AR Reading with Mr. Williams
The focus of ARReadingis to improve your English reading skills. Through the natural act of individual silent reading and a teacher led analysis, you will improve your comprehension, writing, communication, and critical thinking skills, which will ease your transition into grade 9 English.
You will learn and practice all these skills in each class:
-speaking and writing
-listening and reading
-giving your opinion and being creative
- expanding vocabulary and expressions
Here is a checklist of what you must bring for Academic Readiness classes every day:
lined paper
a binder with dividers
blue pens, red pens, pencils and a highlighter
Allother worksheets and reading materials will be photocopied for you.
What are Mr. Williams’ expectations?
- Attendeach class and be on time. If you are more than 30 minutes late or leave 30 minutes before the end of class, this is an absence.
- Notify me in advance if you must be absent.
- If you are ill, provide a note signed by your parent/guardian. If you are absent on a test or presentation day, you must provide a doctor’s note. If you do not then you will be given a zero.
- Talk to another student or see Mr. Williams the next day before class for missed notes and homework. You have one day to make up a missed homework mark.
- Hand in your cell phone at the beginning of class and pick it up at the end.
- Speak only English in class and in the school to improve your chances of success.
- Make mistakes in English and then learn how to fix them.
- Do not cheat on tests, copy student’s answers or plagiarize. You will receive zero.
How can I get a good mark in Mr. Williams’ class?
Classroom conduct is as follows...
- Always be respectful towards yourself and others.
- Study/Work hard (you will see results)!
- Always participate!
What is participation?
Show effort / Be respectful / Be prepared and on time / Finish your assignments on time / Express yourself in class discussions / Work efficiently individually and with others / Ask for help when needed / Have an open mind to class material / Be pleasant ...
Can you think of any other forms of participation?
Tests and class work 30%Projects and assignments 30%
Midterm 15%
Homework 10%
Final Exam 15%
Total Mark /100% / A ~ 86-100%
B ~ 73-85%
C+ ~ 67-72%
C ~ 60-66%
C- ~ 50-59%
I ~ 0-49% Final F ~ 0-49%
Can I get extra help?
Of course you can! I encourage you to ask many questions so that I can help you in class. If you still don’t understand then you can stay after school until 4:15pm. Remember that it is always better to ask questions early rather than wait until the last minute.
Note to the Parent(s) / Guardian(s):If you have any questions concerning the above course outline or have any concerns about the progress of your child / student, do not hesitate to contact me at the school.