Lakehead University
Department of Political Science
Political Science 2611 FA
World Politics
Walid Chahal Fall 2003
Required Texts:
Wapner, Paul, & Lester Edwin J. Ruiz. 2000. Principled World Politics: The Challenge of Normative International Relations. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Course focus:
In this course, we will critically examine the changing structure of international relations with reference to competing perspectives, concepts, as well as the dynamic and complex collection of issues and actors.
Course Topics: Required Readings from our text
1- Introduction P. Wapner
2- Critical Perspectives on International Relations
- Globalization & the issue of soverenity R. B. J. Walker
- Complementary perspectives to world affairs J. Rosenau
- The uncertain reach of critical theory R. Nakarada
3- Social Justice & International Relations
- Global economic inequality M. Doyle
- The prospects of social justice R. Kothari
- Collective identity & the limits of
social dissent in Israel S. Sharoni
- Global ecological issues V. Shiva
4- Economic Well-Being
- The global economy & the issue of democracy D. Held
- Understanding poverty, marginalization & gender
in an era of globalization A.Tambe
- Citizen responses to corporate-led globalization R. Broad
5- Peace & international Relations
- Enforcing norms for human governance R. Johansen
- Peace in the Twenty–First Century E. Boulding; & J. Galtung
6- Human Governance
- The normative promise of non-state actors P. Wapner
- Technological underdevelopment in the south A. Mazrui
- Governance, legitimacy, & security M. Kaldor
- The age of relativization Y. Sakamanto
7- Challenges for Normative International Relations L. E. J. Ruiz
Course Requirement:
1) One essay on any world politics topic. The student is expected to use at least one
perspective on world politics for the analytical part of the paper. The essay should
be no more than 3000 words (10 typed pages).
to be submitted on November 3, 2003….………………………….40%
2) Two tests:
Mid-term (October 15, 2003)……………………………………….25%
Final (November 24, 2003)……..…………………………………. 25%
The tests cover all class work, lecture and reading material to date.
3) Quizzes & class participation ...... …..10%
Further, the student will be given additional information concerning course topics, course requirements, evaluation procedures and any other relevant material on the first day of class.
Ali, Tariq (May-June 2003). “Re-colonizing Iraq,” New Left Review 21, On-line, Retrieved on April 12, 03
Amin, Samir. (1976). Unequal Development: an Essay on the Social Formation of Peripheral Capitalism. New York: Monthly Review.
---. 1982. Dynamics of Global Crisis. New York: Monthly Review.
Arnove, Anthony (March 19, 2003). “Pro-war Propaganda Machine: Media becomes Branch of War Effort.” First appeared in The Socialist Worker, also printed Znet O-line: <>. Retrieved on April 8, 03.
Barker, Jonathan. 2003.The No-Nonsense Guide to Terrorism. Toronto: Between the Lines/New Internationalist.
Barsamian, David. 1993. Noam Chomsky: Chronicle of Dissent. Vancouver: New Star Books.
Cardoso H. F. and E and Faletto. (1979). Dependency and Development in Latin America. California: University of California Press.
Chomsky, Noam & Herman, Edward. 1979. The Political Economy of Human Rights Vol. 1-- The Washongton Connection and Third World Fascism. Montreal: Black Rose Books.
---. 1979. The Political Economy of Human Rights Vol. 2-- After the Cataclysm: Postwar Indochina & the Reconstruction of Imperial Ideology. Montreal: Black Rose Books.
Chomsky, Noam. 1987. Pirates and Emperors. Montreal: Black Rose Books.
----. (April 02, 2003). “Noam Chomsky interviewed by V.K. Ramachandran.” Znet on-line, April 2003<>,
Retrieved on the same day.
Davutoglu, Ahmet. (1994). “The New World Order As a Global System and Islam.” In his edition: Civilizational Transformation and the Muslim World (96-113). Kuala Lumpur: Mahir Pub. Sdn. Bhd.
El. Bayoumi, Ashraf. 2002. “Naked imperialism.” Al-Ahram Weekly Online April (11 – 17). Retrieved on April 3, 2002 from the World Wide Web:
Ellwood, Wayne. 2001. The No-Nonsense Guide to Globalization. Toronto: Between the Lines/New Internationalist.
Finkelstein, Norman G. 1996. “Whither the Peace Process?” New left Review 218 (pp?)
Fisk, Robert. 2001. “Hypocrisy, Hatred and the War on Terror.” (Nov. 8). Zed Mag. ZNet Retrieved on Dec. 3, 2001 from the World Wide Web:
Ghadbian, Najib. 2002. “Political Islam: Inclusion or Violence.” In Kenton Worcester, S. A. Bermanzohn and M. Unger (eds.) Violence and Politics: Globalization’s Paradox (90-106). New York. Routledge.
Gunder Frank, Andre. 1969. Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America. New York: Monthly Review Press.
Held, David, and Anthony McGrew. 2002. Globalization/Anti-Globalization. Malden, MA. USA: Polity Press/Blackwell Pub. Ltd.
Herman, Edward. 1992. Beyond Hypocrisy: Decoding the News in an Age of Propaganda. Montreal: Black Rose Books.
----, and McChesney, Robert. 1997. The Global Media: the New Visionaries of Corporate Capitalism. London & Washington: Cassell.
----, and Chomsky, Noam. 1988. Manufacturing Consent: the Political Economy of the Mass Media. New York: Pantheon Books.
Karim, H. Karim. 2000. Islamic Peril: Media and Global Violence. Montreal: Black Rose Books.
MacArthur, John R. (1992.) Second Front: Censorship & Propaganda in the Gulf War. N.Y.: Hill & Wang.
Millar, Melanie Stewart. 1998. Cracking the Gender Code: Who Rules the Wired World? Toronto: Second Story Press.
Monthly Review. 1992. Columbus and the New World Order 1492-1992, Vol. 44 (3), July-August.
Pendakur, Manjunath and Roma Harris. 2002. Citizenship and Participation in the Information Age. Aurora, Ontario: Garamond Press.
Said, Edward. 2002. “Thinking ahead: After survival, what happens?” Zed Mag. Znet Retrieved on April 7, 2002 from the World Wide Web:
---,1978. Orientalism. New York: Pantheon Books.
---, 1993. Culture and Imperialism. New York: Vintage Books.
---, 2002. “What Price Oslo?” Al-Ahram Weekly Online, April 3. Retrieved on April 3, 2002 from the World Wide Web:
---, 2001. “A vision to lift the spirit: Principles and education: these are the ways out of the Middle East impasse. ” Al-Ahram Weekly On-line, issue 557. Oct. 25-31. Retrieved on Nov. 20, 2001 from the World Wide Web:
---, 2001. “Suicidal Ignorance: By now, at least, it should be clear: the US just doesn't get it. Time for a change of policy.” Al-Ahram Weekly On-line, issue 560. Nov. 25-31. Retrieved on Nov. 20th, 2001 from the World Wide Web:
---, 2002. Apocalypse Now. Zed Mag. Znet Retrieved on Dec. 10, 2002 from the World Wide Web:
Sarder, Ziauddin & Jerome R. Ravetz (eds.). 1996. Cyberfutures: Culture and Politics on the Information Superhighway. New york: New York University Press.
Steans, Jill. 1998. Gender and International Relations: an Introduction. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
Wallerstein, Immanuel. 1974. The Modern World System. New York: Academic Press.
Warkentin, Craig. 2001. Reshaping World Politics: NGOs, the Internet, and Global Civil Society. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.