1. Physical Concerns (ASI) / 11.94
2. Cognitive Concerns (ASI) / 6.91 / 8.05
3. Social Concerns (ASI) / 4.65 / 3.29 / 6.32
4. Experiential Avoidance / 16.43 / 14.61 / 7.40 / 63.98
5. Pain Hypervigilance / 11.63 / 7.92 / 4.23 / 26.17 / 50.13
6. Personal competence (RS) / -17.95 / -17.03 / -10.51 / -68.94 / -41.87 / 186.87
7. Acceptance of self and life (RS) / -10.27 / -8.83 / -5.87 / -37.18 / -23.14 / 81.56 / 48.96
8. Activity Engagement (CPAQ) / -11.15 / -8.34 / -5.61 / -37.45 / -45.46 / 71.02 / 40.39 / 124.81
9. Pain Willingness (CPAQ) / -7.17 / -6.31 / -3.41 / -26.10 / -30.88 / 45.45 / 23.78 / 57.59 / 61.43
10. Depression / 3.04 / 2.78 / 1.71 / 9.62 / 5.95 / -15.98 / -7.28 / -10.86 / -7.01 / 4.78
11. Anxiety / 5.66 / 4.25 / 2.48 / 15.13 / 11.49 / -21.05 / -11.66 / -16.98 / -12.87 / 4.40 / 9.97
12. Pain Intensity / 1.03 / 1.15 / .36 / 4.58 / 5.44 / -8.64 / -4.08 / -9.06 / -5.33 / 1.03 / 1.88 / 3.34
13. SF-36 Pain / 11.66 / 12.72 / 3.51 / 57.01 / 66.06 / -103.97 / -54.08 / -123.50 / -72.77 / 11.19 / 17.61 / 21.81 / 356.55
14. Catastrophizing / 8.25 / 6.14 / 3.12 / 26.45 / 26.40 / -43.57 / -24.12 / -39.12 / -24.69 / 6.05 / 10.18 / 4.45 / 49.62 / 31.32
15. Daily Functioning (IFI) / -1.26 / 1.92 / -.24 / 2.31 / -2.85 / 19.79 / .35 / 28.55 / 12.50 / -.54 / -2.37 / -.71 / -44.08 / -9.21 / 122.44
16. Functional Impairment (IFI) / -.26 / -3.69 / -1.15 / -5.21 / 4.25 / -17.26 / .78 / -26.03 / -13.14 / .17 / 2.35 / 1.46 / 50.03 / 7.35 / -108.58 / 115.68
17. Pain Anxiety / 36.06 / 20.73 / 16.37 / 84.96 / 94.09 / -113.91 / -64.56 / -136.90 / -102.61 / 20.08 / 37.42 / 13.39 / 171.88 / 67.94 / -22.39 / 11.74 / 386.46
18.Age / 10.32 / 4.59 / .58 / 29.44 / 12.77 / -27.02 / -13.39 / -15.87 / -11.34 / 6.95 / 8.71 / -1.18 / -13.00 / 9.37 / 16.17 / -11.81 / 35.43 / 153.47
19. Time in pain / 18.16 / 4.35 / 3.92 / 54.98 / -36.76 / -91.14 / -41.05 / 9.98 / -14.78 / .75 / 7.55 / -6.74 / -133.76 / 4.68 / 45.17 / -41.94 / 7.52 / 196.56 / 3402.70
20. Education Level / -.54 / -.44 / -.20 / -2.41 / -1.90 / 4.73 / 2.08 / 3.23 / 2.06 / -.68 / -1.20 / -.32 / -2.99 / -1.16 / .57 / -1.54 / -6.51 / -4.04 / -6.60 / 1.42
ESM Table 1. Covariances between the variables included in the model for patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The numbers in
theupper row correspond to the variables in rows 1 to 10.
Note: ASI, Anxiety Sensitivity Index. RS, Resilience Scale. CPAQ: Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire. IFI: Impairment and Functioning Inventory.
ESM Table 2. Covariances between the variables included in the model for patients attending a pain clinic. The numbers in the upper
row correspond to the variables in rows 1 to 10.
Variables / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 201. Physical Concerns (ASI) / 27.50
2. Cognitive Concerns (ASI) / 17.20 / 27.50
3. Social Concerns (ASI) / 11.20 / 5.00 / 11.55
4. Experiential Avoidance / 14.62 / 17.09 / 4.46 / 65.90
5. Pain Hypervigilance / 13.36 / 14.46 / 5.21 / 25.13 / 75.84
6. Personal competence (RS) / -29.73 / -36.92 / -6.21 / -81.39 / -61.59 / 396.91
7. Acceptance of self and life (RS) / -8.35 / -16.55 / -3.19 / -36.87 / -29.60 / 143.83 / 77.93
8. Activity Engagement (CPAQ) / -16.44 / -19.42 / -7.66 / -61.72 / -27.21 / 165.04 / 61.13 / 207.15
9. Pain Willingness (CPAQ) / -17.73 / -16.93 / -9.03 / -36.60 / -25.83 / 26.08 / 13.61 / 51.64 / 85.31
10. Depression / 2.59 / 9.77 / .37 / 13.13 / 11.59 / -51.55 / -23.74 / -21.80 / -9.77 / 32.42
11. Anxiety / 5.83 / 10.25 / 3.50 / 19.71 / 14.63 / -35.53 / -19.34 / -32.39 / -16.94 / 12.00 / 23.99
12. Pain Intensity / 1.33 / 1.12 / 1.43 / 3.88 / 1.15 / -14.30 / -5.52 / -9.93 / -5.08 / 3.11 / 2.98 / 3.52
13. SF Pain Intensity / 16.32 / 37.91 / 9.64 / 41.95 / 19.44 / -147.70 / -61.84 / -112.40 / -68.74 / -40.85 / 34.10 / 18.45 / 458.15
14. Catastrophizing / 12.96 / 28.78 / 6.41 / 32.77 / 48.26 / -113.79 / -47.25 / -64.31 / -36.55 / 32.11 / 29.46 / 7.63 / 123.91 / 131.54
15. Daily Functioning (IFI) / 3.20 / -13.61 / 10.42 / -35.72 / -18.77 / 112.34 / 25.64 / 109.74 / 26.99 / -28.31 / -6.25 / -9.33 / -147.20 / -46.88 / 307.80
16. Functional Impairment (IFI) / -17.31 / 15.02 / -23.60 / 13.56 / 1.50 / -33.30 / -1.91 / -32.29 / 8.62 / 22.65 / 2.95 / -4.87 / 67.14 / 47.64 / -156.21 / 264.27
17. Pain Anxiety / 48.84 / 67.75 / 15.92 / 66.95 / 77.56 / -212.36 / -61.29 / -137.28 / -71.73 / 37.60 / 45.81 / 13.89 / 233.16 / 157.49 / -179.01 / 74.24 / 678.21
18.Age / -12.25 / -5.92 / -13.56 / -26.66 / -10.37 / 14.75 / 15.57 / 13.54 / 17.94 / 7.31 / -14.73 / .78 / -43.98 / -19.88 / -47.50 / 35.34 / 3.54 / 174.57
19. Time in pain / 12.05 / 56.34 / 4.39 / -36.05 / 44.97 / -11.62 / 12.81 / 140.15 / -64.27 / 47.75 / -18.98 / 27.38 / -27.81 / 47.56 / -23.74 / 42.12 / -118.12 / 404.95 / 9474.90
20. Education Level / .55 / .32 / .79 / -1.45 / -2.34 / 4.25 / 1.63 / 3.08 / .41 / -2.11 / -1.32 / -.50 / .13 / -1.04 / 5.49 / -3.24 / -2.50 / -6.03 / 3.38 / 2.11
Note: ASI, Anxiety Sensitivity Index. RS, Resilience Scale. CPAQ: Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire. IFI: Impairment and Functioning Inventory.
ESM Table 3. Covariances between the variables included in the model for patients with back pain attending a primary care center.
The numbers in the upper row correspond to the variables in rows 1 to 10.
Variables / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 201. Physical Concerns (ASI) / 9.62
2. Cognitive Concerns (ASI) / 9.69 / 16.93
3. Social Concerns (ASI) / 2.45 / 1.85 / 4.85
4. Experiential Avoidance / 5.71 / 13.38 / 2.03 / 54.34
5. Pain Hypervigilance / 3.16 / 8.35 / 1.97 / 29.86 / 57.72
6. Personal competence (RS) / -13.87 / -17.55 / -9.62 / -44.92 / -42.55 / 183.46
7. Acceptance of self and life (RS) / -5.22 / -8.64 / -2.35 / -29.33 / -24.49 / 69.47 / 42.26
8. Activity Engagement (CPAQ) / -9.13 / -13.59 / -4.83 / -47.92 / -48.01 / 91.08 / 43.11 / 123.96
9. Pain Willingness (CPAQ) / -12.11 / -13.23 / -4.00 / -26.43 / -29.41 / 56.15 / 20.65 / 55.70 / 65.88
10. Depression / 4.36 / 7.57 / 1.98 / 20.33 / 16.81 / -41.06 / -20.70 / -38.14 / -18.76 / -22..43
11. Anxiety / 1.96 / 7.53 / .69 / 21.50 / 16.73 / -31.28 / -17.27 / -25.84 / -11.47 / 14.17 / 27.18
12. Pain Intensity / .24 / .50 / .11 / 3.28 / 2.91 / -3.48 / -2.46 / -6.60 / -3.26 / 2.55 / 1.97 / 2.30
13. SF Pain Intensity / 2.73 / 9.89 / .98 / 36.69 / 51.42 / -36.27 / -24.81 / -89.33 / -46.94 / -34.18 / -21.60 / 15.21 / 342.26
14. Catastrophizing / 9.26 / 16.84 / 3.80 / 37.52 / 45.10 / -51.07 / -28.35 / -61.13 / -41.00 / 23.15 / 19.89 / 3.67 / 64.85 / 72.24
15. Daily Functioning (IFI) / -7.93 / -9.62 / -6.29 / -25.69 / -25.63 / 52.30 / 19.76 / 65.99 / 37.17 / -24.61 / -14.65 / -1.03 / -31.74 / -42.77 / 126.11
16. Functional Impairment (IFI) / 2.80 / 3.98 / .74 / 5.68 / 9.23 / -11.16 / -4.51 / -15.74 / -10.36 / 6.28 / 2.77 / .91 / 24.76 / 12.14 / -16.78 / 8.06
17. Pain Anxiety / 29.03 / 50.09 / 13.40 / 79.70 / 93.68 / -190.73 / -76.62 / -175.66 / -107.71 / 69.59 / 58.94 / 13.15 / 144.83 / 126.59 / -91.51 / 29.96 / 766.01
18.Age / -.72 / 3.59 / 2.62 / 5.02 / 17.19 / -4.95 / -2.39 / -29.46 / -6.92 / 15.34 / 18.63 / 4.36 / 66.71 / 22.42 / -22.99 / 5.52 / 45.78 / 154.70
19. Time in pain / -44.58 / -33.70 / -40.89 / -12.76 / 28.33 / -33.63 / -45.23 / -87.50 / 27.47 / 35.13 / 89.90 / 19.41 / 159.82 / 22.16 / 67.29 / -23.77 / -62.73 / 183.56 / 4901.20
20. Education Level / -.20 / -.84 / -.23 / -2.47 / -1.95 / 2.49 / 1.56 / 3.46 / 2.13 / -1.59 / -2.38 / -.67 / -5.96 / -2.30 / .97 / -.44 / -8.51 / -5.87 / -5.28 / 1.23
Note: ASI, Anxiety Sensitivity Index. RS, Resilience Scale. CPAQ: Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire. IFI: Impairment and Functioning Inventory.