Student Senate Appeal Form

A student should only be filling out this form if the following reasons are met.

1)The student has applied to become a Student Government Senate member but has not met the qualifications to run for Senate.

2)The student has a GPA at or above a 2.0 but below a 2.25.

If both reasons are met, then continue to fill out this form. Once the form is completed, send it to Student’s Court email. The email is . This form needs to be filled out by midnight on the date that is posted on the Student Court website. All of the information below will only be accessible by the Student Court Chief Justice and the members of the committee. Once the appeal process is complete Student Court has the right to hold onto this document for up to two years. Once the two years passes, the document will be destroyed. The Chief Justice holds the power to deny an appeal process based on the answers provided below. If approved by the Student Court Chief Justice, you will be notified by email and will need to provide times and dates that work for you to be present in front of the committee. Once the committee hears your case they will dismiss you and have further discussion. The committee will than cast a final decision, with a possible vote from the Chief Justice in case of a tie, that is binding and final. The Student Court will notify you of the decision by Email. If the decision is to grant eligibility to the student than you continue the process of applying for Senate. If decision is that you are ineligible to run for Senate, you are unable to apply for Senate again until the following semester. If there are any concerns or comments, please contact Student Court via email. ( )

I hereby understand the terms above and agree to them by signing my name below. I also recognize that the committee and Chief Justice have the right to interpret the information they gather and cast a decision that they feel best.



Please continue to fill out the rest of the form to be considered for the continuation of the appeal process.

1)What is your current cumulative GPA? ______

2)Why are you applying to become a member of Student Government Senate? Provide a 3-5 sentence statement.

3)Why are you applying to be considered for the appeal process? Provide a 2-4 sentence statement.

4)Is there a specific reason that your current GPA does not meet the required qualifications to become a Senate member? Provide a 3-5 sentence statement.

5)Why do you feel you should be granted eligibility to run for Senate in the 2017 SGA election?Provide a 2-4 sentence statement.

6)Please provide any other information you would like us to consider during the appeal process.

I hereby confirm through signature that all of the information above is correct and valid. I realize that if anything is found to be incorrect than Student Court has the right to deny an appeal. If I am denied an appeal, I understand that I am ineligible to run for Senate until the following semester I turn this document in.

