Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing, Continuing Education

Presents:Interpreting Laboratory Values for the Acutely

and Critically Ill Patients

Date:December 4, 2009

Location:LSUHSC Medical Education Building, 1901 Perdido St.,Third Floor,

Seminar Room 10, New Orleans, LA --- Parking available at nearby pay lots $3-$4/day

Speaker:Eileen Hellwig Stoll, MSN, RN, CCRN- Ms. Stoll is an actively practicing critical care nurse with over 20 years experience. She has taught critical care content to nurses since 1988 and has mastered making difficult content easily understood.

5 Contact Hours Total 8:30 am Registration 9:00 am-3:30 pm Program

Target Audience: All Registered Nurses

Topics covered: Basic principles of laboratory values, how to collect blood samples, common laboratory tests and interpretation of abnormal values used to evaluate the acutely ill patient’s:fluid and electrolyte status, glucosemetabolism (ex. hemoglobin A1c,two hour postprandial glucose), hematologic system (ex. RBCs, H&H, reticulocyte), coagulation system (ex. Platelet count, prothrombin time, PTT, clotting time, bleeding time, fibrinogen),pulmonary system (ex. Alpha 1 protease inhibitor, carbon dioxide), cardiovascular system (lipid levels, cholesterol, triglycerides, cardiac markers for MI, indicators of heart failure), renal system (ex. BUN, creatinine clearance specific gravity, osmolality, 24 hour urine protein, urine albumin), hepatic system (ex. ALT, AST, bilirubin, ammonia, PT, PTT, albumin), neurological system (CSF-cell count, glucose, protein, pressure), thyroid function (TSH, thyroxine), and infectious disease process (ex. polymorphonuclear and mononuclear WBCs, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, culture and sensitivity, peak and trough levels for drugs) and more.

LSUHSC School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses

Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.The School is an approved provider by LSBNProvider #6.

Certificates will be distributed upon the completion of each day of the program. Participants must be present for

at least 90% of the program to receive contact hours.

Special Needs: Nurses with special needs identified under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call

504-568-4202 for specialaccommodations. Parking available in nearby self parking lots for $3-4/day.

Fee: $85if postmarked by 11/18/09 or Group Rate (3 or more) $75. Fee at door:$95

Pre-registration is required. Fee includescontinental breakfast, contact hours, and handouts.

Make check payable to: LSUHSC School of Nursing.

Mail to: LSUHSCSchool of Nursing, Continuing Education Call 504-568-4202 for more

1900 Gravier Street, New Orleans, LA70112-2262 information or to register.

(Receipt of payment secures place.)


Interpreting Lab Values for the Acutely &Critically Ill Pt. December 4, 2009

Make check payable to: LSUHSC School of Nursing For Early Registration Discount payment

Circle amt paid: Early $85, Group $75 or Door $95 must be received or envelope postmarked by 11/18/09

Name: ______Driver’s License #______

Address: ______City/State/Zip______

E-mail address:______

Phone: Home #______Work #:______

Employer: ______Emp. Address: ______

Position: ______Specialty: ______

Highest Nursing Preparation: Diploma_____, AD_____, BSN_____, Master’s_____, Doctorate______, other______