Bertha Wolf-Rosenthal Foundation Fund for Community Service
Liberty Hill Foundation
2018 Stipend Program
The Bertha Wolf-Rosenthal Foundation Fund for Community Service Stipend will provide at least five young peoplewith a stipend of $6,500. Eligible recipients must be between the ages of 18-25 as of December 2017 and must intend to work or intern for a nonprofit organization for the entire 2018 calendar year.Recipients will be given a stipend to help cover basic living costs (e.g., rent, food, utilities, transportation and childcare). This stipend is not a scholarship or a reward for prior nonprofit work. The stipend will go directly to the recipient; the nonprofit organization may not consider the stipend as a portion of the recipient’s salary.
To be considered for the Bertha Wolf-Rosenthal Foundation Fund for Community Service Stipend, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:
- Show a history of community service work (in and/or out of school).
- Demonstrate financial need for supplementary income in the absence of support from family and/or other outside resources. Please note that there is no particular threshold of financial need we are considering. It is up to the applicant to decide if she/he would be a competitive applicant given her/his particular circumstances.
- Currently work as an employee or unpaid intern for a nonprofit organization. The minimum work commitment is 30 hours/week (anything below 30 hours will not be considered). The recipient must continue working at this nonprofit for the duration of the calendar year. Recipients who leave before the end of the calendar year must return a proportional amount of the stipend.
All applicants must submit all the following materials and nothing additional. We take into account spelling, grammar and typing errors, so please proofread all your materials carefully. If you have any problems with scanning your materials, please contact Liberty Hill at . Please answer every question. If a question does not apply to you, write “N/A”.
- A personal statement
- Tellusaboutyourself,yourcontributionsthroughcommunityservice,yourgoals,yourneedfor financial assistance and how this stipend will help you.
- A résumé́ which details your complete work and community service history.
- A letter of recommendation from your nonprofit organization. The letter should explain why you are a deserving candidate and must verify your full time, permanent employment status (employee or intern) and your salary (if applicable).
- A second letter of recommendation from your nonprofit organization or someone who can speak to why you are deserving of this award.
- A completed application form.
Completed application forms can be emailed to . Please send the completed application form, résumé́, and personal statement in one email and instruct the individual at your organization to send the letter of recommendation to this email address, as well. If you wish to mail your application, rather than email, please use the address below on this page. Incomplete applications will be discarded without notification.
We treat your application materials as confidential during the review process. While we do not return application materials, Liberty Hill securely stores the original applications and shreds all committee copies to protect your privacy.
Please read the instructions and the application thoroughly before contacting us with questions. Email questions . Please do not call. We receive many applications and review them thoroughly, so please do not contact us to ask the status of your application.
Your complete application must be received by April 20, 2018.
Please mail your packet to:
Bertha Wolf-Rosenthal Foundation Fund for Community Service
c/o Liberty Hill Foundation
6420 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 700
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Deadline for receiving application packets:Friday, April 20, 2018
Notifications made by: Friday, June 15, 2018
1) Name:______
2) Mailing Address:______
3) Home Phone: (______)______4) Cell Phone: (______)______
4) Personal Email: ______
5) Date of Birth: ______/______/______7) Age on December 31, 2017:______
6) Please complete the one applicable to you:
SSN: ______or ITIN: ______
(To get an ITIN, please visit the IRS website at , and type in the keyword “ITIN”.)
(7) Please state the highest level of education completed: ______
I plan to pursue a graduate degree. Please explain below. (Use only the space provided.)
High School / Undergraduate College/University / Graduate and Professional School
Degree(s) Awarded / N/A
Date Awarded/ Anticipated
8) Please list no more than seven of your community service and extracurricular activities in chronological order. Awards/honors may be academic or otherwise. (Use only the space provided.)
Organization/Position Held / Dates:To-From / Hours
Per Week / Awards/Honors Won
Please tell us about the nonprofit where you currently work full-time as an employee or intern.
9) Organization:______
10) Federal Tax ID #: ______
11) Website: ______
12) Address: ______
13) Briefly describe the work/service of the nonprofit organization. (Use only the space provided.)
14) Supervisor’s Name: ______
15) Supervisor’s Title: ______
16) Supervisor’s Phone: (_____)______
17) Supervisor’s Email: ______
18) Your Title: ______
19) Your Work Phone: (_____)______25) Fax: (_____)______
20) Your Work Email: ______
21) Total Hours Worked Per Week: ______28) Date You Began Work: ______/______/______
22) Briefly describe your duties. (Use only the space provided.)
Assets – Current Value
23) Total Assets (e.g., vehicles, property, stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit and other investments that you own individually or jointly): $______
Income – Calendar Year 2017(12-Month Total)
24) Total Income (e.g., salaries, wages and tips, veteran’s benefits, welfare, non-education related
25) Other financial assistance (e.g., from partner/spouse, parent/guardian,
relative, friend):$______
Expected Income – Calendar Year 2018(12-Month Total)
26) Total Expected Income (e.g., salaries, wages, tips,veteran’s benefits, welfare, non-education related
27) Other financial assistance (e.g., from partner/spouse, parent/guardian,
relative, friend):$______
Education Income and Expenses (Undergraduate and Graduate) – Lifetime Total
28) Total amount in scholarships, grants, fellowships and academic awards
29) Total amount in educational loans received:$______
30) Total amount in educational loans currently owed:$______
Expenses – Calendar Year 2017 (12-Month Total)
31) Total Expenses (e.g., Rent or mortgage payments, utilities, internet and phones, food, vehicle payment, insurance, maintenance and fuel, public transportation, medical, vision and dental not covered by insurance, childcare,student loan payments: $______
32) Do you financially support, or provide care for, anyone other than yourself (e.g., partner/spouse, child, parent/guardian, relative, friend)? Please explain below. (Use only the space provided.)
33) Other expenses incurred in 2017. (Use only the space provided.)$______
34) Other expenses expected in 2018. (Use only the space provided.)1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111$______
I, ______, certify that to the best of my knowledge the information given in this application is complete and accurate. The Bertha Wolf-Rosenthal Foundation Fund for Community Service Stipend committee at the Liberty Hill Foundation reserves the right to request additional information from applicants. I understand that providing false, misleading or incomplete information will be the basis for denial or revocation of stipend funds. I will promptly inform the stipend committee, in writing, if there is any change in any of the facts provided in this application.
Liberty Hill maintains the right to request supporting documentation and verification of income and employment status from stipend award winners.
- Summary page and application form – completed and signed
- Personal statement
- Résumé
- One letter of recommendation from your nonprofit (including your hours worked per week)
- A second letter of recommendation from your nonprofit organization or someone who can speak to why you are deserving of this award.
Application materials must be received by Friday, April 20, 2018.
Bertha Wolf-Rosenthal Foundation Fund for Community Service – 2018Page 1 of 7
Rev. 1/28/18