DRDP-K (2015) Research Activities
2015 - 2016
OVERVIEW: Calibration Research Study
What is the DRDP-K (2015)?
The Desired Results Developmental Profile-Kindergarten (DRDP-K (2015)) is an assessment instrument designed for teachers to observe, document, and reflect on the learning, development, and progress of all children in general education kindergarten and transitional kindergarten classrooms. A copy of the DRDP-K (2015) instrument can be viewed online: http://www.drdpsr.org/drdpk_forms.html. The DRDP-K (2015) provides teachers, districts, and counties with information about the development, learning, and progress of all children in general education settings during the kindergarten and transitional kindergarten years.
Children arrive in kindergarten with a wide range of skills and experiences. Teachers of these young children are faced with the significant challenge of serving their varied abilities and needs. Using the DRDP-K (2015), teachers are able to comprehensively identify children’s individual strengths and support their ongoing progress more effectively.
What is the study about?
WestEd, Center for Child and Family Studies, in partnership with the University of California–Berkeley Evaluation and Assessment Research Center, are working with the California Department of Education, Early Education and Support Division (EESD) to further establish the DRDP-K (2015) instrument’s reliability and validity. The DRDP-K (2015) study will be conducted in general education kindergarten and transitional kindergarten classrooms to examine how the instrument functions across the range of experiences for children in kindergarten in California, to ultimately come up with a statewide picture of school readiness.
Benefits to using the DRDP-K (2015)
The DRDP-K (2015) allows for teachers and administrators to:
§ Observe, document, and reflect upon children’s development.
§ Plan curriculum for individual children and groups of children to enhance classroom practices.
§ Share information about children’s progress in various learning and development domains with families.
When is the study taking place?
Data will be collected during the 2015-2016 school year. DRDP-K ratings will be completed by teachers once in fall 2015 and once in the spring 2016.
What are the benefits of participation?
§ Your input contributes to the process of calibrating the DRDP-K (2015).
§ $100 training stipend available for eligible TK teachers and $200 training stipend available for eligible K teachers.*
§ Teachers receive $20 per child for whom they submit ratings in both fall and spring on all domains of the DRDP-K (2015).
* To be eligible to receive the training stipends, all domains of DRDP-K must be completed for a minimum number of children during both Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 rating periods.
Teacher Responsibilities
What will teachers need to do?
§ Complete online training to learn how to use the DRDP-K (2015) and DRDPtech.
§ Distribute parent consent forms.
§ Complete all domains of the DRDP-K (2015) for all children in general education classroom, twice during the 2015-2016 school year (fall 2015 and spring 2016).
§ Complete and submit an on-line feedback survey and a stipend form.
§ Receive stipends for training and child ratings! (Kindergarten teachers are eligible to receive up to $600 in study stipends. Transitional kindergarten teachers are eligible to receive up to $300 in study stipends.
How to Register
Teachers should speak with their principals or education coordinators if they are interested, for administrator’s support for participating in the study.
District/School Administrators should contact WestEd at if potentially interested in participating as soon as possible. Preferences will be given to schools responding by August 14, 2015.
Thank you for your interest in the DRDP-K (2015) Research Study!
Need more information regarding DRDP-K (2015)? www.drdpsr.org/drdpk_forms.html