Governor’s Fire Service Policy Council

1:00 p.m. · Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Office of State Fire Marshal

Mt Hood Conference Room


Members / Ex Officio / Visitors
Greg Keller, OFCA (Chair) / Heidi Moawad, Gov’s Office / Dr. David Lehrfeld, EMS
Bob Reeves, OFDDA (V Chair) / Major Joel Lujan, OSP / Dave Blakely, JCFD 3
Joseph Seibert, SFFC / Director Eriks Gabliks, DPSST / Terry Ney, Lane Fire
Mariana Ruiz-Temple, OSFM / Claire McGrew, OSFM
Tom Bohm, OFMA / Executive Director/Staff / Dustin Morrow, TVFR
David Sellers, OVFA / Chief Jim Walker, SFM / Les Hallman, Newburg Fire
John Dimick, Citizen at Large / Valerie Abrahamson, OSFM Staff / Mark Kreutzer, OFDDA

Moment of Silence

Vice-Chair Reeves asked for a moment of silence for a Volunteer Firefighter who passed away in a motorcycle accident. Chief Terry Ney stated a firefighter from Pleasant Hill Fire was lost recently by drowning in Diamond Lake.


Vice-Chair Bob Reeves welcomed the council and introductions were made roundtable and over the phone. Vice-Chair Reeves stated there were no changes to agenda.


Minutes from the April 28th meeting were reviewed. Mariana Ruiz-Temple motioned to accept the minutes as presented. Tom Bohm seconded the motion and the minutes were approved as submitted.

New Member

Vice-Chair Reeves introduced new member, John Dimick. John Dimick fills the Member at Large position. John stated he was honored to be part of the group and was very happy with the reception he’s received. John stated he was on the board of JCFD #3 in White City. He also is a retired high school agriculture teacher and currently works in the cattle business.

Governor’s Office Report – Heidi Moawad

Heidi stated Governor Brown has been busy working through session and on post-session items. Heidi stated Governor Brown attended briefing for wildland fire season.

Heidi stated she has taken lead of the SB 886 work group and is working to get up the first work group meeting set up for September. Heidi stated early sales of marijuana in medical dispensaries will begin October 1, 2015. OLCC is in the process of their rule making for the retail sale of marijuana. First licenses will be issued sometime in January 2016. Heidi stated the first retail marijuana storefront won’t be seen until Fall 2016. Heidi stated there has been a lot of interagency work surrounding marijuana sales and law changes.


OSFM - State Fire Marshal Jim Walker

Chief Walker spoke on vacancies within the Office of State Fire Marshal, noting there were deputy vacancies (one in Bend, one in Roseburg), 2 Assistant Chief Deputy vacancies, and a management position open in the License and Permits Unit.

Chief Walker stated the Hazmat Committee came up with a new design for the new response vehicles.

Mariana talked about the 7 Hazmat teams responding to suspicious envelopes sent to 36 counties. Mariana stated AOC was activated and SFM worked with OSP, FBI, and OEM. All tests came back negative. Mariana stated the collaboration with OSP, FBI, and OEM went really well and was a good test of the system.

Chief Walker stated Deputy SFM trucks are going to move towards new F-150. Chief Walker stated these trucks will have a new design to better market OSFM.

Chief Walker talked about Do the Drill education for evacuation training. Walker stated the education will be revamped to include school shooting scenario training. Chief Walker stated the Oregon Fire Prevention Conference is February 17-19th. Chief Walker stated OSU and U of O have partnered with the OSFM for marketing of safety messages. These messages will be displayed at sports events and through other avenues including social media. This agreement lasts two years.

Chief Walker stated HB 2432 passed to allow for the use of fireworks to scare geese and birds. Chief Walker spoke on HB3225, the transport of crude oil. Mariana stated the OSFM collaborated with rail, and UP and BNSF will donate 7 caches. The bill mandated the OSFM to create and hire a coordinator to do hazardous materials response planning. Mariana stated this position will be a liaison between responders, local FDs, and Hazmat teams to encourage training, drills, and exercises. The OSFM is required to report to legislature annually on the status of the program.

Chief Walker stated the OSFM is looking at streamlining and collaborating regarding SB 886. He stated if the OSFM were to write it they would have to cite it.

Chief Walker stated the OSFM would be moving into the Oregon State Police new building on Trelstad in South Salem. There will be 3 buildings with the SFM portion being on the second floor.

OFCA President Report - Chief Les Hallman

Chief Hallman stated July 1st the new president, Jim Aldrich, took over in his role. Chief Hallman will serve as 1st vice president and Chief Dan Peterson will serve as 2nd vice president.

Chief Hallman stated the OFCA was very involved in this year’s legislative process. Hallman stated there was some good progress made on several bills including the vacant lands bill. Hallman stated the work done this session will help prepare for a successful next session.

OFMA President Report-Tom Bohm

Tom stated the OFMA elected new officers. Tom Bohm will serve as President. Susan Maniscalco will serve as 1st Vice President along with Mike Trabue as 2nd Vice President.

Tom stated goals and objectives were set up at strategic planning meeting in Bend.

Tom stated there was a roundtable meeting at DPSST on October 20-22nd.

Tom thanked OFCA and the OSFM on behalf of OFMA for their work this legislative session.

OFDDA President Report- Mark Kreutzer

Mark Kreutzer stated OFDDA was involved in this legislative session. Mark stated there were small stepping stones made and by February, the OFDDA hopes to have a couple bills introduced.

Mark stated the OFDDA Conference will take place in Seaside on November 5-7th at the Seaside Convention Center.


Reduced Law Enforcement Task Force – Chief Terry Ney

Chief Ney stated the task force met on May 27th to look at changes to charter and also began development of a ‘best practices” paper to present to the OFCA and Governor’s Office. The task force developed a list of items to cover in the best practices paper and assignments were given to members to gather information on the topics. Ney stated subsequently the group was tasked with implementing the created list of suggested best practices and adding to the formal recommendation rather than writing a best practices paper. Chief Ney stated the list of items suggested as best practices have been added to the back of the final recommendation and the report was ready to submit to the OFCA and the Governor’s Office.

Mariana thanked Chief Ney for his work and efforts with the task force and recommended sending the report to Heidi at the Governor’s Office and the OFCA. Mariana motioned to consider report complete and ready to forward. Tom Bohm seconded and the motion was carried.

Firefighter Injury Statistics Task Force – Chief Dave Blakely

Chief Blakely stated the task force has not met since last GFSPC meeting but he and co-chair Nohr have been talking on the task force offline. He stated Chief Nohr has been working with Portland Fire to schedule a meeting with Shannon Widman of the FIRST Project to start working on Portland specific items.

Chief Blakely stated he would work on getting Shannon Widman at the next GFSPC meeting.

Uniform Apparatus Numbering System Task Force- Chief Dustin Morrow

Chief Morrow informed council he is revved up and ready to tackle the task force head on. He stated he has assembled a group of people who will participate on the task force from across Oregon, including an APCO-NENO representative. Chief Morrow stated the first face-to-face meeting will be in September.

Chief Morrow stated he reached out to the WFCA’s 10 western states to see if they have a statewide apparatus numbering system intact. He stated he has also reached out to Department of Natural Resources in WA, Department of Forestry, and CDS in California to see what their numbering schema is that might be sitting outside of the State Fire Association.

Bylaws Project – Mariana Ruiz-Temple

Mariana stated she has taken the first cut at updating the bylaws. She removed outdated information in terms of group’s current focus. Mariana stated she added OHA and OEM under primary stakeholders and also added to collaborate with the Oregon Fire Associations to build consensus and support. Mariana added these associations are the groups that we would send committee reports to and work with to implement change.

Mariana stated the bylaws will be sent out to group and encouraged members to email her changes to be voted on in October. Mariana suggested electing a chair and vice-chair at the October meeting as the bylaws state the council is to elect a new chair and vice-chair on odd years.

Ex-Officio Reports

Dr. David Lehrfeld, Oregon Health Authority

Dr. Lehrfeld stated legislatively the big item was the modernization of public health. He stated Oregon was 47th in the state for public health funding. If the Affordable Care Act works (Medicare expansion), public health will move from delivering safety net services to providing more coordination and prevention services.

Dr. Lehrfeld stated public health has been working on getting outside grants to get monies out to local EMS agencies. Public health over the past six months has funded and provided innovative training and planning with agencies around the state.

Dr. Lehrfeld stated approximately 8500 EMTs and paramedics were licensed this year. Public health is also working with vendors for new online software with available grant funds. He stated an additional 120 ambulance and ambulance companies.

Dr. Lehrfeld stated due to staffing shortages; public health is only inspecting new facility complaints.

Dr. Lehrfeld stated resuscitation academy train-the-trainer classes are being provided. 15 mannequins are available in the state for use with this training. He also stated a CARES coordinator has been hired for the state.

Vacancy Report- Valerie Abrahamson

Valerie stated with the Member at Large position filled, the two vacancies were in Property and Causality Insurance and League of OR Cities. She stated she has been working with representatives from both and was optimistic names will be provided soon as to potential members. Valerie also stated Chair Keller is working with OFCA and Bob Reeves is working with OFDDA to recruit for their positions.


Meeting adjourned at 2:08 p.m.

Next meeting dates:

October 27, 2015

January 26, 2016

Meeting location:

Office of State Fire Marshal, Mt Hood Conference Room

Meeting time: 1:00 pm