Stewart B. McKinney Vento Homeless Education Program

Q: In the grant do we mention the agencies we use to pay our rent and utilities?

A: Leave rent and utilities out of the applicationbecause you are not allowed to use these funds for rent and utilities.

Q: I have a significant number of MV children or children at risk of homelessness in one of our elementary schools. Can I use grant funds to pay for an instructional assistant for that particular group of students in just the one school? This school has no Title 1 funds, nor an FRC.

A: This program is for districts, not individual schools. If you hire a person they are to serve the entire district, not just one school.

Q: The RFA indicates that the average award will be $65,000. This is the same number used in the past severalRFAs over quite a number of years. Is this accurate?

A: Yes this is accurate. $65,000 is an average.

Q: If I can get the Title I set-aside to cover a part time instructional assistant, can that person serve homeless students as well as at risk students as this grant allows?

A: Yes

Q:In our central office, we have a person who assists with the budget, purchase orders, and KDE reporting. Do welist her as staff? She is not paid since she works for Central Office.

A: List her but tell how she is paid. List the funding source for her payment.

Q: Can we pay any kind of housing deposit for students?

A: No, we have to make sure they are going to attend the university. Financial Aid is the key

Q: When I look over the allowable MUNIS codes, there are so many broke down. What are organizational supplies?

A: Examples are: cheerleading uniform, anything for sports, cap and gown, getting student ready for prom.

Q: If I use the funds to hire a district instructional assistant and that person tutors a child in a school that already has Title i instructional assistants, is that considered supplanting or replacing the regular academic program?

A: No

Q: On the District Title I, set-aside, Title I is allowed to pay the liaison salary. Would that be considered the Title I, set-aside?

A: Yes, there are two Title I set-aside, one for the Title I Ranking Report and one for the McKinney- Vento Grant.

Q: A district wants to apply alone but another district would like to collaborate with them to support students who are transporting between the two districts. Can a district be part of two proposals?

A: No

Q: Can bulleted items in chartsbe single-spaced?

A: Yes

Q: Under general requirements number 7, Title I funds may be used to provide transportation to their school. Is the Title I district allocation broken out in the budget to show how it is to be used?

A: No

Q: Would the Title I budget be explained in the budget narrative?

A: Yes

Q: Did you say they had to be a certified person that gets hired?

A: No, you can hire a classified person but they have to work under supervision of a certified person.

Q: Are trainings provided with a program coordinator?

A: Yes, we also have trainings for program coordinators.

Q: How much money can be allotted to staff salaries?

A: That is a Districtdecision.

Q: Should the program coordinator be a full time position or can that person fill other duties?

A: That is a District decision.

Q: We use to have to submit the grant in person. Can we still do this or do you prefer the electronic version?

A: Electronic. We will not accept a paper/hard copy.

Q: How do we know how much to budget for training of the program coordinator?

A: Trainings will mostly be in Frankfort, so you will need to a lot for travel, mileage, meals, and overnight stays. Also National Conference expenses will need to be accounted for.

Q: Do we list the Title I set-aside amount for 1year or 3years?

A: 1 year. That will be the amount you give for 3 years.

Q: If money is provided from other sources such as non-Title I, should that be listed?

A: No, only Title I funds should be listed.

Q: Suppose our district has tutoring services through 21CCLC, can we overlap with those programs?

A: Yes

Q: I plan to request funds to hire a district-wide instructional tutor to work with students in the classroom who are struggling academically. McKinney-Vento eligible students will be prioritized, however, some at-risk students may also be served. Do you have any guidance on how students should be selected for this program or is this completely at the discretion of the district?

A: This is District discretion.