The New Colombo Plan Mobility Program Round 2018

Project Application Worksheet

Section 1: Project Information

Project title
Please provide a brief description about the proposed program(150 words maximum).
It is worth noting that it has been extremely helpful for assessors when applicants have provided a clear and thorough summary of the project in the ‘project description’ section in the application form. Although the summary does not contribute to the project’s weighted score, where the project description has been clear, it has enabled assessors to better understand the project and provide a more informed overall assessment.
This project will provide ten (10) creative arts students with an opportunity to study at the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. The institution is one of China’s premiere educational facilities associated with fashion, specialising in art and technology. By participating in this activity students will learn about traditional and contemporary art in China, fostering a deeper understanding of culture, language, tradition, and technology. It is expected that participants in this project, will become confident artists and ambassadors of the program. This experience will develop transferable skills that can be applied in the real world; networking opportunities that connects them with professionals in creative arts; and most importantly knowledge about Asia. This firsthand experience meets the aims of the strategic priorities of the University by fostering work ready graduates with an international experience. It is intended that this program will be held annually, developing long lasting relationships between both countries.
School / Institute:
Will you be accompanying the students abroad? / Yes/No/Unsure
If ‘yes’, do you have a Senior First Aid Certificate or other first responder training?
If ‘yes’ do you have Mental First Aid training, counselling qualifications, or similar?
Does the program leader have any previous experience in the development and management of student mobility program? If ‘yes’ please provide further details below.
School / Institute:
Will the above person be accompanying the students abroad? / Yes/No/Unsure
If ‘yes’, Does the above person have a Senior First Aid Certificate or other first responder training?
If ‘yes’ does the above person have Mental First Aid training, counselling qualifications, or similar?
Program Length / Semester / Short-Term
Host country(s)
Host city(s)
Project Partner(s)
Will you be using a Third Party Provider?
(see the Appendix) / Yes/No/Unsure
Project Travel Dates / Anticipated travel dates [mm/yyyy to mm/yyyy]
  1. Year 1:
  2. Year 2 [where applicable]:
  3. Year 3 [where applicable]:

Project type / ☐New project
☐An existing project funded via alternate funding
☐A previously funded NCP project
Number of years of funding required: / ☐1 year
☐2 years
☐3 years
Is this application on behalf of a consortium? / Yes/No
Qualification level of students: / ☐Bachelor degree
☐Bachelor honours degree
Study experience(s): / ☐Short-term study
☐Clinical placements
☐Internship / mentorship
☐Short-term research
☐Semester-based study
Does the study experience attract credit or is it a mandatory course requirement? / Yes/No
NB: Mobility projects must attract course credit or fulfil mandatory course requirements.
If your application for NCP funding is unsuccessful, would you still consider running the program? / Yes/No/Unsure
A TPP is an organisation that delivers a service such as program development, delivery and support services in whole or part to support the learning abroad experience. Some TPPs are highly experienced in designing and implementing overseas study tours or providing short courses, often using established best practice, existing administrative structures, and in-country contacts. In some circumstance the use of a TPP is highly recommended.
Some TPPs will assist in the development of a program and the writing of a New Colombo Plan application – for further information, see the TTP webpage.
Will you be using a TPP? / Yes/No/Unsure

Section 2: Finances & Budget

Please provided estimated costs per student below.
Cost per student
Flights (round trip) / e.g. $1500
Domestic transportation
Tuition / Program cost
Passport and/or visa fees
Miscellaneous / Additional costs**
Administration*** / e.g. $150-$300
Total number of Students participating (B)

*Program expenses are based on the costs prior to student receiving any grant or scholarships

**This may include the cost of a provider and/or staff participation (flights, accommodation etc.)

***It can cost a minimum of $150 per student to administer a program.

Number of outgoing students (A): / e.g. 15
Grant amount per student (B): / e.g. $3000

When developing a short term mobility program, an NCP Mobility Grant may not cover all of the associated costs that students need to pay .To ensure a quality program and student experience, the Government advices that students should be informed about other funding options such as OS-HELP.

Note: You will be required to apply for Administrative funding which is calculated as 10% of the total grant funding sought. Western Sydney International will retain 50% of the NCP Administration Funding to employ a central resource who will provide basic support for projects.

Project contributor 1
Project contributions can include financial sponsorship as a cash contribution by a Private Sector Organisation or in-kind sponsorship - the provision of a good or service free of charge for use in the Mobility Project that otherwise would have required payment of a fee or charge. / a)Partner name:
b)Year(s) to which contribution applies, and value of contribution for each year:
☐Year 1, contribution amount ($):
☐Year 2, contribution amount ($):
☐Year 3, contribution amount ($):
c)Partner type (choose one from options below):
☐Home University
☐Private sector sponsor (nb: you must provide supporting documentation to demonstrate this financial contribution)
d)If private sector sponsor, partnership status:
e)Comments (optional, 100 words maximum):
Project contributor 2
(optional) / a)Partner name:
b)Year(s) to which contribution applies, and value of contribution for each year:
☐Year 1, contribution amount ($):
☐Year 2, contribution amount ($):
☐Year 3, contribution amount ($):
c)Partner type (choose one from options below):
☐Home University
☐Private sector sponsor (nb: you must provide supporting documentation to demonstrate this financial contribution)
d)If private sector sponsor, partnership status:
e)Comments (optional, 100 words maximum):

Section 3: Selection Criteria

Criterion 1
(40 per cent weighting; maximum 200 words) /
  • How will the Mobility Project:
  • increase Student knowledge of the Indo-Pacific and Host Location?
  • increase Student mobility to the Indo-Pacific and the Host Location?
  • Applicants should describe how the proposed Mobility Project will increase Student knowledge of the Indo-Pacific region and the Host Location and increase Student mobility to the region and the Host Location.
  • Responses should include examples of how this will occur. For example, increasing knowledge of the Indo-Pacific region may take place through direct learning, cultural training, engagement with local social and cultural institutions or direct engagement with local community, business or academic networks. Increasing Student mobility may occur by increasing the number of Students able to participate, expanding study program types or fields of study, or providing opportunities for student groups that would not otherwise have the opportunity to undertake a mobility experience.
  • For advice about answering this Criterion, see Lessons learned from previous rounds to assist 2019 applicants
Provide response below:
Criterion 2
(30 per cent weighting; maximum 150 words) /
  • How will the Mobility Project:
  • support new and/or strengthened partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region?
  • be sustainable over time?
  • Applicants must demonstrate how the proposed Mobility Project establishes or strengthens people-to-people and institutional relationships with the region, through the engagement of Students, universities, businesses and other stakeholders and how the relationships provide a strategic opportunity for enhanced engagement.
  • Responses should also outline how the partnership/s will continue and be maintained in the future, including current or planned partnership agreements. Responses should also outline any other steps being taken to ensure that the project will continue to operate in the future.
  • For advice about answering this Criterion, see Lessons learned from previous rounds to assist 2019 applicants
Provide response below:
Criterion 3
(10 per cent weighting; maximum 100 words) /
  • How will the Mobility Project promote the New Colombo Plan in Australia and the Host Location?
  • Applicants must demonstrate how the proposed Mobility Project will be promoted in Australia and in the Host Location to build awareness of the New Colombo Plan, its objectives, and the benefits of study and Internships in the Indo-Pacific. Examples include:
  • acknowledgement of the Australian Government’s funding of the Mobility Project in promotional activities in print and online university and partner marketing channels (“This Project is supported by the Australian Government’s New Colombo Plan” paired with the New Colombo Plan logo, which is available from the New Colombo Plan Secretariat)
  • proactive promotion of the Project through local media, including recognition of the Australian Government funding as above (text and logo)
  • promotion of the New Colombo Plan to relevant university staff and prospective participants through university internal communications and student outreach
  • promotion of the benefits of offering Internship experiences to New Colombo Plan Students to prospective Internship and Mentorship sectors or providers.
  • For advice about answering this Criterion, see Lessons learned from previous rounds to assist 2019 applicants
Provide response below:
Criterion 4
(5 per cent weighting) / Will the Mobility Project support Semester-based study opportunities in the Indo-Pacific?
Applicants must advise whether their Mobility Project involves Semester-based study. This criterion requires a yes/no response.
This selection criterion will be assessed as either "met" or "not met".
Provide response below:
Criterion 5
(5 per cent weighting) / Will in-country language training be provided to Students in the Host Location? Yes/no
Applicants must advise whether their Mobility Project will incorporate a language training component in the Host Location.
If yes, Applicants will need to indicate the name of the provider and the name of the course (if known).
This selection criterion will be assessed as either "met" or "not met".
Provide response below:
Criterion 6
(5 per cent weighting) / Will the Mobility Project involve an Internship component?
Applicants must advise whether their Mobility Project will incorporate an Internship component in the Host Location. See the definition of Internship under Section 15.
This selection criterion will be assessed as either "met" or "not met".
Note: Applicants should answer 'Yes' to this question if:
  • they are seeking funding for Internships Grants, and/or
  • the Mobility Project comprises or includes a short-term or Semester-length Internship, clinical placement or practicum.
Provide response below:
Criterion 7
(5 per cent weighting; maximum 100 words) / Is the Mobility Project supported by a Mobility Partnership?
Applicants must advise whether their Mobility Project will involve a Mobility Partnership (see Section 2.5). The response must include information on the Mobility Partner, the proposed benefits to students from the Mobility Partnership, the proposed duration of the Mobility Partnership, confirmation that the sponsorship offer has been made, and any other relevant information. Mobility Partnerships could include the provision by a Private Sector Organisation of a good or service free of charge for use in the Mobility Project that otherwise would have required payment of a fee or charge, or a cash contribution for the Mobility Project.
This selection criterion will be assessed as either "met" or "not met".
Provide response below:
Additional Selection Criterion for Internship Grant as part of a Semester-based Mobility Project (if sought) / The following criterion is only applicable if the Applicant is applying for the additional $1,000 (per Student) Internship Grant as part of a Semester-based Mobility Project (see Section 2.2.3). This is an eligibility criterion that will be assessed as either “eligible” or “ineligible”, and does not form part of the scoring process outlined in Section 4.3.
Will the Semester-based Mobility Project incorporate an Internship component? (maximum 100 words)
Applicants must describe the proposed Internship component, including information on the potential Internship host, the proposed benefits to the participants from the Internship, the proposed duration of the Internship, confirmation that the Applicant has considered visa requirements (if applicable), and any other relevant information.
Provide response below:
Additional Selection Criterion for Language Training Grant as part of a Semester-based Mobility Project (if sought) / The following criterion is only applicable if the Applicant is applying for the additional $1,500 (per Student) Language Training Grant as part of a Semester-based Mobility Project (see Section 2.2.4). This is an eligibility criterion that will be assessed as either “eligible” or “ineligible”, and does not form part of the scoring process outlined in Section 4.3.
Will the Semester-based Mobility Project incorporate a Language Training component?(maximum100words)
Applicants must describe the proposed Language Training component, including information on the potential Language Training host, the proposed benefits to the participants from the Language Training, the proposed duration of the Language Training, confirmation that the Applicant has considered visa requirements (if applicable), and any other relevant information.
Provide response below:
Additional Selection Criterion for Multi-Year Funding (if sought) / The following criterion is only applicable if the Applicant is applying for a Multi-year Mobility Project (see Section 2.4). This is an eligibility criterion that will be assessed as either “eligible” or “ineligible”, and does not form part of the scoring process outlined in Section 4.3.
How will Multi-year Funding support the Applicant to deliver a longterm and sustainable increase in student mobility to the region that could not be facilitated by a Single-term Mobility Project? (maximum 100 words)
Applicants must describe how Multi-year Funding will support their institutional strategy to increase and sustain student mobility to the Indo-Pacific region, including how the Multi-year Funding will assist the Applicant to:
  • stimulate new opportunities to scale-up and sustain ongoing student mobility
  • strengthen and enhance partnership(s) with the Project Partner(s).
Provide response below:

Submitting Project Applications

Applications will only be assessed if all of the following steps are completed:

STEP 1: Register Your Interest with Western Sydney International as early as possible from 13 February

  • Register Your Interest with Western Sydney International (WSI) as early as possible (1 minute Form)
  • This process is available from 13 February to 26 April 2018 - complete this step as early as possible
  • Project leaders will receive an email from the Government confirming access to the Government system ISEO
  • After the 2018 round opens on the 19March, project leaders will have the ability to create and edit online applications via the Government system ISEO.


  • One project leader per application.
  • Project leaders who have completed this step on a previous occasion and already have access to ISEO, are not required to complete this step

STEP 2:Fill out the NCP Mobility Program Project Application Worksheet

  • The Project Application Worksheet requests information that is assessed by the Government and Western Sydney University.

STEP 3:Create and edit your online application(s) via the Government system ISEO (from 19 March to 30 April 2018)

  • Cut and paste information from the NCP Mobility Program Project Application Worksheet into the online application via the Government system ISEO.
  • During this process, you can ‘save’ an application and return at a later date. Once you ‘Submit’ the application, it can no longer be edited.

This process is available from 19 March to 30 April

STEP 4:Submit your application(s) by the close of business Monday 30 April 2018

  • 'Submit' the online applications via ISEO
  • Email the completed NCP Mobility Program Application Worksheet to

Applications and Worksheets that have not been submitted by the close of business Monday 30 April will be ranked last. Following the 30April,WSI will send all project applications to the Schools and Executive for assessment and ranking. WSI will finalise the ranking of applications via ISEO by 18 May 2018.


Steven McDonald
Manager, Short-term Mobility
T: 02 9685 9847 E:

Jo Byng
Director, UWS International
T: 02 9685 9163 E: