Jeanetta G. Riley, PhD

Murray State University

Assistant Professor

Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education

3201 Alexander Hall

Murray, KY 42071


August 2005 Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction with Emphasis in Elementary Education and Specialization in Early Childhood Education

The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS

Dissertation Title: Nurturing Their Students: Primary Level

Teachers’ Perceptions

May 2000 Specialist in Education--Elementary Education

Murray State University, Murray, KY

Thesis Title: An Investigation of Differential Teacher-Student

Interactions in Primary Mathematics Instruction

Based on Student Gender

August 1989 Master of Arts in Education--Elementary Education

Murray State University, Murray, KY

May 1982 Bachelor of Arts—Double Major: Elementary Education with

Kindergarten Endorsement; Psychology

Kentucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro, KY

Spring 1982-KY Wesleyan College Psychology Achievement Award


2006 to Present

·  Assistant Professor, Murray State University, Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education

Teaching and Supervisory Assignments

Summer 2009 Course Assignment

EDU 600 Introduction to Teacher Leadership

Spring 2009 Course Assignments

ELE 390 Introduction to Kindergarten

ELE 410 Collaboration and Communication in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

ELE 605 Introduction to Graduate Studies in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (ITV)

SED 640 Graduate IECE Practicum

Fall 2008 Course Assignments

ELE 390 Introduction to Kindergarten

SED 653 Methods and Materials for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers (web based course)

SED 640 Graduate IECE Practicum

ELE 612 Infant-Toddler Practicum

ELE 613 Clinical Experiences in IECE

Summer 2008 Course Assignments

SED 640 Graduate IECE Practicum

Spring 2008 Course Assignments

ELE 390 Introduction to Kindergarten

ELE 410 Collaboration and Communication in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

ELE 605 Introduction to Graduate Studies in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (ITV)

SED 640 Graduate IECE Practicum

Spring 2008 Supervisory Assignments

University Coordinator for Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education student teacher

Fall 2007 Course Assignments

ELE 390 Introduction to Kindergarten

ELE 474 Practicum in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

SED 653 Methods and Materials for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers (web based course)

Summer 2007 Course Assignments

SED 640 Graduate IECE Practicum

Spring 2007 Course Assignments

ELE 390 Introduction to Kindergarten

ELE 410 Collaboration and Communication in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

ELE 604 Advanced Studies in Kindergarten (web based course)

ELE 605 Introduction to Graduate Studies in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (ITV)

Spring 2007 Supervisory Assignments

University Coordinator for three Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education student teachers

Fall 2006 Course Assignments

ELE 103 Issues and Practices in American Education

ELE 474 Practicum in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

FCS 525 Advanced Child Development

SED 653 Methods and Materials for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers (web based course)


·  Graduate Teaching Assistant for The University of Southern Mississippi, Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education

Teaching/Supervisory Assignments

Spring 2004

CIR 408 (Language and Literacy Methods K-4--Intermediate Block)

Supervisor CIR 408L (Practicum Lab for K-4--Intermediate Block)

Fall 2003

Supervisor: Practicum Lab in Forrest Co., MS school for K-8 Senior Block students

Assistant supervisor: Practicum Lab in Hattiesburg, MS school for K-8 Senior Block students

Assisted Research Professor: CIP 403 (Curriculum Methods Kindergarten through Primary--

Intermediate Block class) and CIR 408 (Language and Literacy Methods K-4—Intermediate

Block class)


Adjunct Instructor for Madisonville Community College

Teaching Assignment

EDP 202 (Human Development and Learning)


Articles Published in Refereed Journals

Riley, J. G., & Jones, R. B. (in press). Acknowledging learning through play in the primary

grades. Childhood Education: Infancy through Early Adolescence.

Riley, J. G., & Jones, R. B. (2007). When girls and boys play: What research tells us. Childhood
Education: Infancy through Early Adolescence, 84(1), 38-43.

Boyce, J. S., Alber-Morgan, S. A., & Riley, J. G. (2007). Fearless public speaking: Oral

presentation activities for the elementary classroom. Childhood Education: Infancy

through Early Adolescence, 83(3), 142-150.

Riley, J. G., & Boyce, J. S. (2007). Buddying or bullying: A school-wide decision. Dimensions

of Early Childhood, 35 (1), 3-10.

Riley, J. G. (2005). Secret buddies: Children learning about kindness. Childhood Education:

Infancy through Early Adolescence, 82(1), 36O-36P.

Riley, J. G., & Jones, R. B. (2005). Investigating gender differences in recess play. PlayRights,

26 (1), 18-21, Retrieve from

Article Printed in Childhood Education: Infancy through Early Adolescence Selected for Book Chapters

Riley, J. G., & Jones, R. B. (2010). When girls and boys play: What research tells us. In K. M.

Paciorek (Ed.), Annual Editions: Early Childhood Education (pp. 91-95). Boston:


Riley, J. G., & Jones, R. B. (2010). When girls and boys play: What research tells us. In B.

Hutchison (Ed.), Annual Editions: Gender Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Riley, J. G., & Jones, R. B. (2010). When girls and boys play: What research tells us. In E. N.

Junn, & C. J. Boyatzis (Eds.), Annual Editions: Child Growth and Development

Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Book Reviews

Riley, J. G. (2004). [Review of the book Hurricanes]. Childhood Education: Infancy through Early Adolescence, 81(2), 109.

Riley, J. G. (2004). [Review of the book The Mozart effect for children]. Roeper Review, 26 (3), 173.

Riley, J. G. (2003, September). [Review of the book Boys and girls learn differently: A guide for

teachers and parents]. Kentucky Teacher, p. 6.

Sidebar Published in Textbook

Riley, J. (2008). Men wanted for teaching young children. In M. T. Dever, & R. C. Falconer,

Foundations and Change in Early Childhood Education (p. 308). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.



2009 Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Chicago, IL, March 18-21-2009

Presenter with Margaret Gichuru and Jo Robertson —Murray State University

Title: Everyone Has a Culture: Multicultural Education in the Preschool Classroom

(Concurrent Session)

2009 Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Chicago, IL, March 18-21-2009

Second presenter with Rose B. Jones and MaryBeth Evans, The University of Southern Mississippi

Title: Designing Play and Movement Activities: Guiding Our Children Forward in

Learning (Concurrent Session)

2008 Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Atlanta, GA, March 26-30, 2008

Primary presenter with Rose B. Jones, The University of Southern Mississippi

Title: Promoting and Including Play in the Primary Grades: Exploring the Possibilities (Concurrent Session)

2007 Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) Annual International Conference and Exhibition, Tampa, FL, May 2-5, 2007,

Title: Primary Teachers’ Perceptions of Nurturing Their Students (Research Roundtable Presentation)

2006 Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) Annual International Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, April 12-15, 2006

Second presenter with Rose B. Jones, The University of Southern Mississippi

Title: Recess Play: Observations of First and Fifth Grade Children (Research Forum Presentation)

2004 The American Association for the Child’s Right to Play (IPA/USA) Triennial Conference,

Baltimore, MD, April 29-May 1, 2004

Primary presenter with Rose B. Jones, The University of Southern Mississippi

Title: Play Benefits for Girls and for Boys


2009 National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Washington, D.C.

November 18-21, 2009

Presenter with Jo Robertson, Joann Niffenegger, Margaret Gichuru—Murray State University

Title: Understanding Children’s Behaviors through a Cultural Lens


2009 Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC,

January 29-31, 2009

Presenter with Jo Robertson, Joann Niffenegger, Margaret Gichuru-- Murray State University

Title: Learning about Culture: Young Children and Multiculturalism (presentation accepted—unable to attend due to 2009 ice storm)

2006 Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) Conference, Nashville, TN, February 1-4, 2006 Primary presenter with Rose B. Jones, The University of Southern Mississippi,

Title: You’re Letting Them Play? Playful Environments and Learning During the Primary Years

2005 Mid-South Educational Research Association (MSERA) Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, Primary presenter with Renee C. Falconer, The University of Southern Mississippi

Title: Nurturing Their Students: Primary Level Teachers’ Perceptions (presentation

accepted-conference cancelled due to Hurricane Katrina)

2005 Mid-South Educational Research Association (MSERA) Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, Second presenter with Rose B. Jones, The University of Southern Mississippi

Title: Elementary Recess: A Study of First and Fifth Grade Children (presentation accepted- conference cancelled due to Hurricane Katrina)


2003 Mississippi Council of Teachers of English Fall Conference, Jackson, MS, Title: Using Readers’ Theatre in Elementary Grades


To Department


Chairperson for Early Childhood and Elementary Education Undergraduate and Graduate Studies



IECE Program Submission Committee

To College


Chairperson for College of Education Undergraduate Studies Committee

K-TIP Team Member--Teacher Educator for three Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

Teacher Interns and one Elementary Education Teacher Intern


Member of Search Committee for Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education position


Multicultural Standing Committee

·  2008-2009 Assisted in preparing for Dr. Robert Cooter visit

·  2007-2008 Assisted in preparing for Dr. James Comer visit

NCATE Committee: Assessment System and Unit Evaluation


K-TIP Team Member--Teacher Educator for K-12 Speech Intern


K-TIP Team Member--Teacher Educator for two MSU Interdisciplinary Early Childhood

Education Teacher Interns

To University


Roads Scholar Team--Madisonville-North Hopkins High School

To Profession


Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) Research Committee

·  Responsible for reviewing research proposals for Annual International Conference and Exhibit


Children’s book reviewer for Southern Early Childhood Association


Session Facilitator for Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) Conference, San

Antonio, TX


Session Presider for Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Gatlinburg,



Session Co-Presider for Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Biloxi, MS


Riley, J. (2009, July). Blended Learning: Blitz Event. Attended professional development session

sponsored by the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology. Murray State

University, Murray, KY.

Riley, J. (2009, June). Professional Learning Communities at Work. Attended professional

development sessions sponsored by Solution Tree. St. Charles, MO.

Riley, J. (2009, June). Promoting Excellence in Early Childhood Education through a

Framework of Developmentally Appropriate Practice. Attended professional

development sessions at 23rd Annual Early Childhood Summer Institute sponsored KY

Early Childhood Regional Training Centers. Louisville, KY

Riley, J. (2009, March). Tenure and Promotion. Attended New Faculty Cohort session sponsored

by the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology. Murray State University, Murray,


Riley, J. (2008, December). 12 Gadgets of Christmas. Attended professional development

session sponsored by the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology and MSU

Libraries. Murray State University, Murray, KY.

Riley, J. (2008, September). Big Ideas on Teaching. Attended the Eleventh Annual Teaching and

Technology Forum hosted by the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology.

Murray State University, Murray, KY.

Membership in Professional Organizations

Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education

Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and affiliates:

Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA)

KY Association for Early Childhood Education (KAECE)

Audubon Area Association for Education of Young Children

Mid-South Educational Research Association (MSERA)

Phi Delta Kappa International


1982 to 2006

Teacher employed by Hopkins County Board of Education, Madisonville, KY

1984-Spring 2006

Second and Second/Third Grade Teacher (West Broadway Elementary School)


Kindergarten Teacher (West Broadway Elementary School)


Substitute Teacher-Kindergarten through Eighth Grades (Hopkins County Board of
