Mr. Zeiset Rm: 203 WMS 2017-2018
email: website:
phone: 626-3701
Welcome to Pre-Algebra class! I look forward to an exciting year as we learn together. This syllabus contains important information that you need to understand. It must be read and signed by you and your parent/guardian and the slip returned to Mr. Zeiset by Tuesday, September 12. The syllabus should then be kept in your math notebook so you can refer to it later.
¨ Be prepared to explain your solution! Whenever you solve a problem know it well enough to explain it to another student or the teacher. If you do the work mentally or on the calculator, write down what you were thinking or what you entered into the calculator. The process is just as important as the solution.
¨ Each day, enter the classroom and obtain any supplies in an orderly manner. Then sit in your seat, take out your homework, and begin class work.
¨ Supplies for your use are on the back counter or side counter. The SmartBoard and other objects in the room may only be used with teacher permission.
¨ The best time to sharpen your pencil, use a tissue, etc. is at the beginning of class before the bell rings. If you need to do this after class begins, do it respectfully and if possible do it during individual work time and not during group instruction. Bring at least two pens or pencils to class and bring a pack of tissues if you know you will need them.
¨ If you need to leave class to go to the bathroom, nurse, office, etc. please ask the teacher for permission. Then give the teacher your pink pass, sign out at the door, and quietly exit.
¨ At the end of every class, please straighten out your desk and check your area for trash. Please put all trash in the trashcan.
¨ When you are absent from class, check the Remind messages or the assignment board in class. If you do not understand this information, then ask another student or the teacher. You have one week to complete all homework, quizzes, & tests before they become a zero.
¨ If you need extra help, please ask! I will give you a pass to come for extra help during a warrior flex period, from 7:20 - 7:45 am, or I can also arrange to be here after school to help you.
Class rules
1. Enter class orderly, sit in your assigned seat, and begin working.
2. Be prepared! Bring covered book, notebook, and pencils to class.
3. Keep the room clean and free of gum, candy, food, and trash.
4. Respect and listen to the teacher and other students.
5. Remain silent during tests and quizzes.
Rewards when you choose to follow the rules
1. An enjoyable, interesting, and challenging math class.
2. Become a better problem solver.
3. Learn new math concepts and skills.
Consequences if you choose not to follow the rules may include. . .
1. A verbal warning, detention, or office referral.
2. Student and/or parent conference with teacher.
3. Appropriate retribution or letter of apology.
Cheating will not be tolerated. If a student uses a prohibited source to complete an assignment, I will take the assignment and score it with a zero, or give it to the teacher who assigned it.
Please dress appropriately for school! This is a classroom, not a party or your bedroom. If you are not dressed within school policy, you will be sent to the office.
During all drills such as emergency weather or fire drills, you are expected to remain silent and calm in order to hear and follow all directions. Failure to do this will result in a consequence above.
Appropriate hallway behavior is very important. You are expected to walk quietly to your destination while respecting classes, people, and property. Failure to do this will result in one of the consequences above.
A pre-signed pass is necessary to travel to another Math, L.A., Social Studies, or Science room during class, study hall, or warrior flex. It is your responsibility to obtain this pass before the class period begins. If you do not have a pre-signed pass or your pink pass, you may not be allowed to travel where you want to.
A copy of the textbook will be kept in the classroom. Homework assignments usually will not require a textbook, therefore you do not need to take a math textbook home this year! However, textbooks are available for you to take home if you want to, just ask the teacher. If you take a textbook home, you will be required to return it by the end of the year. If it is damaged or not returned, you will need to pay for it. The price last year was: Pre-Algebra $44
I will hand out a packet of material being studied at the beginning of each unit. The packet contains the objectives, vocabulary, and some practice problems within the unit. The packets should be considered the study guide for the unit. Additional notes, material, and practice problems are often added during the unit of study.
Each assignment, quiz, project, or test will have a point value. Final marking period grades will be calculated by the categories and percentages you see below. The grade for each category will be the points earned in that category out of the total possible points in that category. The total possible points will vary for marking period. No extra credit will be given in math class!
60% Unit Tests
A unit test will always follow a day of review and will be announced. After it is graded, we will review your test in class and then I will keep it on file. I will send graded tests home at parent’s request.
40% Quizzes/Problem Solving/Projects
There may be both announced and un-announced quizzes. The quizzes will inform you of how well you are learning the skills and concepts that are presented in your notes and on homework practice.
You may request to retake only 1 test or quiz in each marking period. Your new score will always count in place of the original score. Retakes must be completed in the same marking period. You may not retake midterms, finals, or cornerstone exams. To retake a test or quiz you must:
-obtain a parent signature
-complete all of the unit assignments
-meet with the teacher to review your original test/quiz
-schedule a time during warrior flex, study hall, or before/after school for the retake
To be successful in this class, students must complete each homework assignment on time. Homework is important practice that helps you understand and remember concepts and skills. The assigned homework is the minimum requirement. You are encouraged to do additional problems and practice more often when necessary. It needs to be your work; copying from someone else does not help you! Consider homework the same as practice for a sport, concert, or performance. If you don’t practice, you won’t perform well in the game, concert, or show!
Although homework does not count toward your grade, each assignment will be checked to see if you are keeping up with your work and recorded as follows:
3 completed on time with sufficient work shown
2 completed with work but after the due date
1 incomplete but with more than 50% finished
0 never completed or less than 50% finished
If a student has more than five assignments in the marking period recorded below a score of 3, they will receive a “needs improvement on work ethic” comment on their report card. Homework is a place to try the work, make mistakes, and correct your mistakes. What you are learning from this process will be graded frequently on quizzes and the unit test.
Students are encouraged to keep a math notebook that includes the unit packet, notes, homework, handouts, and quizzes for each unit.
MAKE UP WORK (You have one week.)
When absent from class, the student is responsible to make up all assignments,
quizzes, and tests missed. All make up work must be submitted to the teacher within a week of returning to class or it will be graded with a zero. This includes quizzes and tests. Extensions to the one-week deadline may be granted if your request is made to the teacher before the deadline. If you missed a quiz or test, you must notify Mr. Zeiset when you can take it. Your options are during warrior flex, study hall, before school, or after school.
I will send home daily short reminders about math assignments using a program called Remind. You may choose to receive these reminders by an email or a text. To sign up online visit: or text (267) 915-2191 with the message @mrzpre1718
Students and parents/guardians are encouraged to check their grades as often as they like on the portal at the district website: Just click on the WebGrades link and follow the instructions. Scores on all graded assignments from the current marking period can be viewed here. I will update this at least once a week (please remind me if I don’t). During the year parents/guardians are welcome to call, e-mail, or write with questions about a student’s progress.
The Math PSSA Exam testing window this year is April 16-20, 2018.
Students must bring their own calculator to class. If you are purchasing a new calculator, we recommend the TI-84. High school math teachers will require this, so you might as well begin using it this year. If you have a different graphing calculator or scientific calculator, that will be sufficient for the beginning of this year until you are ready to purchase a TI-84 calculator for high school.
On some quizzes and tests you will be allowed to use your calculator this year, on others you will not be allowed. Please follow the directions at the time of the quiz or test. Students are not allowed to use cell phones as calculators in math class.
Math Class Syllabus Slip
(Please return this page to Mr. Zeiset by Tuesday, September 12)
I have read and understand the information in this syllabus. I agree to communicate with Mr. Zeiset anytime I have questions or concerns about math class.
Date ______Math Period/Class ______
Student Name (printed) ______
Student Signature ______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______
Please write any comments or questions you have for Mr. Zeiset, or information about your child that would be helpful for me to know as we begin another school year: