The Music Education Professional Sequence is comprised of the following upper division courses in the Music Education curriculum:

MEMT 330 Reh/Cond Cl: Band
MEMT 331 Reh/Cond Cl: Choral
MEMT 332 Reh/Cond Cl: Orchestra
MEMT 350 Adv. Reh/Cond Cl: Band
MEMT 351 Adv Reh/Cond Cl: Chor
MEMT 352 Adv. Reh/Cond Cl: Orch
MEMT 367 Mng Bhvr Mus Envrnmt / MEMT 407 Excptnl Child in ME
MEMT 408 Vocal Pedagogy
MEMT 420 Tch Elem & Sec Gen Mu
MEMT 433 Jazz Tech
MEMT 421 Adv. Gen. Music Teaching
MEMT 431 Chl Diction for MuEdctrs
MEMT 432Apprchs to String Ped
MEMT 435 Marching Band Tech / MEMT 450 Tchng Choral Music
MEMT 451 Tchng Instrumental Mus
MEMT 455 Psychology of Music
MEMT 498 Student Teaching *
MEMT 499 Internship in Tchng Music *
C&T 359 Basic Prcss Rding
SPED 326 Tchg Excpt Chld & Yth Gn Ed
*Student cannot enroll in MEMT 498 & 499 until all other coursework is completed satisfactorily & have received approval from Dr. Debra Hedden.

Each music education student must apply by the first Monday in February of the sophomore year for entrance to the professional sequence. Transfer students with over 45 hours of transfer credit must complete and submit this application the first semester of classes at KU.

The application for admission to the professional sequence asks students to indicate whether or not they have been convicted of a felony or a crime involving theft, drugs, or a child. The Kansas State Board of Education considers such matters in granting teacher licensure.

No student may be admitted into the professional sequence for a semester during which he/she will be on academic probation. Students who have not achieved admission to the professional sequence are not allowed to enroll in junior/senior levelprofessional sequence coursework.

Requirements for admission to the music education professional sequence include:

1.A cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.75 or higher.

2.Grades of C or better in Math 101 and 6 hours of English as listed on the application.

3.Satisfactory completion of “Criteria for Admission” courses as shown on page 2.

4.The student must write and attach a one-page essay (12-point font, double-spaced) attached to the application form that answers the following question: How will you advocate for school music programs in the community at large when you enter the classroom?

5.A fully completed application form must be submitted to the MEMT office in 448 Murphy Hall.

Students who have been denied admission to the KU Music Education Professional Sequence may reapply, but must submit a new application.

Criteria for Admission to the

Music Education Professional Sequence

1. Each of the following College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.


ENGL102Composition and Literature3

MATH101College Algebra (or equivalent)3

2. In addition, music education students must complete the following courses in the School of Music. With the exception of studio lessons and REC 100, each of these courses must be completed with a grade of C or better. Studio lessons must be completed with a grade of B- or better. REC100 Lab in Music Performance must be completed with a grade of “S”.

______121Studio Lessons in Major Performance Medium4 (2 semesters @ 2 hours each; B- or better)

______221Studio Lessons in Major Performance Medium2 (1 semester @ 2 hours; B- or better)

______Ensemble (Band/Orchestra/Choral)3 (3 semesters @ 1 hour each)

MEMT113PM: Brass1

MEMT 114PM: Woodwinds1

MEMT115PM: Percussion1

MEMT118PM: Strings1

MEMT160Principles of Music Education1

MEMT231Performance Clinic: Choral1

MEMT246Fundamentals of Conducting1

MEMT250Human Musical Learning & Development2

MTHC316Tonal Form & Post-Tonal Tech4

MUSC320Music History I2

PIAN284or equivalent (eligibility for PIAN 288)2

REC100Lab in Music Performance0 (2 semesters@ 0 hours, graded “S”)

Meeting minimum admission standards does not guarantee admission to the Music Education Professional Sequence.

Music Education Professional Sequence Application Rubric

This rubric will be used for assessing and processing the Music Education Professional Sequence Application.

Student name:


Question to be addressed: How will you advocate for your school music programs in the community at large when you enter the classroom?


12-point font and paragraph indentations / Incorrect font and/or no paragraph indentations used / Either correct font used or correct paragraph indentations, but not both / Correct font and paragraph indentations used
Essay is one page in length / Essay is less than one page in length / Essay is longer than one page in length / Essay is one page in length
Argument logic and realism / Argument is not logical and/or realistic / Argument is somewhat logical and/or realistic / Argument is logically presented and realistic in nature
Argument specificity advocating for the music program / Argument lacks specificity / Argument presents one to two instances of specificity / Argument offers three or four specific ideas about advocating
Correct grammar and spelling / Instances of incorrect grammar and/or spelling / One error in grammar or spelling / Correct grammar and spelling are evident
Total points (max = 15)

Application Received______

Application for Music Education Professional Sequence Admission

Name in FullKU Student Number

Present Address

Number and StreetCityStateZip

Present Phone No.Permanent Phone No.

Area Code - NumberArea Code- Number

Permanent Address

Number and StreetCityStateZip



Total hours completed (min. 45)Overall GPA (min. 2.75, KU Only)Core GPA (for SOE report)

1 page essay received(Ks Stnd9-Assessment #6A & #6B)

Grades in the following coursework of “C” or better:

ENGL 101 / 3 / MEMT 118 / 1 / 1 / (Ens.)
ENGL 102 / 3 / MEMT 160 / 1 / 1 / (Ens.)
MATH 101 * / 3 / MEMT 231 / 1 / 1 / (Ens.)
MEMT 113 / 1 / MEMT 246 / 1 / MTHC 316 / 4
MEMT 114 / 1 / MEMT 250 / 2 / MUSC 320 / 2
MEMT 115 / 1 / PIAN 284 ** / 2

*(or equivalent)**(or demonstrated eligibility for PIAN 288)

Grades in the following coursework of “B-” or better:

121 / 2 / 121 / 2 / (2 sem @ 2hr each)
221 / 2 / (1 sem @ 2 hrs each)

Grades in the following coursework of “S”:

REC 100 / 0 / REC 100 / 0 / (2 sem @ 0 hr each)
Status:( )Regular Admission( )Admission w/Contingencies / Provisional Transfer Student Admission

( )Admission Denied

Contingencies: ______



Ks Stnd9-Assessment #6A #6B (Enter scores 2-4, 5-8, 9-12)

Authorizing Signature______DATE ______

TO:UG Director of Student Services SOM, 450 Murphy:

CHANGE the major code for this student from ME-BME to MEPS-BME effective immediately.


Original to:____ Div. Prof. Seq. Application File____ UG Director of Student Services SOM, 450 Murphy____ Division Student File ____ Student

Music Education Professional Sequence Application for Admission

Criminal Background Information

Name in FullKU Student Number

The information below is required of all students in a teacher education program at the University of Kansas. Your truthful response to these questions is mandatory.

A.Have you ever been convicted of a felony?NoYes

(If yes, please attach a copy of the court documents regarding conviction.)

B.Have you ever been convicted of ANY crime involving theft, drugs, or a child?NoYes

(If yes, please attach a copy of the court documents regarding conviction.)

C.Have you ever entered into a criminal diversion agreement after being charged

with any offenses described in Questions A or B? NoYes

(If yes, please attach a copy of the diversion agreement.)

D.Are criminal charges pending against you in any state involving any of the offenses

described in Questions A or B?NoYes

If yes, please attach a copy of the court documents regarding your case.)

E.Have you ever had a teacher’s or school administrator’s certificate or license denied,

suspended, revoked or in any state?NoYes

(If yes, please give details of the circumstances and attach a copy of the documents

regardingthe official action taken.)

F.Is disciplinary action pending against you in any state regarding a teacher’s or

administrator’scertificate or license? No Yes

(If yes, please attach a copy of the official documents regarding the action pending

against you.)

G.Have you ever been terminated, suspended, or otherwise disciplined by a local

Board ofEducation for falsifying or altering student tests or test scores?No Yes

(If yes, which district(s)? When?)

H.Have you ever falsified or altered assessment data, documents, or test score reports

required for licensure?No Yes

(If yes, which state(s)? When?)

I certify that the information on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentation of facts may result in a denial of admission to the Professional Sequence.


Signature of ApplicantDate


App ME Prof Seq Admiss, January 2015