Ravenswood Surgery PPG Meeting 11 January 2017

Attendees –
Susan McDonald (Chair)
Dr Guy Woodroffe
Lorna Batchelor
Laura Ramsay
Karen Rankine (Scottish Health Council) / Apologies –
Margaret Mitchell
Mary Whyte
Isobel Paul
Irene Mudie (withdrawing from Group but agendas & minutes to be sent)

Minutes of Meeting of 2 December 2016

The minutes were agreed to be correct.

Matters Arising

Susan had tried to contact Gary Malone of Voluntary Action Angus (VAA) to ask about their links with young people and with schools. She would arrange to see Gary about this. (Action – Susan) Nico had approached Mr Lynch, Head Teacher, who asked for dates of future meetings and indicated that senior pupils would be keen to be involved. It was agreed that a poster/invitation be drafted, to suggest a maximum of 4 named pupils with the idea that 1 or 2 might attend each meeting. (Action – Lorna)

Laura commented that she had concerns about young people, particularly in terms of mental health. It was agreed that PPG’s Action Plan should include looking at needs and services around both the young and mental health issues, using links with the school and VAA. (Action – Susan)

Terms of Reference

Karen had drafted a document for the Group. This was considered and agreed with one change – Lorna to draft an inclusion to ensure that any decision by the Group impacting on the business or finances of the Practice might need to be ratified by the GP Partnership. The minimum number for a quorum was agreed to be 2 patient members. The revised version would be circulated to the Group. Karen was thanked for her most helpful contribution. This document and the flyer on Patient Participation Groups in General Practice would be placed on a PPG section of the website, together with a Contact Form to encourage anyone interested to let us know. (Actions – Lorna)

Laura asked whether photos of PPG members would be required for display in the Practice and on the website. It was agreed that this would be discussed by the Practice first, as Practice photos are not currently displayed in this way. (Action – Lorna)


This formed the main topic for discussion. The following points were agreed:

Aim for quarterly (more if required for particular issues)

This first edition 2-sided with ”Ravenswood logo” heading.

Raven image to differentiate from “Practice only” publications.

One page Practice items – (suggestions, not proscriptive) merger, staff changes, website, appointments.

One page PPG items – (suggestions, not proscriptive) What is a PPG, aim of newsletter, advert for members, what might people like to see in future newsletters?

Lorna and Susan to work on their respective page drafts and circulate to all by end January, for agreement next meeting.

Full newsletter to be agreed by PPG before printing.

Lorna to ask for quote from printers - volume not yet agreed, may depend on cost.

Distribution – waiting room, reception, pharmacies, library, attached to repeat prescriptions?

Action Planning

Susan agreed to draft a Plan for discussion at next meeting, to include:


PPG section on website; including a Contact Form

Growing membership

Farmers Market

Health Fair

Focus on the young

Focus on mental health

(Action – Susan)

Date of next meeting: Wed 15 February 1pm (Action – Lorna and Susan to agree agenda)