Policy on Selection and Payment of Coaches for Junior Events


In order to promote tennis among juniors and, in particular, to help in the development of the most promising junior players, USTA SC conducts a series of Competition Training Centers and training camps each year. USTA SC also supports the attendance of promising juniors at Southern Section events such as the Southern Closed Championships,Southern Junior Cup, and the Van der Meer All Star Camp. Junior players at these events are supported by coaches selected by USTA SC from the ranks of teaching professionals in the state. The Southern Section also asks USTA SC for coach recommendations for Zonals and other Southern training camps. The purpose of this policy is to document the process for selection and payment of coaches for junior events.


1.The Player Development Committee selectsand notifies the coaches for each event at least 30 days prior to the event. To the extent possible, coaches should be selected from geographically diverse parts of the state.All interested and qualified teaching professionals should be given an opportunity at one time or another to participate.

2.To be considered for a coaching position, coaches must submitan application to USTA SC. The application is available on clicking on the Pros tab.

3.Each coach selected must have extensive experience in developing junior players, be a member of USTA and be currently certified at the PTR Professional or the USPTA P1 level.

4.Each coach must pass abackground check performed by an approved USTA SC contractor before being selected.

5.Coaches selected for any of the Competition Training Centers, training camps, or the Van der Meer All Star Camp will be paid stipends of $180 for each full day worked (minimum of five hours, not including travel time). In addition, coaches will be reimbursed for mileage at the current USTA SC mileage rate. USTA SC will provide reimbursement for lodging, food or other expensesin accordance with the USTA SC Policy on Volunteer Expense Reimbursement for events lasting more than one day.

6.Coaches selected for Southern Closed events will be paid stipends of $180 for each day worked, both onand off-court (minimum of five hours, including travel time). In addition, coaches will be reimbursed for lodging, food, and travel in accordance with the USTA SC Policy on Volunteer Expense Reimbursement.

7.The Southern Section reimbursescoaches selected for the Southern Junior Cup for some expenses. USTA SC will reimburse coaches for additional expenses for single rooms.

8.Requests for reimbursement of expenses must be submitted on a USTA SC Expense Report Form accompanied by receipts. When possible, this form should be submitted to the USTA SC office within ten days of an event.

Board Approval Date:March 28, 2010

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