RBY Parents, It's time to show how proud you are of your swimmer!!

As we approach the end of the winter swim season, it is time to show how proud we are of our swimmers. Every year our team publishes a Banquet book that includes Senior bios, team participants, record breakers, ads showing parent appreciation of their athletes, etc. This is the time where you as a parent can show how proud you are of your swimmer's accomplishments, pefromance, self motivation and success on any level. Every swimmer leaves the banquet with this book that he/she will keep for many years as a rememberance to look back on. Wheather you're a parent, grand parent, aunt, uncle, business associate, etc... let's show our kids how impressed we are with them. Why not put in there a piece of lasting memory, that they will treasure for years to come.

This year we are offering color ads, which will make our banquet book spectacular!!

To view samples of ads, please go to our website and click on "Banquet book sample ads"

Below are your choices for ads (color ads will be printed first, then black & white ads).

Color Ads

Full ($150) Half ($85) Quarter ($50)

8 ½ x 11” 4 ¼ x 5 ½ “ 2 & 1/8 x3 ¾ “

Black and White Ads

Full ($110) Half ($60) Quarter ($35) Boosters - one line text($15)

8 ½ x 11” 4 ¼ x 5 ½ “ 2 & 1/8 x3 ¾ “ 1 & 1/16 x 1 & 3/8”

All checks should be made payable to: The Community YMCA Swim Team. (include swimmer name in memo of check)

Please email ads in .pdf format to . Please indicate in your email your check number and who this ad is for.

A hard copy of the ad, bottom portion of this form and payment check should be placed in Mahn's Folder at Red Bank YMCA or mailed to Paula LaChance, 3 Todd Drive, Eatontown NJ 07724. Ads not supported by payment will not be printed

Ad Questions : Devri Reerink 732-670-1630. Payment questions: Paula LaChance

Ad deadline: March 20, 2015

Swimmer Name: ______Date______

Sponsor's Name (Business or Family Name): ______

Cost of Ad: ______Type of ad (Full, page, 1/4... color, black & white______

Sponsor Copy - This portion will serve as your receipt


------TEAR HERE and submit below to Paula L. with payment hard copy of ad ------

send pdf of ad to

Swimmer Name: ______Date ______check #______

Sponsor's Name (Business or Family Name): ______

If ad is on behalf of a National swimmer please indicate name______

Cost of Ad: ______Type of ad (Full, page, 1/4... color, black & white______

Community YMCA, Red Bank Swim Team Copy