April 24-25, 2015
Proposed topic:
New Horizons in Social Work Practice
The main interest of the conference is to provide a forum for creative exchange on trends, innovations, and problems relevant to social work. The conference is scheduled for March, 27-28, 2015 and will be held on the campus of:
Emanuel University
Str. Nufarului 87
Oradea, 410597, Bihor, Romania
Potential contributors are asked to send original articles, research papers, and opinion pieces that present and contribute to the debate regarding the topic of social work practice in regards to the conference’s topic: New Horizons in Social Work Practice and in reference to one of the seven main themes:abandonment, healthcare, school, aging, family, communication and disabilities,at the undergraduate, masters and postgraduate levels in social work.
Manuscripts should be written only in English and have between 3000-5000 words. All articles, research papers and opinion pieces on social work will be peer-reviewed by a small team of experts in the field and papers that are original and scholarly will be published in a proceedings dedicated to this topic. Deadline for first submission of the abstract isMarch, 20, 2015 and the deadline for the final submission of the paper is April, 17, 2015. All accepted papers will be published in a volume with ISBNwithin a year of the conference date and with a publishing cost of 30€(Euro) per submission.
The Proceedings “Social Work Practice” will be coordinated by the editorial committee:
- Adina, Micula, PhD, University Lecturer at Emanuel University of Oradea, Social Work Department;
- Salomea Popoviciu, PhD, University Lecturer at Emanuel University of Oradea, Social Work Department;
- Ioan Popoviciu, PhD, Associate Professor at Emanuel University of Oradea, Social Work Department;
- Paul Negruţ, PhD, Professor at Emanuel University of Oradea, Theology Department;
- Dr. Anamaria Balla, PhD, LPsy, University Lecturer at Emanuel University of Oradea, Social Work Department
All information regarding online or in person presentations, accommodation, and accepted articles will be provided personally by email. Manuscript submissions and all queries about the conference, venue, and accommodation should be addressed to:
Raelene Soritau, email:
The presentation of the paper at the conference is not a requirement for publication.
Editorial requests
Potential authors are asked to send original papers in MS Word 2003 format, Times New Roman 12, double spaced. The document must be complete, including the title, name of author(s), affiliation(s), email addresses of all authors, an abstract of up to 200 words, and 3-5 key words. All tables, graphics and images should be numbered and placed in the text.
The style for references follows the APA guidelines. In the text the names of authors should be cited followed by the date of publication. Where there are three or more authors, the first author's name followed by et al. should be used in the text. The reference list should be placed at the end of the manuscript with names listed in alphabetical order. The references should list authors' surnames and initials, date of publication, title of article, name of book or journal, volume number or edition, editors, place of publication and publisher. In the case of an article or book chapter, page numbers should be included routinely.
Citations should follow the format:
In the text, citations should include the name(s) of author(s) followed by the date of publication and page number, e.g. (Zamfir 2005: 32). If the name(s) of the author(s) is included in the text the citation should include the date of publication and page number e.g.Zamfir (2005: 32).
Articles in journals:
Alpert, L.T. (2005). Research review: parents’ service experience – a missing element in research on foster care case outcomes. Child and Family Social Work, 10, 362–366.
Articles in online journals:
Carstensen, L.L. (1992). Social and emotional patterns in adulthood: Support for socioemotional selectivity theory. Psychology and Aging, 7, 331–338. doi:10.1037/0882-7974.7.3.331.
Articles in volumes:
Lang, P.J., Bradley, M.M., & Cuthbert, B.N. (1997). Motivated attention: Affect, activation, and action. In P.J. Lang, R.F. Simons, & M. Balaban (Eds.), Attention and orienting: Sensory and motivational processes (pp. 97–135). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Farmer, E. & Moyers, S. (2008).Kinship Care: Fostering Effective Family & Friends Placements. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London.
ProVobis National Voluntary Centre (2007). History of volunteering in Romania, Available online: (Accessed 28 Dec 2007).
Please use the template suggested.
Requirements for publication
Potential authors are asked to check that the following requirements are met; papers that do not meet the following requirements are returned to the author(s).
- The work and its essential substance have not been published before and are not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
- The manuscript format is in Microsoft Word, 2003.
- The text is in Times New Roman, font 12, double spaced. Key sentences or concepts are not underlined or written in bold but rather in italics (URL are an exception). Also, illustrations, tables and / or graphics are placed in text and not at the end of the manuscript.
- The text meets the APA guidelines. Please use the template suggested.
- The text includes the author(s) contact information and affiliation.