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c/o Huntington Community Centre,
26, Strensall Road, Huntington,
Tel: 01904 470670
Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 25th May 2016 in Huntington Community Centre at 7:15pm
PRESENT: / Councillor D. Jobling – Chairman, Councillor M. Duncanson, Councillor A. Hawxby, Councillor D. Geogheghan-Breen, Councillor Gerald Shann, Councillor Julie Shann, Councillor R. Dean and Lorraine Frankland (Parish Clerk) – in attendanceITEM 1
APOLOGIES: / Councillor J. Willis
CIRCULATION: / To all attendees, apologies and all other members of the Parish Council.
MINUTES PREPARED BY: / Lorraine Frankland
DATE (Draft): / 02/06/16
1. To Note Apologies for Absence
Councillor J. Willis; absent due to work commitments
It was resolved to approve all apologies and reasons for absence.
2. To Elect a Sub-Committee Chair
Councillor D. Jobling expressed an interest in standing as Chairman for a further year, and was nominated for the post of Chairman by Councillor M. Duncanson and seconded by Councillor A. Hawxby There were no other nominations and the nomination was approved unanimously. Councillor D. Jobling was duly elected as Chairman of the Planning Committee
3. To Note Declarations of Interest
i) To Approve Dispensation Requests:
No such requests made.
ii) To Note Declarations of Personal, Prejudicial or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in any Items of Business on the Agenda
No such declarations made.
4. To Approve Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held 20/04/16
Minutes of 20/04/16 approved as a true and accurate record of said meeting signed and dated by Chairman.
5. Planning Applications Considered 25/05/16
The following applications received from City of York Council were considered and below are the comments of the Planning Committee which have been forwarded to the Planning Directorate.
CYC Reference / Address / Description16/01073/OUTM / Land to The North of Avon Drive Huntington
York / Erection of no.67 dwellings
Committee Comment: D We object on planning grounds
• This land is designated as Draft Green Belt
• A precedent has been set on two previous occasions by refusal on the grounds of a future need for duelling the A1237
• Huntington Parish Council are extremely concerned that this proposed development will exasipate road safety on an already difficult section of road (namely the junction with Avon Drive and Strensall Road)
• The likely effect of the development on the residential amenity of neighbour’s adverse impact which the proposed development might have on the character of the neighbourhood
• The proposal to take foul water domestic waste to be discharged to the 225 mm diameter public foul/combined water sewer recorded in Avon Drive, at a point approximately 5 metres from the site, again residents dispute the size of this sewer (believing it to be 100mm in parts) and state that they currently have issues with blocking and backing up resulting in sewage polluting residential gardens and driveways, it is believed that an increase a development such as this; will cause pollution incidents of this nature to increase in frequency and volume
• Whilst it is proposed to take the surface water away via the land drain to the North of the site local resident state that there is a land drain to the South of the site following the course for the boundary between the properties on Avon Drive this drain is incomplete and in disrepair and caused localised flooding during the December 2015 Boxing Day floods within resident’s gardens, they are also concerned that this incomplete drain coupled with the additional housing will increase the problem
16/00484/FULM / Huntington Stadium Jockey Lane Huntington / Variation of condition 2 of application
14/02933/FULM to allow minor material
amendments to the approved drawings including an increase the height and length of the commercial development building with alterations to internal layout etc.
Committee Comment: B We have no objections
16/00985/FUL / All Saints Church Church Lane Huntington York YO32 9RE / Installation of 4 no. low level lights along front footpath and 3 no. wall mounted external light fittings to Church building
Committee Comment: B We have no objections
16/01138/FUL / 6 Rolston Avenue, Huntington, York,
YO31 9JD / Single storey rear extension
Committee Comment: B We have no objections
16/01023/FUL / 7 Fern Close Huntington York
YO32 9PA / Dormer to rear
Committee Comment: B We have no objections
6. CYC Decisions re: Planning Applications
CYC Reference / Address / Description / Decision16/00251/CLU / Shepherd Group Ltd Huntington House Jockey Lane
Huntington York / Use of land as a car park and the siting of four storage
units, all ancillary to the use of the existing offices at
Huntington House (use class B1) / Granted
26 April 2016
16/00565/FUL / 2A Crinan Court Huntington York YO32 9YB / Single storey front extension / Refused
29 April 2016
16/00401/FUL / 22 Hopgrove Lane North York YO32 9TF / Erection of 2no. detached dwelling following the demolition of existing dwelling (resubmission) / Refused
13 May 2016
7. Planning Enforcement Issues
It was noted that there are two properties in Keith Avenue which it appears are undergoing loft conversions that involve re-profiling the roof line and that the planning committee has not received any planning application consultation for this work LF to chase with CoYC (via enforcement form)
8. To Consider any other Planning and Green Belt related Issues:
It was noted that the Neighbourhood Planning Committee still cannot progress any further at the moment as they are awaiting CoYC draft Local Plan.
9. To confirm date and time of next meeting.
To be held on Wednesday 15th June 2016 at 7:15pm in Huntington Community Centre, 26 Strensall Road, Huntington, York YO32 9RH (pending the receipt of any planning applications).
Meeting closed at 8:45pm
Planning Committee Minutes – 25/05/16