Creekwood Middle School

6th Grade Parent Orientation

January 19, 2016 - 6:30 p.m.

Welcome and Introduction………………………………….……….Walt Winicki, Principal

Sixth Grade Information……………………………………………..Becky Bell, Counselor

Presentation by Elective Teachers

Orchestra Directors………..…………………………………Ken Buck

Choir Director…………………………………………………Jennifer Lewis

Art Director…………………………………………….………Leslie Carr

Theater Arts Directors………………………………………Tracy Perthuis/Glynn Grantham

Band Directors…………………………………………...... Missy Allen

Byron Clements

Ariel Gammons

Conclusion……………………………………………..………………Walt Winicki, Principal

Our 6th grade teachers will be available following the orientationin the cafeteria (next to the gym) to answer questions you have regarding curriculum or elective programs.

Important Dates

February 1st – Cards will go home with students. February 5th– Cards are due back to elementary schools signed by parent/student. You will receive 2 course verification sheets, one in March and the other at the end of the school year, to show you the courses your child will be scheduled for next year. Elective and class level changes can be made through June 1st 2016. The best way to put in a request for an elective or class level change is to e-mail the counselor, Becky Bell, at

Helpful Information

Student Arrival/Dismissal

The doors are unlocked at 7:30 a.m. Students may sit inside the building in the Commons area, but will not be supervised until 8:05 a.m. Tutoring begins at 7:45 a.m. Students who arrive later than 7:45 will not be allowed down the hallways. Students are not allowed to go to their lockers before 8:25, unless escorted by a parent. We do not have dismissal procedures like the elementary schools. When the last bell rings, the students are dismissed and responsible for how they get home.

Thursday morning

Late arrival day (10:05 on Thursday) is designed so that teachers and administrators can meet, plan, train and participate in staff development. We are not available for parent meetings on Thursday mornings.

Parent Meetings

All parent meetings with teachers, administrators and counselors need be scheduled in advance. We are not always able to meet with parents when they drop in so we ask that you make an appointment to ensure we will be available to see you. All visitors are required to sign in at the front office. To make sure we protect the confidentiality of all students and parents, we ask that you do not come directly into our offices without first checking in with the front office. The front desk will call and let us know when you arrive. Emergencies only will be seen without an appointment. Email is preferred and the fastest way we can get back to you!

Drop Off Counter

Forgotten items can be dropped off in the front office. If you need to deliver homework, P.E. uniforms, lunches or lunch money, you can bring them to the front office.


We do not have pre-packaged supplies in middle school. A list of supplies will be provided during packet pick up and also posted on the website as soon as it is available. Each teacher may request additional supplies for their class after school starts.

Online Grade Access

You can access grades online with the same login and password you currently have. If you do not have an account, please go to the HomeAccessCenter on the Humble ISD website and set one up. If you have any problems, please email our registrar, Sherri Sheets at .

Homework Requests

A parent can request homework assignments and textbooks to be collected for their student after they have been absent 3 or more days. All requests must be made before 9:00 a.m. to be ready by the end of the school day. Any requests called in after 9:00 a.m. will not be available until the following school day. Requests for homework go through the AP’s office.

Parent Volunteers

We welcome all parent volunteers!!! We currently have parent volunteers that answer phones, check in visitors, and make copies. There are many opportunities available for you to volunteer!

Late Work and ZAP

We have a program called ZAP (Zeroes Aren’t Permitted) where students can come in at 8:30 on a Thursday morning to change a zero to a 50. Students may also attend a d-hall to complete work to turn in for a 50. If a student completes the work before the ZAP session, they must bring something to work on during the ZAP time. The work must be completed within the 3 week grading period. Grading periods will be posted on the Humble ISD website.

When students are absent

The student must bring a note to the attendance office when they return to school. If a note is not received by the attendance office within 2 school days, the students absence will be considered unexcused.

If you plan on checking your student out during the school day, a note must be given to the attendance office before school starts. Students receive a pink pass with the time they need to be released from class. You must check in at the front office before you sign your student out at the attendance window.

Make-up Work

Students are responsible for requesting make-up work when they are absent. They have one day for every day they are out, up to five school days to make up the work.

Contact Information

Front Desk 281-641-4400

Attendance Office Barry Davis281-641-4403


Assistant Principals (6th) Office Katryn Overaker281-641-4432

Your child’s teacher should be the first contact you make with any questions or concerns you have regarding your child. Email is the preferred method of communication for our teachers and will result in the quickest response. The teacher email addresses will be posted on the CreekwoodMiddle School website.

We look forward to working with you and your future Creekwood Colt next year!