Teacher/Coach: Angela Watson, Noell Weible, and Billy Geddings

Room: Gym

Course: Physical Education

Textbook: S. C. Physical Education Curriculum Guidelines, Vol. 2

Course Description: The course is designed to improve the overall health and muscle tone through exercises, games, and sports. Students are expected to participate when scheduled for Physical Education classes.

Possible Sports/Activities to be covered include:

  1. Volleyball 4. Soccer
  2. Softball 5. Fitness Gram Test
  3. Badminton

Course Requirements:

  1. Positive Attitude
  2. Physical Education Uniform

Grading System:

Dressing out = 40% Participation = 50% Written/Skills Test/Fitness Gram = 10%

  • Students will be given a grade weekly for dressing out and participation.
  • Each student starts off with a 100 average for dressing out and participation. Each day a student fails to dress out and/or participate will cause a student’s grade to drop. (PE twice a week = 50 points off/ PE three times a week = 33 points off)
  • The Fitness Gram will be graded as a Participation grade.

Students are expected to dress out and participate daily.


All students are expected to behave appropriately. Misbehavior will be handled as follows:

  1. Student/Teacher Conference
  2. Parent communication/Guidance
  3. Administrative referral


  1. P.E. Uniforms (shirt and shorts) will cost $18.00 or $9.00 per item. The total for everything is $20.00.(including lock)

2. Each student will be required to dress out in a required uniform (shirt, shorts, and

tennis shoes). Once these uniforms are purchased, names should be written on the

outside of both pieces to ensure the security of that uniform. Students can wear

sweatpants instead of shorts if preferred. If a student decides to wear different colored activity

clothes, one point will be taken from their class grade.

  1. Alice Drive spirit shirts will be sold, and can be worn for full credit. One sided print costs $9.00 and 2 sided print costs $10.00. Alice Drive gym bags will be sold for $10.00.
  1. For $2.00, each student will be assigned a lock and locker. If a lock is lost or misplaced, the student will be charged a $5.00 replacement fee. No one will be allowed to use a locker without purchasing a lock.
  1. Please stress to your son/daughter to be sure that their locks are secure before

leaving the locker room. ALL ITEMS LEFT IN THE LOCKER ROOMS


LEFT IN THE LOCKER ROOMS!!!(Give all money to your teacher for security.)

  1. Each student is responsible for the security of his/her personal possessions. The

school is not liable for lost or stolen items. Please leave all jewelry locked up in the locker room or have your teacher hold them during class. Cell phones should not be brought to class.

7. Each student will be allowed two parent excuses and unlimited doctor excuses

during the nine week period.

  1. Climbing on the bleachers while in a stacked position is not allowed. Crawling

under the bleachers or running on the bleachers is not permitted.Book bags are not allowed in

the bleachers. If not dressing out, place book bags on the floor beside the bleachers. If

dressing out, take book bags in the locker room.

  1. Each student will be assigned a squad line (place on the gym floor) as their seat for roll call and exercises. Please sit quietly in your squad lines until exercise begins.
  1. Students should always remain in the gym unless permission is granted. Every student must have a pass to enter hallways. Please ask permission to get water in the hallways.
  1. Please be on time to gym class and squad lines.
  1. At the beginning of class, students who do not dress out will place their book bags on the side and have a seat in their squad lines. Students who dress out will take their book bags in the locker room, get dressed and sit quietly in their squad lines.
  1. At the end of class each day, students should get dressed and have a seat on the bleachers

until the bell rings. Students who do not dress out should be seated on the

gym bleachers. When the bell rings, students should leave the gym in a single

file line and walk on the right side of the hallway. (No Running)

  1. Students are not allowed in the locker room if they are not getting dressed. Therefore, students not getting dressed will not have restroom and water privileges.

Block: 1A 2A 3A 4A

1B 2B 3B 4B


Student Name: (Print) ______

Parent/Guardian Name:______

Address: ______

Phone: ______Parent/Guardian Cell: ______

Email: ______Do you receive texts? ______

Homeroom Teacher: ______Grade: ______

Birthday: ______Age: ______

Medical Information: (Please list any past or present medical problems or

injuries that may limit you in Physical Education)




During the pre and post Fitness Gram test, all students will be weighed and measured

for height. This is required in order for the State Department to collect the needed

data. This measurement will be taken privately and the individual will not be given

their weight and height unless they ask.

I have read the syllabus and understand the requirements and expectations.

Parent Signature: ______

Date: ______

Student Signature: ______

****Please complete and return this sheet only.