DRAMA4011 Advanced Theatrical Interpretation
PROJECT PROPOSALS are due Thursday March 3, 2016. Please submit them to CordulaQuint, 4011 co-ordinator, via email attachment.
Name: Click here to enter your name. ID#0
Year of study in2016-17: 3rd☐; 4th☐; 5th☐
Major:Click here to enter your major.; Minor:Click here to enter your minor.
completed by April 2016 (for Fall 2016 projects) or Dec 2016 (for Winter 2017 projects):
1701 ☐; 2151☐; 2161☐; 3001☐; 3151 ☐; 3161 ☐; 3171 ☐;4951☐;
2669 ☐;3669 ☐;4669 ☐;
x991☐: please specify:Click here to enter name of Special Topics course.
DRAM 4011 projects previously completed: none ☐ OR
a)Date:Click here to enter year/term.; Title: Click here to enter name of project.
b)Date:Click here to enter year/term.; Title: Click here to enter name of project.
Please indicate which type of project you are proposing as well as your area of interest:
A. Collaborative Project: ☐
a)Technical areas -- Lighting ☐, Sound ☐, Carpentry ☐
b)Assistant Directing: ☐
c)Assistant Design – Costumes ☐, Lighting ☐, Set ☐, Sound ☐, Make-up/Hair ☐, Other: ☐Specify:
d)Stage management ☐, or Assistant Stage Management ☐ (depending on prior experience)
e)Other: ☐ Specify:
B: Advanced Project: ☐
a)Directing: ☐
b)Design – Costumes ☐, Lighting ☐, Set ☐, Sound ☐, Make-up/Hair ☐,Other: ☐ Specify:
c)Production Management: ☐
d)Technical Direction: ☐
e)Other: ☐ Specify:
C. Advanced Acting Project: ☐
Please note that DRAM 4011 proposals in the area of acting will not be given final approval nor is registration for the course allowed until the student is cast in a show. Students must audition in open calls, with no preferential status. It is advised that students have alternative plans in place should
they not happen to get cast.
DRAMA4011 Advanced Theatrical Interpretation
Click here to enter text.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROJECT: Inno more than 100 words, name your project and paint a picture of what you want to accomplish.
Click here to enter text.
These are very important concepts that really help frame your work and how it will be assessed. Reflect carefully on what you really want to accomplish, what you want to learn, what new skills you want to develop and gain. A great way to do this is to think about three or four ways of completing the following sentence:
By the end of this course/project I want to be able to....
- _Click here to enter text.
- _Click here to enter text.
- _Click here to enter text.
- _Click here to enter text.
5. _Click here to enter text.
- Carefully review the DRAM General Information page and the Instructions for Proposals;
- Describe your project in depth to help us evaluate your proposal, making sure to address the areas that correspond to your type of project and your area of interest.
Copy/Paste your Project Description here, save the whole file, and send it by email attachment to CordulaQuint, no later thanThursday,MARCH 3, 2016.
Paste your completed information here.