Vehicle and Trailer Acquisition
New Vehicles
Procurement shall provide a general posting/notification on the Business Services website and to the Dean/Director level of UM departments (includes all UM campuses) when the State’s semi-annual pre-requisition for vehicles is open (fall/spring.) This notification shall assist managers of the purchasing timetables should they find a need for vehicles.
Departments send requests to the Procurement Office on the “Products over $25,000” PR003 form (found on Business Services – Procurement website) and a requisition into Banner. Procurement sends requisitions to the State for inclusion in the State bid calls, and the State receives the bid proposals. Once the State/Department and vendors come to an agreement to purchase a vehicle(s) a purchase order is awarded. The University receives the vehicles at Vehicle Repair Center at Facilities, where it is inspected and if deemed acceptable, the purchase order for the vehicle is entered in Banner by Business Services - Procurement, and the invoice is paid by Business Services - Accounts Payable. Procurement then follows-up with the applicable paperwork - sending Title/Registration information to Property Management who then informs Risk Management. Procurement also notifies the acquiring department. Risk Management confers with the purchasing department to ensure accurate and correct information for the new vehicle. Risk Management and Property Management shall compare listings at least once a year to ensure accurate information. This is a secondary control to ensure each area has the required information about the addition/deletion of vehicles.
Acquisition Process for New Vehicles
Used Vehicles
Departmental personnel typically contact Procurement if they need a used vehicle. Procurement will provide or direct the department personnel to get a copy of the Vehicle and Trailer Acquisition New and Used Procedures – Form IN018 from Business Services – Procurement website.
Check off each step has the department completes each step.
1)Departmental personnel contact Business Services – Procurement to receive advice of their options.
2)Departments need to check with State Surplus Property first and foremost. Federal Surplus Property is managed by Frank Maus now and is another alternative (but not as good of an alternative as it has been in the past.) Basically, if State and Federal Surplus do not have anything the department is usually in a limited solicitation situation based upon the value of the used vehicle being solicited.
3)Once a best choice vehicle has been identified by the department, it must be inspected by staff in the Vehicle Repair Center at Facilities, where it is evaluated. Vehicle Repair Center staff will recommend any service if appropriate and if deemed acceptable the documentation is provided to Procurement for approval.
4)Send to Procurement:
- For all dollar amounts: PR018 – Used Equipment Justification Form and Requisition entered into Banner.
- Vehicle Repair Center’s evaluation
- Quote from Vendor, contact name, and phone number.
- W9 IRS form if vendor is not in Banner
- If over $25,000, Fill out PR003 – Products over $25,000 form.
- If over $5,000: Fill out PR004 – Sole Source Justification FormorPR006APR006BLimited Solicitation form
- If under $5,000: no additional forms required than what is listed above.
- State method of payment requesting.
5)Payment to the Vendor:
NEVER give a vendor a check or a ProCard number until you have Procurement approval and the Dealer agrees to give you the title. The University MUST have the title because we do our own title and registration. DO NOT let the Dealer send the title to the county treasurer or Deer Lodge. If you have trouble, ask the Dealer call the Procurement Officer handling your request or the Dealer can call Montana Title & Registration Bureau at 406-846-6000 ext. 2076 to verify that The University of Montana registers their vehicles. Be sure you have all documents required to deliver to Business Services – Procurement (Step 6) before you leave the dealer or seller.
6)Department delivers to Business Services – Procurement no later than 24 hours:
- Original Certificate of Title For a Vehicle (make sure the appropriate sections of the title are filled out by the seller)
- Lien Release if applicable
- Invoice
- If the acquired vehicle was titled in a state other than Montana, then a “Application for Certificate of Title for a Motor Vehicle” – MV1 form must be filled out by the Dealer or seller and given to you at the time you give the seller payment to give to Procurement.
Procurement then follows-up with applicable paperwork - sending Title/Registration information to Property Management who then informs Risk Management. Procurement also notifies the accounts payable department for payment purposes. Risk Management confers with Property Management to ensure accurate and correct information for the vehicle.
How to Title and/or Register A UM Vehicle/Vessel/OHV
Please send all original documents to Business Service – Procurement no later than 24 hours to forward to Property Management as well as the index code you wish to charge the title/registration fee to. Original documents include a manufacturer’s statement of origin for new vehicles, title, odometer disclosure statement, invoice, and receipt. Note: a copy of the invoice or receipt is acceptable. Do not attempt to title/register the vehicle/vessel/OHV with the County. Property Management registers and titles all UM vehicles with the State, which exempts you from having to pay the title and registration costs. You only have to pay a one-time small fee. Do not send electronic files or copies of the documents.
If the vehicle is new or if it is a used vehicle that was titled in a state other than Montana, then form MV1—“Application for Montana title for a new vehicle or for a used vehicle that was titled in another state” has a section that must be filled out by the selling party. Send Business Service – Procurement to forward Property Management this original document with the appropriate section filled out by the selling party, Property Management will complete the remainder of the application.
If the vehicle is used and was titled in Montana, the Montana title has a section on the front that must be completed and notarized by the seller. Please make sure this section is completed correctly by the seller before sending to Purchasing/Property Management.
Link to Driver Services Forms and Other Documents - MT Dept of Justice:
Acquisition Process for Used Vehicles
IN018 – Revised 12/11 - Page 1 of 5