Outside Credit Possibilities
PLEASE READ DIRECTIONS THOROUGLY. Reports, reviews, and essays must be typed and include word count. Be sure to use your own words. Some assignments have a maximum that may be completed per week or semester so make sure to plan ahead! Outside credit should reflect time and effort spent on either participation in or learning about the vast world of dance!
Participator in Dance
A student who participates in extracurricular dance classes or dance performances will be eligible to receive outside points.
Each and every outside class will earn 10 points. Students must fill out the form provided in dance class, or available in the Dance Documents section of Ms. O’Connor’s website. It is preferred that the dance instructor sign the sheet (it just seems nice to let them know their student is getting credit in school for their efforts) but a parent signature is acceptable. Dance class credit is unlimited.
Each outside of class performance can earn up to 25 points. To earn these performance points a student must write a one paragraph description of what kind of material was danced and in what venue the performance was presented. If the show is a Millikan show double points are rewarded and no description need be written. Performance Credit is unlimited.
Spectator of Dance
A student who attends a dance concert or performance may write a review of the event. This performance may be professional or amateur. A well-written and thoughtful examination of the show (minimum 250 words) will earn up to 25 points. This assignment is limited to one review a week.
This kind of review may also be done on any movie or play that contains dance. It need not be a work devoted to dance, like a ballet or musical. It might just be a movie that has dance in it. We all know that if dance is put into a movie it is there for a reason. It costs money and the movie industry never does anything that costs money without a reason. Dance often sets the feeling of the time period, offers opportunity for character interaction, or affects the pace of the movie. A reviewer’s role is not to retell the plot but rather to describe why dance was interjected into the work, what was its role, its purpose, what information did it provide? This assignment is limited to one per week.
Researcher of dance
Review of an Article: Students may read an article about dance or culture and write a 250-word synopsis to earn up to 25 points. Site references used. This assignment is limited to one per week.
This cultural interview tool serves as the basis for a written investigation of individual cultures. This assignment can earn up to 25 points. A full credit BELOATCHE/R is at least 250 words. Information on the BELOATCHE/R is available on the “Dance Notes” section of the web site. This assignment is limited to one per week.
Full Dance Report
A report on dance must be 400-500 words (typed about 1 1/2 pages double spaced). Please include word count. The report must include a bibliography and be in the prescribed format provided by the dance department. The format for this report is available on the web site for Ms. O’Connor or can be requested in class. This assignment is limited to one per week. This assignment can earn up to 50 points.
A dance poster (at least 12” X 24”) must contain a quote about dance from a known source. No anonymous quotes accepted. Time and effort should be spent on the poster’s artwork for full credit. Posters are worth up to 25 points of outside credit. This assignment is limited to one per week.
Video Presentation
Dance from a particular culture that has been researched by the student may be shared with the class for outside credit. The source may be personal video recordings or downloaded media from the Internet. Note- any recording must be brought to class in the form of a MP4, or Imovie type configuration on a flash drive, CD or DVD or even in a camera. YouTube is not available in the LAUSD classrooms. Video presentations must be introduced by the student and include the origin of the dance, the culture it represents and any specific information that can be found out about it. Information might include the specific country or cultural setting, or a certain festival or event each year, perhaps the dance is done by a certain group of people within the culture, etc. This presentation would be worth up to 50 points and is limited to one per semester.
Dance Sharing
Students who have a dance that is done in their culture can share that dance with the class. They must provide music, if the dance is done to music. Students may actually share the dance with the class themselves or ask if Ms. O’Connor is able to teach it for them. Ms. O’Connor must approve student’s dance choice (and teaching/preparation plan) well ahead of grading period close dates to allow for proper scheduling. This presentation would be worth 50 points and is limited to one per semester.