Meeting Location – UAB
Friday, September 26, 2014

Aleisa Jones, Chief HR Officer at UAB welcomed and greeted the attendees. She talked about how HR has transitioned from checking boxes and completing forms to how compliance training now flows through all other aspects of HR.

Housekeeping Items
Brenda Adams, UAB Compensation Analyst continued the welcome by going over a few “housekeeping items: (restrooms, refreshments for the meeting, etc.)

Program Announcements
Barbara Forrest, Chief HR Officer for the University of Montevallo and current ALABUPA-HR president officially called the meeting to order at 9:03 am. She introduced all officers who were present: President Elect – Angela Harrill (Birmingham Southern)
Treasurer – Tina Harris (Alabama State)
Past President – Judy Harrison (JSU)
Sandra Abrams –(UA) assisted as Secretary for Teresa Faulkner (UA) who was absent.

President Barbara Forrest announced that we will follow the agenda and the goal is to adjourn the meeting by 3:00 pm.
Past President, Judy Harrison was presented with a gift bottle of wine by Barbara and told that she could relax as Barbara expressed her gratitude for Judy’s service to the organization for so many years.

The next ALACUPA-HR meeting was announced for: The University of Montevallo on November 17, 2014. Barbara gave “kudos” to CandaceConnell,assistant director of HR at Montevallo sharing that the two of them will be preparing for the meeting in November.

Program Presentation
Lynn Hammond, Assistant VP for HR at Auburn gave her presentation:
“The HR Ringmaster: How to Juggle the Competing Demands of Compliance”

Brief: the world of compliance is a debacle; there is a loss of trust, more greed, and compliance is more complex and challenging. Employees are increasingly aware of their rights. In the end, HR should show the ability to apply HR expertise. Hold business leaders accountable for their employment decisions, keep communication open and when all else fails: call in outside consultants.

BREAK: Meeting resumed at 10:45.

Program Roundtable
President Forrest kicked off the discussion by talking about how terminations have resulted in workplace violence. She elaborated on the recent shooting at UPS. She cautioned us to be mindful that much violence comes when employees are terminated involuntarily.

Campussummaries were provided by representatives from University of Montevallo, Birmingham Southern College,Jacksonville State University, University of Alabama, University of Alabama at Birmingham/UAB, University of Alabama at Huntsville/UAH, and Faulkner State University.

Networking Lunch – It was announced that receipts for lunch will be emailed to the various campuses.

Program Presentation
Kathy Golden (TIAA-CREF) presented the Workforce Model, talked about the website at
TIAA-CREF, and providedhandouts for the members.

New Business
Kelli Henderson, treasurer for 8 years, passed out the treasurer’s report and announced that it was time to send out notices for dues.

Tina Harris was to be the new treasurer but her role changed and she is no longer in Higher Education. Therefore the nomination subcommittee recommended Brenda Adams/UAB as treasurer. The president called from nominations from the floor. There were none.The vote to accept Brenda was unanimous. Judy Harrison moved to acceptthe recommendation from the subcommittee. It was seconded by Chris Thompson. Brenda Adams is the newly elected treasurer for ALA-CUPA(see info on Brenda Adams at the end of minutes).

Other meeting dates were proposed. The February meeting may be at Auburn. Plans are developing for the end of year conference. It was announced that the chapter has the most success (attendance) when the meeting is in Birmingham. Huntsville was also suggested as a city to host the conference. Volunteers to work on the conference include: Chris Thompson (vendor solicitation), Kelli Henderson, and CandaceConnell. The conference is being planned for May, 2015.

Program Presentation
James Pennington, from the law firm Ogletree Deakins presented on “Exempt v. Non-Exempt and the Importance of Understanding the Difference(s)”.His slide presentation will be sent to each attendee. After the discussion of Mr. Pennington’s presentation the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 pm.

Recorded by:
Sandra S. Abrams (The University of Alabama)

Brenda Adams, CCP
Brenda joined the University of Alabama at Birmingham as a Compensation Analyst in 2012. She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Interdisciplinary/Human Resources Management in New College from the University of Alabama and has over 20 years of experience in compensation. Brenda serves on the Board of Directors for the Alabama Compensation Association and is a member of BSHRM.