Reformation homework

Friday 8/22/14

Pgs. 393-395

Big Picture statement:

The Decline of the Church’s Prestige

1. Who were the key figures in the Babylonian Captivity and what was the major issue involved?

2. What was the Great Schism?

3. What was the threat to the Pope posed by the Conciliar movement?

4. What were the fundamental teachings of John Wyclif and the Lollards?

5. What was the outcome of the Council of Constance (1414-1418)?

Monday 8/25/14

Pgs. 453-456Big Picture statement:

Reform and renewal in the Christian Church

1. Who were the critics of the Catholic Church by the early sixteenth century? (Name 3)

a. What were their 3 main complaints?

b. Which of the Church abuses would Antoine du Prat’s behavior been an example of?

3. Define the phrase “pious lay people”:

a.  How was Cardinal Ximenes different from “Brethern of the Common Life”?

4. Identify:

a.  Thomas Kempis

b. Imitation of Christ

Tuesday 8/26/14

Pg. 456-459

Big Picture statement:

Martin Luther and the Birth of the Protestantism

1. Ultimately, what did Martin Luther believe brought salvation to man?

2. Explain how all of these people go together with the story of the sale of indulgences?

a.  Albert the Archbishop of Madgeburg –

b.  Pope Leo X –

c.  The Fugger family –

d.  Frederick of Saxony –

e.  John Tetzel –

f.  Charles V Holy Roman Emperor –

3. What exactly was an indulgence?

4. What was the point of Luther posting the 95 Theses on the Church door at Wittenburg?

5. What did Luther do at the Diet of Worms?

Wednesday 8/27/13


Big Picture statement:

Protestant Thought

1. According to the Confession of Augsburg 1530, what was official Lutheran Protestant thought on the following issues?

a. How is a person to be saved?

b. Where does religious authority reside?

c. What is the Church?

d. What is the highest form of Christian life?

2. How does the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation differ from the Lutheran doctrine of Consubstantiation?

3. What was the immense appeal of Luther’s ideas to the following groups of people?

a. City governments

b. Informed, intelligent townspeople:

c. Peasants

4. What were the main messages of the following writings of Luther?

a. On Christian Liberty 1520

b. An admonition to Peace 1525

c. Against the Murderous, thieving hordes of the peasants

5. Why were educated people and humanists attracted to Luther’s writings?

6. What appeal did Luther’s message have for women?

Thursday 8/28/14


Big Picture statement:

Germany and the Protestant Reformation

1. The “religious storm” launched by Martin Luther swept across Germany. Identify the elements that stirred German patriotic feelings.

2. What was the significance of Luther’s Appeal to the Christian nobility of the German Nation?

3. What convinced many “indifferent” German Princes to follow Luther’s movement?

a.  Economic:

b.  Political:

4. How did the Turks impact Charles V response to Luther?

5. What were the terms of the Peace of Augsburg 1555?

Friday 8/29/14

Labor Day Weekend

Tuesday 9/2/14


Big Picture statement:

The Growth of the Protestant Reformation

1.  In what way did John Calvin “have a greater impact on future generations” of Protestants than did Martin Luther?

2.  What was the theological cornerstone of Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion?

a. What was the Geneva Catechism?

3.  What was the function of the Genevan Consistory?

4.  What does the story of Michael Servetus tell us about John Calvin?

5.  In what way were the Anabaptists the “left-wing of the reformation”?

6.  How were the events in Munster a good example of this?

7.  Identify: Ulrich Zwingli

Wednesday 9/3/14 and Thursday 9/4/14


Big Picture statement:

1.  Give three true statements about the Lollards from this section of the reading.

2.  Identify: William Tyndale

3.  According to your text, what initiated the reformation in England?

4.  Identify the following people or events and the role they played in the English reformation:

A.  Henry VIII –

B.  Catherine of Aragon –

C.  Pope Clement VII –

D.  Pope Julius II –

E.  Anne Boleyn –

F.  War of the Roses –

G.  Mary Tudor -

H.  The sack of Rome 1527 by Charles V HRE

I.  Charles V

J.  Act of the restraint of appeals –

K.  Act of the submission of the Clergy –

L.  The Supremacy Act –

M.  Thomas More –

5.  What was the fate of Anne Boleyn?

6.  What did Henry do with the Monastic lands owned by the Roman Catholic Church?

7.  What religious persuasion was Edward VI?

A.  What was the English Book of Common Prayer?

8.  What was the religious persuasion of Mary Tudor?

A.  Why was she referred to as “bloody Mary”?


9.  What was the Elizabethan settlement?

10.  Identify: John Knox

Friday 9/5/14

Pg. 477-484

Big Picture statement:

The Catholic Reformation and the Counter Reformation

1.  What is the difference between the Catholic reformation and the Catholic Counter Reformation?

2.  “Overall why did the Popes, spiritual leaders of the Western Church, move so slowly to respond to the Protestant movement?”

3.  How did Pope Adrian VI differ from Pope Clement VII?

4.  Why did the Spanish and German Mercenaries of Emperor Charles V “sack” Rome in 1527?

5.  What were the achievements of the Council of Trent in the following areas?

a.  Source of religious truth and authority

b.  Sacraments

c.  Eucharist –

d.  Pluralism

e.  Simony

6.  How does the Tridentine Decree Tametsi affect our practice of Marriage today?

7.  What was the purpose of the Ursiline Order of Nuns

8.  What was the purpose of the Society of Jesus

a.  Ignatius Loyola

b.  Spiritual Exercises –

9.  What was the purpose of the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office?

a.  What was the Index of Prohibited Books?

Monday 9/8/14

Prepare for DBQ

Tuesday 9/9/14

Review for Test

Wednesday 9/10/14

Reformation Exam