Executive Director’s Position Description

Updated 21 Mar 2013

Constitutional Duties:

ARTICLE IV, 3. The Executive Council is hereby empowered to appoint an Executive Director of the Association to assist the Officers thereof and to provide liaison duties between this Association, the National Association, and the Office of the Adjutant General. The Executive Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Council and perform such duties as the Council may direct.

Monitors NGAUS Issues

  • Represents NGASD at NGEDA conferences/meetings
  • Communicates “Call to Action” messages and updates to Officers, Executive Council and members
  • Remains in contact with NGAUS for updates and issues
  • Responds to data calls as necessary

Prepares for NGASD Meetings and Events (ie Executive Council Meetings, Mid-Winter Conference, State Association Meeting)

  • State Conference
  • Confer with President to create meeting agenda
  • Reports on national issues to membership to include National Conference
  • Assist Conference Committee to create business portion of agenda
  • Gathers and provides required reports for conference booklet
  • Councils Conference Committee with conference planning process, time frames, committee recommendations, and key milestones
  • Notify members of any meetings at least 10 days in advance. The goal is to e-mail invitations at least2 weeks prior to the mid-winter conference.

(Bylaws ARTICLE III, 1.) Requests current Army, Air, and Retired Officer rosters/addresses from G1, A1, and Retired Officer committee chair.

  • Reserves room for Executive Council meeting(s)
  • Reviews projected annual budget with incoming President, Treasurer (Feb)
  • Coordinates Gifts/Awards Program
  • Maintains inventory stock of speakers gifts
  • Coordinates ordering and maintains inventory

Orders awards for state conference

Outgoing President

20 yr for retirement pins and certificates

Submits 20 yr certificates to TAG for Governor signature

  • Assists Officers as needed
  • National Conference
  • Coordinates hotel reservations and registrations for members attending
  • Release excess rooms to avoid undue room expense
  • Ensure pins and flags are taken to conference
  • Coordinates with hotel to deliver room confirmation numbers to attendees. Ensure arrival times and dates are synchronized with hotel
  • Ensures conference attendees receive registration packets
  • Requests delegate list from President and delivers on-time to NGAUS
  • Coordinates hospitality room set-up, inventory, and schedule. Maintains excess inventory for next association event
  • Coordinates with conference headquarters and ensure daily mail delivery for attendees
  • Keep attendees informed of issues and updates throughout conference
  • Assists Officers as needed
  • Mid-Winter Conference
  • Confer with President to create meeting agenda
  • Coordinates with hotel for Executive Council meeting
  • Arranges for general Membership meeting room reservation and set-up with SDNG Museum
  • Coordinates hospitality refreshments for meeting (with budget and existing inventory). Maintains excess inventory until next association event
  • Reports on national issues to membership to include National Conference
  • Assists Officers as needed