“The Cold Equations”
Please respond in complete sentences on your own paper.
1. How did you think the story would end? Why?
2. What would you say is the source of this story’s suspense—that is, what questions keep you turning the pages? Refer to the notes you took while reading.
3. This story contrasts life on Earth with life on the space frontier. In what important ways are these settings different? Do you find Godwin’s space frontier believable? Why or why not?
4. What do you think is the most important passage in this story, and why?
5. Find the passage toward the middle of the story that explains its title. What are the “cold equations”? What other images of coldness can you find in the story?
6. The title of the story seems to imply that the more technology influences our lives, the less room there is for human choice and emotions. How does the story illustrate that idea? Do you agree, or not? Why?
7. How believable are Marilyn’s choice to stow away and her later responses to her fate? If you were in her situation, how do you think you would react? Be sure to check your Quickwrite notes.
8. “The Cold Equations” was written in 1954, at a time when technology was far less advanced than it is now. Today we are living in what, to Tom Godwin in 1954, was the future (though not as far in the future as the story is set). Do you think the technological “future” is turning out to be as cold and harsh as Godwin expected? Explain your answer with specific examples from your own experience. You might organize your thoughts on a T-Chart.
9. It says that Barton would have immediately carried out the regulation to eject the stowaway if it had been a man. What do you think of this attitude?
“The Cold Equations”
Please respond in complete sentences on your own paper.
1. How did you think the story would end? Why?
2. What would you say is the source of this story’s suspense—that is, what questions keep you turning the pages? Refer to the notes you took while reading.
3. This story contrasts life on Earth with life on the space frontier. In what important ways are these settings different? Do you find Godwin’s space frontier believable? Why or why not?
4. What do you think is the most important passage in this story, and why?
5. Find the passage toward the middle of the story that explains its title. What are the “cold equations”? What other images of coldness can you find in the story?
6. The title of the story seems to imply that the more technology influences our lives, the less room there is for human choice and emotions. How does the story illustrate that idea? Do you agree, or not? Why?
7. How believable are Marilyn’s choice to stow away and her later responses to her fate? If you were in her situation, how do you think you would react? Be sure to check your Quickwrite notes.
8. “The Cold Equations” was written in 1954, at a time when technology was far less advanced than it is now. Today we are living in what, to Tom Godwin in 1954, was the future (though not as far in the future as the story is set). Do you think the technological “future” is turning out to be as cold and harsh as Godwin expected? Explain your answer with specific examples from your own experience. You might organize your thoughts on a T-Chart.
9. It says that Barton would have immediately carried out the regulation to eject the stowaway if it had been a man. What do you think of this attitude?