Building Your Future (BYF) Secondary Transition Intensive Training

Team Application for ’18-19

Application due March23, 2018

The Statewide Autism Resources and Training Project (START) Building Your Future (BYF) Intensive Training focuses on evidence-based practices to increase knowledge and skills that enhance post-secondary transition outcomes for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and related disabilities. Improving post-secondary transition outcomes for these students is a key START goal because of the increasing number of students with ASD entering adulthood. This training is offered to secondary transition teams including high school teachers, secondary transition teachers, ancillary staff, administrators, transition coordinators, community partners (e.g. Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS), Community Mental Health (CMH), and potential employers), family members, and individuals on the autism spectrum. Teams are comprised of six (6)members who attend each training session and work collaboratively to develop implementation plans for a target student and their secondary transition program.

This training is offered as part of START’s grant through the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education (MDE-OSE). The START Project has provided professional development and resources to school-based teams since 2001 to improve outcomes for students with ASD across the state of Michigan.

Intermediate School Districts, Local Education Agencies, and Public School Academies should be the primary applicants. Preference will be given to schools and districts:

  • that demonstrate significant need as well as high numbers of students with ASD.
  • in geographic areas that have not previously received START Intensive Training.
  • that work in collaboration with other schools, local agencies, or other organizations.
  • that have applied to START previously but could not be accommodated in the schedule.

Module presenters and training materials will be provided by START at no cost to participating teams. The costs to your ISD/district include: meals, mileage, and sub costs, as necessary for your team members. Reasonable cost for meals may be covered through RCN START-contracted funds if agreed upon by the RCN members, however RCN will not be allocated additional funds to cover these costs.

The training location for the 2018-2019 BYF IT will be the Jackson Area Career Center in Jackson, Michigan.

September 1, 2018 through June 15, 2019 with up to 8 Days of Intensive Training for teams.

Please submit this application electronically, by email to no later than March 23, 2018. Applicants will be notified whether they have been selected to attend the training by the end of April 2018.

If you have questions about the project’s purpose or questions regarding the training or application process, contact:

Amy Matthews Ph.D., Project Director

(616) 331-3513 or

Jana Benjamin, Project Manager

(616) 331-6482 or

GVSU reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications. Approval is dependent upon continued funding by the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education.

START Building Your Future (BYF)

Secondary Transition Intensive Training

The START BYF Secondary Transition Intensive Training offers educators and adult service-providersknowledge and skills on effective transition practices for individuals with ASD with an emphasis on teaming and collaboration across schools, families, adult agencies and community partners.

This training is available to school districts and ISDs that are able to:

  1. Assemble a team of school professionals and parents who attend all training sessions and demonstrate an active commitment to further develop effective transition practices for young adults with ASD in their school and community.
  2. Identify team leaders to facilitate and coordinate the training.
  3. Include and integrate community agencies that support secondary transition.

The Intensive Training offered to schools is based on “evidence-based practices.” Evidence-based practicesare empirically supported practices informed by professional judgment, parent involvement, and data. We do not endorse any particular program, but review the research literature to identify the practices and systems with the most empirical evidence. Although we may specify strategies, we are not endorsing a single approach, and presentations reflect an emphasis on the use of evidenced-based strategies. We also emphasize teaming and collaborating and developing partnerships among parents, school programs, secondary transition programs, and adult service agencies.

Training teams are to be organized around a target individual with ASD. Each team, comprised of sixmultidisciplinary team members including a parent, will utilize the information learned during the training to develop supports for the target individual. Additionally, teams will expand the information learned to consider changes in their programs that will impact other transitioning youth.

The START Building Your Future Intensive Training is comprised of 8 one-day modules:

Module 1: Foundations in ASD and the Teaming Process: This module covers the training process and logistics for the year as well as the current research, data, and evidence-based practices on ASD and post-secondary transition outcomes.Meeting Mechanics, a problem solving process that can be applied to all team decision-making efforts, is also introduced. This process is used throughout the training series to develop individualized supports for the target individual with ASD.

Module 2: Guiding Principles and the Discovery Process: In order to design and implement effective practices for youth with ASD, teams need guiding principles to assist them in decision-making. This module presents the core guiding principles for improving post-secondary transition outcomes for students with ASD. The discovery process also is introduced as an assessment method for understanding student strengths and skills in order to inform the IEP Vision and develop a Vocational Profile and Visual Resume to increase employment opportunities.

Module 3:Looking at ASD Differently for Adults:This module will assist participants in better understanding individuals with ASD and the strategies that are most effective for them to be successful in employment, independent living, higher education, and/or community participation.

Module 4: Evidence-Based Supports for Employment Success:This module explores effective (and ineffective) strategies for addressing behavioral challenges of youth with ASD that interfere with success in work and social environments. Participants will gain an understanding of a multi-tiered model of support and a process for developing effective employment supports and strategies. Supports covered include self-management and visual schedules and support as well as effective teaching strategies for preventing challenges.

Module 5: Asperger Syndrome (AS): This module explores strategies to understand and support the characteristics and needs of individuals with AS. Relevant theories will be discussed including social attribution theory and theory of mind which are critical to supporting the social, emotional and behavioral development of individuals with AS.

Module 6: Peer to Peer and other Natural Supports: This module covers the evidence-based practice of peer mediated instruction and other effective strategies for increasing independent skills and social competence of individuals with ASD in adult social environments. Also included is the training and support of naturally occurring supports such as co-workers and/or roommates.

Module 7: Discovery and the IEP: This module will assist participants in understanding the discovery process and how to assure the information gathered through the process is embedded in the IEP.Additionally, this module focuses on the process of developing an IEP that incorporates the legal requirements of LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) and addresses the unique needs of young adults with ASD to ensure access and success in employment, independent living, higher education and community involvement.

Module 8:Systems Change: This module explores the structures and processes needed to increase the capacity of local communities to embrace individuals with ASD and ensure their successful transition to adulthood. Included in these processes is the planning for ongoing training opportunities for three primary community partner groups: providers (including MRS, CMH, school personnel, etc.), employers and college/technical school personnel, and community professionals (including doctors, dentists, barbers/stylists, etc.).

Administrator Module (1/2 Day with an optional afternoon session):The administrative module provides a fast-paced overview of the components and guiding principles of the BYF Secondary Transition Intensive Training. It also addresses the changing role of administrators in program development, implementation and evaluation for transition youth with ASD.Strategies for improving implementation of evidence-based employment practices is also addressed including understanding how the ASD can be used to improve employment outcomes. The afternoon session details critical components and tools for administrating and improving programming for transition youth with ASD.

Intensive Training sites will have access to a START Autism Education Specialist who will be assigned to the site to provide assistance during the training sessions. This individual will assist the district in organizing functional teams, applying new learning, and integrating the information across training sessions.

Supplemental Training Material:

Griffin & Hammis Associates Online Training: This training is designed for those involved in employment for individuals with disabilities. The course is self-paced with a corresponding quiz for each of the three modules covering the discovery process and customized employment. The course takes about 6-8 hours to complete, and costs $190 per person. Registrations for this course may be purchased at the district/ISD or community agency or may be purchased usingSTART RCNcontract funds if included in the RCN budget.

All teams must be organized around a target student who is supported by the team. Parents of the target student are an important part of the team and must be invited to attend as a member of the six-person team.Typically, teams are comprised of the following members. Composition of the team will vary depending on the student and building.

  • Parents
  • General educationteachers
  • Special education teachers
  • Teacherconsultants
  • Administrators
  • Speech and language therapists
  • School psychologists
  • Social workers
  • Occupational therapists
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Transition coordinators
  • CMH
  • MRS

Each training team will identify a Target Student to work with during the training in order to apply strategies and use assessment and intervention tools during the training. This should be a student with ASD in high school or participating in a secondary transition program through the school system.

Students who need support in the areas of independence, social interaction, and preparation for post-secondary education, training, or employment are strong candidates to be Target Students. Parent permission is needed for a student to participate, and student consent is also desirable. Parents are to be invited to participate as members of the training team and we strongly encourage Target Students to participate as well. As part of the project evaluation, baseline and end of the year Target Student data will be requested for each team through the BYF Target Student Reporting Form.A parent permission form will be provided.

Observable changes are expected as a result of intensive training in the following areas:

  1. Target Student – measurable progress in core areas including behavior, social, communication, academic, and family involvement. The ultimate goal is employment or concrete activities that will lead to employment.
  2. Team – ability to communicate, problem solve, make decisions, work collaboratively, and understand the various disciplines and roles in supporting youth with ASD.
  3. Team Members – increase in content knowledge and ability to apply that knowledge and serve as a more successful team member within a multidisciplinary team.
  4. Program/System – positive changes in how students with ASD are supported within secondary transition programs, identification of barriers to effective transition and initial steps to address those barriers, and improved administrative support.
  5. Family –family members are active members of the team and participate in the development of goals, supports, and strategies to enhance learning and school engagement.

Because this is a grant-funded project, the training and support provided will be evaluated for effectiveness through pre-and post-questionnaires, surveys, student progress, building-level supports, and other measures. The evaluation will be arranged so that it is reasonable and meaningful to participants and the site.

BYF IT Team Application for ’18-19

Applicant County:

Applicant District:

Applicant School Building:

Number of teams we would like to send to the training:

Team Contact Person(s) (Provide names of team contacts that will have primary responsibility for coordinating the team. The contact person(s) will be responsible for overall team leadership, program development, scheduling and logistics and will receive invoices for the team’s meals from the host site):

  1. Name:



Phone Number:

Summer Phone Number:

  1. Name:



Phone Number:

Summer Phone Number:

Application Narrative

1. Explain the principal reasons for requesting START BYF training (e.g., desired outcomes for students with ASD, system change).

2. Identify the districts/programs/agencies who will be involved in the training and the rationale for choosing them. Describe how team members from these districts/programs/ agencies will use their training to build capacity within your system (e.g. create employment-focused activities for students with ASD, share knowledge with other staff, develop community support groups, coordination across service delivery systems).

3. Describe the level of need for your program or region (e.g. lack of ASD expertise, high number of students with ASD).

4. Describe your ability to develop and support a two-year plan for change in the programming and support of youth and young adults with ASD in your programs. Includehow you will support staff to make changes.

If applicant is an ISD/RESA, complete for the entire county. If the applicant is a local district, provide local district information.

Check one: ☐ISD/RESA ☐District

# of Students:

# of Special Education Students:

# of Students with ASD:

# of Post-secondary Age Students:

# of ASD Teacher Consultants:

  1. Reimburse the host site for meal costs for team members. *(Host site/district will coordinate with other participating ISD/districts outside the host site district/ISD/region with regard to invoicing for meal reimbursement.)
  2. Commit to haveat leastone Building/District/ISD administrator at the Administrator module.
  3. Establish a team leader for each team attending.
  4. Provide release/sub time for team members as needed.
  5. Invite the parents/guardians of Target Student to be a member of the training team and provide support for parent/guardians to attend the training (including meal costs).

*Note: Funding for meals may be requested through the RCN but it is up to the entire RCN to agree to this use of funds. RCN funds may not be used for venue, travel, or sub costs for the IT.

☐ Yes, we will be able to fulfill all of these requirements.

If you foresee any difficulty with meeting these requirements, please contact Kellie Fitzgerald at START (616-331-6483 or ) before submitting an application.

Name and signature of the administrator supporting this application:

Administrator Name:

I have reviewed this application and agree to fulfill the responsibilities of the district, including compensating the host site for team meals, as set forth above:
Administrator Signature:

Submit this application by e-mail to START at

, by March23, 2018.

START BYF Intensive Training

Team Template

Thistemplatewillhelpyouorganizesix-memberteamsforparticipationintheSTARTIntensiveTraining for ’18-19. As a reminder, all teams must be organized around a target student who is supported by the team. Parents of the Target Student are an important part of the team and must be invited to attend as a member of the six-personteam.

Typically, teams are comprised of the following members. Composition of the team will vary depending on the student and building.

  • Parents
  • General educationteachers
  • Special educationteachers
  • Teacherconsultants
  • Administrators
  • Speech and languagetherapists
  • Schoolpsychologists
  • Socialworkers
  • Occupationaltherapists
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Transitioncoordinators
  • CMH
  • MRS

EachtrainingteamwillidentifyaTargetStudenttoworkwithduringthetraininginordertoapply strategiesanduseassessmentandinterventiontoolsduringthetraining.Thisshouldbeastudent with ASD in high school or participating in a secondary transition program through the school system.

Studentswhoneedsupportintheareasofindependence,socialinteraction,andpreparationfor post-secondaryeducation,training,oremploymentarestrongcandidatestobeTargetStudents. Parent permission is needed for a student to participate, and student consent is also desirable. Parents should be invited to participate as members of the training team and we strongly encourageTargetStudentsparticipateaswell.Aspartoftheprojectevaluation,baselineandend of the year Target Student data will be requested for each team through the BYF Target Student ReportingForm.A parent permission form will be provided.

BYF Team Template

(Duplicate and submit for each district and team)


Contact Person(the logistics and financial contact for the ISD/District):

Work Phone:

Cell Phone:


School Address: