Title: Paper Clips

Description: Students use water displacement to see how very little volume a paper clip has. They also use scientific method and may observe surface tension.

Materials: medium sized paper cups ( one per group) one box of paper clips per group and several extra boxes, graduated cylinders, Liquid dishwashing detergent and droppers, student sheet (see below)

Prior Knowledge: None needed.

Time Needed: one 50 minute period


1. Measure the amount of water needed to fill the paper cups you have available. Change the amount on the student sheet if needed. The water should completely fill the cup.

2. Read the directions with students and indicate where materials are.

3. Have students post their groups results on the board.

4. Discuss the results with students. See if they can explain why the soap changed the number of paper clips.

Scoring Guide

1. Students accurately fill out data sheet and report results – 8 pts.

2. Students answer questions correctly - 8 pts.

3. Conclusion is thoughtfully written – 4 pts.

Title –Surface Tension– NOS (Nature Of Science)

Materials-beaker, water, pennies, small paper clip, soap solution


1. Fill the beaker to the brim with water.

2. Before completing this step in the procedure, predict how many pennies

it will take to overflow the beaker. Once you have predicted the amount,

you may begin with the rest of this lab.

3. While adding pennies one at a time, count how many it takes before

the water overflows. Record your observations.

4. Repeat the experiment. Make another prediction. This time as you repeat the experiment, add a drop of dish soap to the top of the water.

5. Predict and experiment:

Can you get a single paperclip to float on top of the water


1. Trial #1- (how many pennies?)

2. Trial #2 – (how many pennies?)

3. Paper clip floating on water-


1. Record any observations you notice about the surface of your water.

2. Actual number of pennies: Trial 1-

3. Record any observations you notice about the surface of your water.

4. Actual number of pennies: Trial 2-

5. Write up your experiment for procedure #5. Be sure to use the following steps to the scientific method.











1. Was the number of pennies greater than you expected?

2. Volume is how much space some-thing takes up. What can you say about the volume of a penny?

3. What did you notice about the top surface of the water in the first part?

4. How did the soap change the results?

5. Surface tension is what holds the water molecules together. What does soap do to surface tension?

6. Were you successful in trying to float a paperclip? Why or why not.


In a paragraph (4 sentences) Write about what you learned