Bardes 08-09 Chapter 3
Critical Thinking Questions
Question 1: Who should have jurisdiction (decision-making authority) over local disasters, such as floods or tornadoes? Should the state or the federal government manage disaster relief or should they share the responsibility? Who should have jurisdiction over disasters that cross state lines, as Hurricane Katrina did?
Question 2: Which, if any, of the following services are best managed by individual states? Which should be the responsibility of the federal government? Which should be a shared responsibility? Why?
Protecting our borders with Mexico and Canada
Supervising imported goods and shipping
Air travel within the U.S.
Air travel from the U.S. to other countries
Investigating domestic terrorism
Protecting local government officials
Protecting national officials when they visit American cities
Question 1:Should the definition of “marriage” and who can be “married” be decided by the individual states or by the federal government? What are the advantages and disadvantages of state-by-state definitions of marriage? What are the implications for states if the national government’s Defense of Marriage Act withstands a challenge in the courts?
Question 2:According to some recent Supreme Court decisions, such as Alden v. Maine, the states cannot be sued for violating rights established by federal laws unless the states consent to be sued. How might such rulings affect the ability of people to sue states for acts of discrimination under federal law? What other protections might ensure justice for those who are discriminated against?
What If?
Question 1:If the national government were to take control of public education, what might it do differently than the states do? What would be the implications for diversity and local culture?
Question2:Imagine that one of the fifty states, or a territory, wanted to secede from the union. Should it have that right? Why or why not?
What’s Your Position?
The Marijuana Policy Project seeks to minimize the harm associated with marijuana (the greatest harm being, in its opinion, imprisonment) by promoting the legalization of marijuana for certain purposes, including medical uses.
Visit its Web site for its views, as well as for information on recent developments in this area. The National Institute on Drug Abuse believes that more studies need to be undertaken before allowing marijuana to be prescribed for medical purposes. It offers information on marijuana and its effects at it's website.
Visit URLs:
Marijuana Policy Project
National Institute on Drug Abuse