The Twenty-third Hull Family Association
Annual Meeting and Reunion
Shilo Inn – Salt Lake City
September 25–28, 2008
Come celebrate with us at the 2008 Hull Family Association Annual Meeting and Reunion in Salt Lake City, Utah. The LDS Genealogical Family History Center will be the focal point of this Reunion. This is a wonderful opportunity for doing Hull research at the world renowned genealogy library.
Accommodations are with the Shilo Inn,located 1 and ½ blocks from the Genealogy Center at 206 South West Temple, in the heart of downtown Salt Lake, and selected based on its cost and convenience. The lodging has many modern amenities including a special feature of a professional genealogist who will assist each person (free) who wants his or her help in preparing some preliminary research before you come. Because we have one of the best genealogy research experts in our family, I recommend you use this service to research other lines. A request form will be sent out in July for this assistance so register right away so they can help you.
Hull Family Association members will receive a special room rate of $89.98 plus tax. To make your reservation at the special rate, contact the hotel at 1-800-222-2244 or via and label yourself as “Hull Family of America” and use the code number of 092408HF.
The reunion registration fee is $15 per person. Country Dinner and Hull Extravaganza at the Sunset Grill of the Shilo Inn is $25.00. The picnic at the Dan Hull residence is $5. All fees include applicable taxes, fees, and gratuity.The reunion registration deadline is August 24, 2008. After this deadline, the registration is $25.
There is a no-charge shuttle service to and from the airport. Hotel shuttle service to other places in the city is available on a sign-up basis.
We hope you will reserve the September dates for fun and fellowship with your extended Hull cousins. It will be a great opportunity to do genealogical research in an OUTSTANDING genealogy library.
2008 Hull Family Association
Annual Meeting and Reunion
Shilo Inn – Salt Lake City, Utah
September 25–27, 2008
The reunion Registration Fee is $15.00 per person. Dinner and Hull Extravaganza at the Shilo Inn is $25.00; the picnic at Dan Hull’s Home is $5.00. All fees include applicable taxes, fees, and gratuity.The reunion registration deadline is August 24, 2008. After this deadline, the Registration Fee is $25. This is the cutoff date for the hotel also.
Name / HFA #Address
City / State / Zip
Phone / Email
Spouse Name / HFA #
Guest Name
Number Attending / On or Before
August 24, 2008 / After
August 24, 2008
Registration Fee / $15.00 ea. / $25.00 ea.
Dinner / $25.00 ea. / $25.00 ea.
Picnic / $5.00 ea. / $5.00 ea.
Total Due / $______/ $______
Make check payable to:
Send Check and Registration to:
HFA Reunion
Dan & Linda Hull
1327 South 900 East
Salt Lake City, Utah 84105