Johnson Elementary (Week 6)
Skill: Cause and Effect
Reading Grade 1
This test section contains FOUR multiple-choice and ONE open-response (short-answer) questions. Please mark your answers for the multiple-choice questions in the spaces provided on your Student Response Booklet. Mark only one answer for each question. If you do not know the answer, make your best guess. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET. WHEN YOU FINISH, DO NOT WORK ON ANY OTHER TEST SECTION.Ron
Ron is sick. He will not go to class. He is at home with Dad. He will not take a nap. He can read an animal book for fun. It has a, an , and a . Now Ron is playing with his cat, but Ron
must rest. Then Ron will not be sick.
Taken from Scott-Foresman Reading Series
Answer the following questions after reading the story.
1. / Why didn’t Ron go to class?O / A. / It is raining.
O / B. / He is sick.
O / C. / It is summer.
2. / Why did Ron read a book?
O / A. / He was not tired.
O / B. / to learn about the zoo
O / C. / He had homework.
3. / How are a, an, and a the same?
O / A. / They live in the water.
O / B. / They are zoo animals.
O / C. / They are all toys.
4. / Why did Ron feel better?
O / A. / He read a book.
O / B. / He had to rest.
O / C. / He went to the zoo.
Read all parts of the open-response question before you begin. Write your answers to the open-response question in the space provided on your Student Response Booklet. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET.Ron
5. / You just read about Ron staying home from school.
A. Why did Ron have to stay home from school?
B. Explain what Ron did to feel better.
Do not write on this page. Please write your
answer to this open-response question in
the test answer booklet
Student Name______
Scoring Guide
4 / Student correctly states the cause for Ron staying home (Part A) and student correctly explains what Ron did to feel better (Part B) using complete sentences.
3 / Student correctly states the cause for Ron staying home (Part A) and student correctly explains what Ron did to feel better (Part B).
2 / Student correctly states the cause for Ron staying home (Part A) OR student correctly explains what Ron did to feel better (Part B).
1 / Student attempts to state the cause for Ron staying home (Part A) OR student attempts to explain what Ron did to feel better (Part B).
0 / Student’s response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
Blank / No student response.
Annotated Rubric/ Performance Expectations for ORQ
Academic Expectation: 1.2: Students make sense of the variety of materials they read.
Core Content: RD-EP-5.0.4: Students will identify the organizational pattern, used (e.g., sequence, cause and effect, or comparison and contrast) to understand the passage.
Ceiling DOK Level: 2 Question DOK Level: 2
Question Type (circle): Scaffold, Single Dimension/Component, Two or More Relatively Independent Components, Student Choice, Respond to Provided Information
An appropriate student response should provide evidence of the student’s understanding of cause and effect.
For example, an appropriate response to this question would show that the student can
Ø A. Ron was sick.
Ø B. Ron rested.
Essential Vocabulary:
Cause and Effect
Passage taken from Scott-Foresman Reading Street Reading Series
Scott-Foresman Reading Street series and supplemental materials
Compass grade 1 Language Arts-Reading Comprehension Activities- Cause and Effect
United Streaming-search cause and effect
Grade 1 – Main IdeaQuestion / First
A.E. / First CC / Second A.E. / Second CC / DOK
Level of MC Question / Answer
Key / Rational/Annotation for MC Questions
1 / 1.2 / DOK Ceiling Level:2
RD-EP-5.0.4 Students will identify the organizational pattern, used (e.g., sequence, cause and effect, or comparison and contrast) to understand the passage / DOK Ceiling Level / 1 / B / The student needs to recall from the passage that Ron didn’t go to class because he was sick.
2 / 1.2 / DOK Ceiling Level:2
RD-EP-5.0.4 Students will identify the organizational pattern, used (e.g., sequence, cause and effect, or comparison and contrast) to understand the passage / DOK Ceiling Level / 1 / A / The student needs to recall from the passage that Ron read a book because he was not tired.
3 / 1.2 / DOK Ceiling Level:2
RD-EP-5.0.4 Students will identify the organizational pattern, used (e.g., sequence, cause and effect, or comparison and contrast) to understand the passage / DOK Ceiling Level / 2 / B / The student needs to infer that a hippo, an elephant, and a zebra are zoo animals.
4 / 1.2 / DOK Ceiling Level:2
RD-EP-5.0.4 Students will identify the organizational pattern, used (e.g., sequence, cause and effect, or comparison and contrast) to understand the passage / DOK Ceiling Level / 2 / B / The student needs to infer that Ron will feel better after he rests.
Multiple Choice Item Information: