Doctoral course: “Social and life-course epidemiology” (1.5 credits)
November 2-6, 2015 (full days)
KarolinskaInstitutet, Stockholm
Specific entry requirements
“Epidemiology I: Introduction to Epidemiology” (course 1577) and “Biostatistics I: Introduction for epidemiologists” (course 1579) or corresponding courses
Intended learning outcomes
After successfully completing this course you are expected to be able to:
- Explain the fundamental features of social and life course determinants of health.
- Explain pros and cons of different indicators of socioeconomic position in studies of social and life course determinants of health.
- Explain how social factors at different time points over the life course may influence long-term health directly or indirectly through other determinants, e.g. cognitive ability.
- Explain how disease risk can be transmitted between generations through social, behavioral or other mechanisms.
- When critically reviewing social and life course epidemiological studies, be able to reason and argue about design and methodological problems.
The course focuses on concepts, principles and theories related to social determinants of health, social selection, life course and intergenerational determinants of health as well as strength and weaknesses of epidemiological study designs most commonly used in life course research.
The below topics will be covered:
a. Some major public health problems and their life course etiology, e.g. cardiovascular disease, obesity, mental disorders and suicide.
b. Causality in life course epidemiological studies: issues in study design and interpretation of results.
c. Intergenerational studies related to social determinants of health
d. Growth and development in early life and health across the life course.
Teaching and learning activities
Different strategies for teaching and learning, such as lectures, small group discussions and exercises on selected topics, will be used. The course participants will read and discuss selected scientific papers. The participants will also present and discuss a future planned/potential social or life course epidemiological study.
Target group
The course is of relevance for doctoral students in the fields of epidemiology, public health, sociology, demography, psychology, statistics, health economics, and other medical and social sciences. Post-doctoral fellows are also welcome to apply.
Course director
Finn Rasmussen, PhD, Professor, Senior Physician, Department of Public Health Sciences, KarolinskaInstitutet (email address: )
Application can be done May 19 to August 31, 2015. Apply here: