권기욱 2016년
건국대학교 경영대학 경영학과 인사조직분야
서울특별시 광진구 화양동 1번지 건국대학교 경영관 402호
전화번호: 82-2-450-3083 (연구실), 010-9135-6591 (핸드폰)
Fax. 82-2-450-4141; e-mail:
학력 (Education)
Ph.D. in Human Resources and Industrial Relations, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, School of Labor and Employment Relations, May 2009
M.A. in Human Resources and Industrial Relations, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities,
Carlson School of Management, May 2002
B.S. in Business Administration, Hanyang University, School of Business, Seoul,
Republic of Korea. February 1999
학교경력 (Academic Employment Experience)
부교수 (Associate Professor)
Department of Business Administration, School of Business
Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
September 2014 – present
조교수 (Assistant Professor), September 2010 – 2014
방문조교수 (Visiting Assistant Professor)
Department of Business Administration, College of Business
& School of Labor and Employment Relations, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
August 2009 – July 2010
연구조교 (Research Assistant)
School of Labor and Employment Relations, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
September 2003 – May 2008
강의조교 (Teaching Assistant)
Department of Business Administration, College of Business
& School of Labor and Employment Relations, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
September 2006 – May 2009.
l 전략적 인사관리 (Strategic Human Resource Management)
l 고(저)성과자 (핵심인력) 관리 (High (Low) Performer Management)
l 노사관리 & 조직공정성 이론(Organizational Justice Theory)
l 성과관리 (Performance Management)
l 제도화 이론 (Institutional Theory)
국제학술지 발표논문
Chadwick, C., Super, J. F., & Kwon, K. (2015). Resource orchestration in practice: CEO emphasis on SHRM, commitment-based HR system, and firm performance. Strategic
Management Journal, 36: 360-376.
Kwon, K., & Rupp, D. E. 2013. A relationship between high performer turnover and firm
performance: The moderating role of human capital investment and firm reputation.
Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35: 129-150.
Chadwick, C., Ahn, J. & Kwon, K. 2012. Human Resource Management’s Effects on Firm
level Relative Efficiency. Industrial Relations, 51: 704-730.
Kwon, K., Chung, K., Roh, H., Chadwick, C., & Lawler, J. 2012. The Moderating Effects of
Organizational Context in the Relationship between Voluntary Turnover and Organizational Performance: Evidence from Korea. Human Resource Management, 51: 47-70.
Avgar, A., Pandey, N., & Kwon, K. 2012. Discretion in context: A moderated mediation model of the relationship between discretion and turnover intentions. Industrial Relations, 51: 106-158.
Kwon, K., Bae, J., & Lawler, J. J. 2010. High Commitment HR practices and Top Performers:
Impacts on Organizational Commitment. Management International Review, 50: 57-80.
Avgar, A., Kwon, K., & Pandey, N. 2010. Discretion in context: A moderated mediation model
of the relationship between discretion and turnover intentions. Academy of Management 2010, Best Paper Proceedings.
국내학술지 발표논문
현정우, 권기욱, & 유효상. 2016. 고성과작업시스템과 기업성과: 조직문화 유형의 조절 역할. 경영교육연구. 31: 259-282.
권기욱. 2016. 직원 이직률과 기업성과의 관계: 고성과자와 비고성과자의 이직률을 고려한 탐색적 연구. 노동정책연구. 16: 1-26.
최은정 & 권기욱. 2016. 고용 형태와 정서적 몰입의 관계: 조직 공정성 지각의 조절효과. 기업경영연구. 23: 43-65.
노경문, 권기욱, 오세형, 유효상. 2016. 성격유형, 직무만족, 이직의도와 자기효능감의 조절효과: 운수서비스종사자를 중심으로. 서비스연구. 1: 51-69.
권기욱. 2015. 고성과자의 직무태도 및 이직의도. 기업경영연구. 2: 109-129.
배종석, 유규창, 권기욱. 2015. 한국적 인적자원관리의 이론개발을 위한 기반연구. 인사조직연구. 23: 99-141.
권기욱 & 유효상. 2014. 아시아 금융위기, 인적자본투자, 기업성과와 생존. 조직과
인사관리연구. 3: 69-93.
권기욱, 김광현, & 김종인. 2012. 고성과 작업시스템이 조직몰입에 미치는 영향에
관한 다층분석 – 조직공정성 지각의 매개효과. 조직과 인사관리연구, 36: 61-84.
권기욱, 정대용, & 배종석. 2010. The determinants and consequences of high performance
work systems. 노동정책연구, 10: 125-152.
국제학술대회 발표논문
Ok, C., Kim, K., Bae, J., & Kwon, K. 2015. High-performance work systems with internal and external contingencies: The moderating roles of organizational slack and industry instability. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Vancuver, Canada. August 2015.
Chadwick, C., Super, J. F., & Kwon, K. Resource orchestration in practice: CEO emphasis on SHRM, commitment-based HR system, and firm performance. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Orlando, FL, August 2013.
Avgar, A., Kwon, K., & Pandey, N. Discretion in context: A moderated mediation model of the
relationship between discretion and turnover intentions. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Canada. August 2010.
Kwon, K. A Relationship between High Performer Turnover and Firm Performance. Paper
presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Chicago, IL. August, 2009.
Chadwick, C., Ahn, J., & Kwon, K. Human Resource Management’s Effects on Firm-level
Relative Efficiency. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting,
Chicago, IL. August, 2009.
Kwon, K., & Chung, K. Adding Dynamics into the Voluntary Turnover-Firm Performance
Relationship. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Anaheim, CA. August, 2008.
Kwon, K., Rupp, D. E., & Young, E. HPWS, Justice Climate, and Organizational Effectiveness:
A Multilevel Investigation. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Anaheim, CA. August, 2008.
Kwon, K., & Chung, K. Bringing Adoption Factors into the HRM-Firm Performance Linkage.
Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Anaheim, CA. August, 2008.
Kwon, K. Human resource management and firm performance: Focusing on high performer
turnover. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA. August, 2007.
Chadwick, C. D., Kwon, K., & Ahn, J. Institutionalism vs. Efficiency in Strategic Human
Resource Management. Paper presented at the Wharton Macro-HR Conference, Philadelphia, PA. June, 2007.
강의 분야 및 경력
Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Konkuk University
l 인사관리, Human Resource Management (MBA course)
l 조직설계, Organization Design (undergraduate course)
l 인사관리, Human Resource Management (undergraduate level)
l 노사관계, Labor-Management Relations (undergraduate level)
Department of Business Administration, College of Business, University of Illinois
l 인사관리, Human Resource Management (undergraduate level)
School of Labor and Employment Relations, University of Illinois
l 기업성과와 인사관리, Firm Performance and Human Resource Management (graduate level)
Department of Business Administration, College of Business, University of Illinois
l 국제경영, International Business (undergraduate level)
Professional Associations
l 한국인사조직학회, 한국인사관리학회, 한국중소기업학회, 한국경영학회, 한국서비스경영학회, 한국기업경영학회, 한국전문경영인학회
l Academy of Management (Human Resource, Organizational Behavior, Organization and
Management Theory, Business Policy and Strategy divisions)
l Labor and Employment Relations Association
l Phi Kappa Phi honor society
Academic Services, Honors, and Research Grants
l 한국인사조직학회 이사/상임이사, 2013 – 현재.
l 한국인사관리학회 이사, 2013 – 현재.
l 한국중소기업학회 이사, 2014 – 현재
l 한국윤리경영학회 상임이사, 2014 – 현재
l 한국전문경영인학회 이사, 2016 – 현재
l 편집간사/위원, 「조직과 인사관리연구」, 2012 – 2016.
l 편집위원, 「경영학연구」, 2016 – 현재
l 편집위원, 「인사조직연구」, 2016 – 현재
l 편집위원, 「인적자원개발연구」, 2016 - 현재
l 편집위원, 「경영연구」, 2016 – 현재
l 건국대학교 학술상, 2015년.
l 한국연구재단 우수논문 지원선정, 2014년
l Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management Meeting (2010), Montreal,
Canada (HR Division). Avgar, A., Kwon, K., & Pandey, N. (2010). “Discretion in
context: A moderated mediation model of the relationship between discretion and
turnover intentions”.
l 한국연구재단 신진연구지원사업 5연 연속선정 (2011, 2012, 1013, 2014, 2015)
Non-academic Work Experience
기획재정부 공공기관 경영평가(보수/노사분야) 위원 Seoul, Korea 2014-2016
대한주택보증(2013), 한국생산성본부(2015), 고용노동부(2015, 2016) 자문/프로젝트 수행
Researcher and Consultant in Human Resource/Organization Department
Samsung Economic Research Institute (삼성경제연구소) Seoul, Korea 2002-2003
Projects: Samsung’s Top Talent Management System
Samsung’s New Millennium HRM System
Business Co-Founder, Global Business Intelligence Consulting Seoul, Korea 2000-2001
Human Resource Staff Member, Korea Zinc, Inc. (고려아연) Seoul, Korea 1999-2000