University Assessment Committee


April 21, 2009 Location: Harper Center 2066

8:30 a.m.

I.  Announcements and Updates:

a.  HLC 114th Annual Meeting, April 17-21, Chicago, Report

i.  General summary report provided, noting the presentation by Richard Rossi, Natasha Billie, and Dusten Crichton

ii.  Gail Jensen provided a summary of the Higher Learning Commision of NCA’s proposed process for continued accreditation

b.  Assessment Academy Meeting with Assessment Academy Mentor: Jodi Cressman, DePaul University, Report

c.  Annual University Assessment Report Updates

II.  Sub-Committee Reports/Updates --

a.  Campus Conversations: Presentation and Discussion (Palma Strand)

i.  Conversations with all schools scheduled

ii.  Plans for 2009-2010 include identifying faculty within each school to help “advance” school and assessment conversations

iii.  Plans to discuss ULO #6 (cultural competency) with Diversity Committee

iv.  Question forwarded regarding “how and to whom UAC communicates).” Discussion of UAC members’ roles to both provide input to the committee and communicate back with their respective school and college our ongoing conversations.

b.  Peer Review/ Electronic Toolbox/Electronic Repository (combined group for 2009: (Gail Jensen/Mike Monaghan/Paul Turner)

i.  Formal discussion of recommendations offered in the March report, with a vote of approval for the following:

1.  Use the School and College Assessment reports to identify what measures and tools are currently being used across units.

2.  Pilot test the use of the form for evaluating the Annual Program Assessment Reports this spring with submitted reports. Revisions/changes can be made to the form based on this application.

3.  Use the UAC to identify people and programs they believe could serve as internal consultants/resources for the campus. [this may be coordinated with the Campus Conversations faculty advancement group]

c.  Curricular and Co-Curricular Program Review and Rubric Development: (Rich Rossi)

i.  No report as the committee had not met.

III.  Next Meeting/Materials for review (a look ahead to Summer and the start of the academic year):

a.  Identification of work to be completed, May-August. A June meeting was held with the committee chairs; summary to be shared at the September 2009 meeting.

b.  Fall preferred meeting dates/days of the week were discussed.

c.  Thank you to Maria Teresa Gaston for her service on the UAC. A University Ministry representative will be identified for 2009-2010.

Adjourned at 9:30 a.m.