accommodate heading number.
(d)Page setup: different odd and even, vertical alignment to top, section start on new page.
(e)Margins: mirrored, 1" outside, 1.25" inside (for binding)
(f)All comments deleted from final document
(g)All changes accepted in final document and track changes turned off.
3.2Headers and Footers
(a)Headers: STP number and short title of the report will be included in the header, with the STP number on the outer edges of headers (e.g., different odd and even) on each page, except cover page. Times New Roman 10 pt font will be used.
(b)Footers: The page number will be included on the footer at the center of each page, except cover page.
(c)Page numbering: no page numbers on cover page, disclaimer, or tables of contents; use small roman numerals (e.g. i, ii, iii…) for pages through the abstract. Restart numbering and use single Arabic numerals (e.g., 1, 2, 3…) for remaining pages. Do not use prefixes, such as section numbers. Note, since publications will be printed 2-sided, if the first section with roman numerals ends in an odd number, an additional page should be inserted to end on an even number prior to starting the report sections. Include “Intentionally Left Blank” centered on the page.
3.3Text Styles
The following main styles have been defined, as used in this Style Guide. Additional styles have also been defined and used.
(a)Part Heading: Arial, 28 pt, Title Case, spacing 12 pt before/ 6pt after, outline level 1, centered
(b)Heading: Arial, 12 pt, bold, all caps, spacing 12 pt before/ 6pt after, outline level 1, centered
(c)Heading 1: Arial, 12 pt, bold, all caps, spacing 12 pt before/ 6pt after, outline level 1, outline numbering
(d)Heading 2: Arial, 12 pt, bold, spacing 12 pt before/ 6 pt after, outline level 2, outline numbering
(e)Heading 3: Arial, 11 pt, bold, spacing 12 pt before/ 6 pt after, outline level 3, outline numbering
(f)Heading 4: Times New Roman, 11 pt, bold, spacing 12 pt before/ 6 pt after, outline level 4, outline numbering
(g)Body Text/Normal: Times new Roman, 11 pt, spacing 6 pt before/ 0 pt after, justified
3.4Automated Features
The following automated features should be used:
(a)Automated tables of contents, list of tables and list of figures. Detail should be limited to outline level 3 (i.e., Heading 3).
(b)Automated cross-referencing of sections, tables, figures, and equations
(c)Navigation using the Document Map (e.g., use heading styles, assign outline level under paragraph setup as appropriate).
3.5Landscape Pages
It may be desirable to use landscape pages for presentation of some tables or figures. For printing purposes, it is desired that the headers and footers will remain the same as the portrait document (i.e., top and bottom of printed page, not inside and outside edges). Word will automatically align the headers and footers in landscape format; therefore, headers and footers on landscape pages must be reformatted. In order to reformat using Word, the following instructions apply:
(a)Insert section breaks before and after the landscape section.
(b)Make sure “Same as Previous” is not selected on headers and footers for the landscape section or the section immediately following. Note, both even and odd page setup will be required.
(c)Delete existing headers/footers, which will be displayed in landscape, on the inside and outside edges of the printed document.
(d)Insert text boxes for the header and footer on even and odd pages. Select text boxes and rotate using Format/ Text Direction.
(e)See example in Table 2.
Paragraph numbering is illustrated in this section. Generally, styles “Heading 1” through “Heading 4” should be used for corresponding outline level numbering. Numbering beyond Heading 4 may be used, but is discouraged. It may also be desirable to use subparagraphs within each of the heading outline levels rather than the next outline level (e.g., for lists, sections without titles). In these cases the subparagraph numbering hierarchy shown below should be utilized.
4.1Heading 2
4.1.1Heading 3 4
Indent Body Text under subparagraphs (use Body Text Indent style).
Indent Body Text under subparagraphs (use Body Text Indent 2 style).
- Subparagraphs
(a)Numbering: use single Arabic numerals, numbers sequentially starting from 1. Do not include prefixes, such as section numbers.
(b)Placement: place tables, figures, and equations in a convenient location within the document nearest to the point the table, figure, or equation is first referenced. Figures should not span more than one page. For tables that span more than one page, repeat column-heading rows on each page.
(c)Orientation: portrait orientation is preferred, but landscape orientation may be used as appropriate. Note, this will require insertion of section breaks before and after the table or figure pages. See Section 3.5.
(d)Graphics: insert graphics as “pictures” in Word (rather than other formats such as bitmap). This will help minimize the electronic file size. Graphics must be legible in black & white to accommodate printing.
(e)Captions: table captions appear above the table. Figure and equation captions appear below the figure or equation. Automated captions should be used for tables, figures, and equations to allow automated numbering and cross-referencing as well as automated generation of the lists of tables, figures, and equations. In order to use the automated captions feature, select Insert/Caption from the pull-down menu. From the Caption dialog box, select the appropriate label (Figure or Table) and press OK. Type or paste in caption text. Reformat with the appropriate style (Table Title, Figure Title). Sample captions for Table 1, Figure 1, and Equation 1 are included below to illustrate cross-referencing and facilitate generation of the sample lists of tables, figures, and equations.
(f)Table Format: Table 1 below presents a sample table format. Apply style “TableStyle 1” to the table or manually apply these settings:
(1)Show gridlines with 1/4 pt line weight.
(2)Column headings, use bottom cell alignment
(3)Select “Heading Rows Repeat” for tables that span more than one page.
(4)If shading is desired, limit to 15%.
(5)Use Gill Sans MT font for text within table.
Table 1—Sample Table
Column Heading / Column 1 / Column 2 / Column 3Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8 / 15% Shading
Figure 1—Sample Figure
Table 2—Example Landscape Table
Heading / Column 1 / Column 2 / Column 3 / Column 4 / Column 5 / Column 6 / Column 7 / Column 8 / Column 9Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8
Row 9
Style GuideSTP/XX-YYY
6.1STP Numbering
STPs shall be numbered using the following format:
- xx is the technology designator (NU for nuclear, PT for pressure tech, SA for safety, TS for testing and standardization)
- yyy is the publication sequence number (starting with 001, numbered sequentially)
- zz is the revision number (not used for initial issue, 01 for revision 1, etc.)
ASME Codes & Standards Development staff will maintain a log of STP numbers and assign STP numbers as the document approaches publication.
Hardcopies of each STP will be printed. The hardcopy style includes the following:
(a)8.5” x 11”
(b)glossy-coated 2-color cover
(c)2-sided black & white printing on text section
(d)perfect bound (for documents over 100 single-sided pages)
(e)5-hole drilled
STPs will be published electronically as Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) files. Electronic files will be generated the final MS Word file.
Use brackets [1] around reference marks. Cross-reference throughout the document using the corresponding reference’s paragraph number. Do not use footnotes for endnotes for references. List references below:
[1]Example Reference 1
[2]Example Reference 2
Appendix A
[Include appendices here]
[Include acknowledgments of contributors here]
Abbreviations and Acronyms
[Define abbreviations and acronyms here]