Enrollment Management Steering Group
November 9, 2007
CA 438 1:00-2:30
o Minutes from the September meeting were previously distributed and are available by visiting http://registrar.iupui.edu/emc/emsc-meetings.shtml
Announcements from the Chair
o Spring Admissions information will be provided at the meeting.
o Spring Enrollment report appears below.
o For more on admissions and enrollment visit http://imir.iupui.edu/picx
o At the October EMC, Dean Sukhatme noted the expansion to the Norman Brown Scholarship. More details on this are appended below
o Over the last 18 months IUPUI and the other public institutions have been working to meet a state mandate that articulations be established with Ivy Tech Community College and Vincennes in twelve content areas. Though some articulations have yet to be completed, at its October meeting, the ICHE accepted a staff recommendation that the institutions are in essential compliance. Most institutions have at least one area yet to be completed. The IU School of Education continues to work on articulations in elementary education on behalf of all IU campuses with both ITCC and VU. In addition, IUPUI is still working on an articulation in Math with Vincennes.
Discussion Items
o There are a number of new enrollment-management tools available to help with different aspects of enrollment management and retention.
Data management software assists with integrating data from a variety of sources into a single environment. This provides for ease of research and reporting as well as supporting modeling efforts. One vendor is SAS http://www.sas.com/technologies/analytics/datamining/index.html An Educause bulletin introducing the concept of a digital dashboard can be found at http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ERB0319.pdf
o Constituent Relations Management (CRM) software allow institutions to more easily identify prospective students and to track and tailor individual communications with them. The same functionality can be used to support retention efforts by improving institutional contacts with our current students. Such tools make use of data from a variety of sources and integrate with an institution’s SIS. One vendor is Talisma http://education.talisma.com/tal_solutions/strategic_enrollment.asp
o In order to remain competitive with other institutions, IUPUI should use such tools. In our meeting we will discuss developing a strategy for making the case and finding the funding necessary to acquire them.
Council on Retention and Graduation Scott Evenbeck
o Retention reports available for 2006 cohort
o Persistence to the second year for beginning students improved for the 2006 cohort compared with the 2005 cohort.
2005 Cohort / 2006 CohortFT Beginners / 63.8% / 66.0%
All Beginners / 61.4% / 63.7%
Summaries for several different subsets are provided below. For the full report on all campuses visit http://www.indiana.edu/~urr/retention/2006_cohort.shtml
Upcoming EMC Meetings and Tentative Topics
November 16 1:00-2:30 BS 3009
· Student Life Karen Whitney, Hayward Guenard (Housing), Dan Maxwell (Campus Center), Don Godleski (Chartwells), Vicky Pasternak (Housing)
o At the October meeting, EMC members raised a number of questions regarding student housing, meal plans, and the Campus Center. Representatives of those areas will address those and other issues of interest.
December No meeting
January 25 1:00-3:00 CE 309
o Data Workshop
February 22 1:00-2:30 CE 268
March 28 1:00-2:30 CE 268
April 25 1:00-2:30 CE 268
May No meeting
June 27 1:00-2:30 CE 268
EMC Steering Group Meetings
December 14 1:00-2:30 CA 438
January 11 3:00-4:30 TBD (note change in time this meeting only)
March 21 1:00-2:30 TBD
June 13 1:00-2:30 TBD
Announcement of Expansion of the Norman Brown Scholarship from IUPUI Website
Increasing Student Diversity at IUPUI
An infusion of Commitment to Excellence funds will produce a substantial expansion and a marked improvement of the currently ongoing Norman Brown Diversity and Leadership Scholars Program (NBDLP) at IUPUI. This program has served as a very effective recruitment tool for individuals who contribute to the diversity of IUPUI. Through the mentoring and encouragement given to the NBDLP scholars, the program has provided a valuable path for student success. NBDLP scholars have a 76 percent first year retention rate and a 47 percent four year graduation rate since 2002. Also, 22 NBDLP scholars have been named to the IUPUI Top 100 Students list since 2002. Until now, the annual funding of $60,000 was used to support an average of 30 scholars at up to $2,000 each.
Starting with the current academic year, the NBDLP annual funding has been increased to $350,000 per year - six times its current size! The aim is to strengthen the program by providing a more substantial scholarship package to a larger number of students. It is proposed to steadily increase the number of students in the program over the next three years, so that it will support about 100 scholars by 2010. The new level of merit and need-based aid will ensure student awards ranging from $3,000 (merit award only) to $6,000 (merit award and need-based grant) with an average of $3,500 per student. This increase will ensure that IUPUI is providing a competitive scholarship package that will be a useful tool in recruiting a larger number of talented, diverse students to the campus and enhance their persistence to graduation.
SPRING Enrollment Update / 11/5/07INDIANAPOLIS Enrollment
Credit Hours Taught / Headcount by Student School
11/6/2006 / 11/5/2007 / Change / % / 11/6/2006 / 11/5/2007 / Change / %
School / 2007 / 2008 / School / 2007 / 2008
BUS / 7,825.0 / 8,329.5 / 504.5 / 6.4% / BUS / 605 / 624 / 19 / 3.1%
DENT / 1,014.0 / 721.0 / -293.0 / -28.9% / DENT / 86 / 61 / -25 / -29.1%
EDUC / 5,911.0 / 5,694.0 / -217.0 / -3.7% / EDUC / 744 / 700 / -44 / -5.9%
EGTC / 8,021.0 / 8,423.0 / 402.0 / 5.0% / EGTC / 814 / 872 / 58 / 7.1%
GRAD / 37.0 / 147.0 / 110.0 / 297.3% / GCND / 50 / 31 / -19 / -38.0%
HERR / 4,697.0 / 5,202.0 / 505.0 / 10.8% / GRAD / 159 / 176 / 17 / 10.7%
INFO / 1,326.0 / 1,428.0 / 102.0 / 7.7% / HERR / 454 / 474 / 20 / 4.4%
JOUR / 468.0 / 529.0 / 61.0 / 13.0% / INFO / 175 / 181 / 6 / 3.4%
LAW / 10,905.0 / 11,008.0 / 103.0 / 0.9% / JOUR / 68 / 64 / -4 / -5.9%
LIBA / 24,685.0 / 25,193.0 / 508.0 / 2.1% / LAW / 837 / 867 / 30 / 3.6%
LSTU / 126.0 / 96.0 / -30.0 / -23.8% / LIBA / 623 / 619 / -4 / -0.6%
MED / 1,453.0 / 1,653.0 / 200.0 / 13.8% / LSTU / 3 / 3 / 0 / 0.0%
MUS / 1,227.0 / 1,158.0 / -69.0 / -5.6% / MED / 103 / 101 / -2 / -1.9%
NURS / 7,970.0 / 8,272.0 / 302.0 / 3.8% / MUS / 10 / 4 / -6 / -60.0%
PED / 6,596.0 / 6,617.0 / 21.0 / 0.3% / NURS / 864 / 878 / 14 / 1.6%
SCI / 27,333.0 / 28,636.0 / 1,303.0 / 4.8% / PED / 471 / 488 / 17 / 3.6%
SCS / 164.0 / 117.0 / -47.0 / -28.7% / SCI / 924 / 924 / 0 / 0.0%
SHRS / 1,100.0 / 676.0 / -424.0 / -38.5% / SCS / 354 / 329 / -25 / -7.1%
SLIS / 934.5 / 1,047.0 / 112.5 / 12.0% / SHRS / 78 / 46 / -32 / -41.0%
SPEA / 3,953.0 / 3,455.0 / -498.0 / -12.6% / SLIS / 160 / 165 / 5 / 3.1%
SWK / 4,682.0 / 4,850.0 / 168.0 / 3.6% / SPEA / 418 / 364 / -54 / -12.9%
SWT / 4.0 / 0.0 / -4.0 / -100.0% / SWK / 445 / 460 / 15 / 3.4%
UCOL / 937.0 / 951.0 / 14.0 / 1.5% / UCOL / 2,287 / 2,364 / 77 / 3.4%
TOTAL / 121,368.5 / 124,202.5 / 2,834.0 / 2.3% / IN / 10,732 / 10,795 / 63 / 0.6%
Unduplicated / 10,715 / 10,782 / 67 / 0.6%
IUPUC Enrollment
TOTAL / 6,754.5 / 6,785.0 / 30.5 / 0.5% / CO / 590 / 599 / 9 / 1.5%
IUPUI Total / 128,123.0 / 130,987.5 / 2,864.5 / 2.2% / Grand Total / 11,305 / 11,381 / 76 / 0.7%