Robert Heidler at Glory of Zion: This is the Hebrew Year 5775:
Embracing the Whirlwind of Heaven. What does the year 5775 mean:
This [75] is the year of Ayin Hei. Ayin represents the prophetic season that we are in; it was originally a picture of the eye. This is a year to restore vision; this is the year for blind eyes to open. God wants to give you vision to see farther and into realms that you’ve seen before. (Read 2 Kings 6. Those who are with us are more than with them)
This is a year to be aware of occult forces around you. One of the Hebrew words of Ayin is Irin. Irin is a Hebrew word for Angels which translates “watchers. Angelic forces are manifesting. The Battle will intensify. This is a year for God to look for those who are committed to Him, so He can show Himself strong on their behalf. This is a year to receive the Spirit’s power to advance the Kingdom of God.
Ayin is the number 70. A time to empower and to release! Receive the power of the Holy Spirit and move forward in faith.
Numbers 11; 70 elders were sent out. Luke 10; 70 were sent out to heal the sick, cast out demons and proclaim the Kingdom!
The second symbol “Hei” is the symbol of a window, and the sound of the wind blowing through a window. Year of the wind, word, breathe, Spirit and Revelation. The opposite of this is to murmur, whisper, meditate, moan, growl, set a fire of destruction.
10 years ago, The day of entering the New Year 5765 (year of wind) Hurricane Ivan hit the shore of Pensicola, Florida. 10 days later on Atonement, Hurricane Jeanne hit the same place. In the midst of the storm we can see that God is gracious. Ivan and Jeanne names when defined in the Hebrew says: God is Gracious. 5765 is one of the most whirling storm years in history. They ran out of the alphabet to name the hurricanes that year.
“Hei words” include to rage, destroy, crush, encounter trouble, vex, to overthrow, calamity, war, destruction and holocaust. The Hei words include kings of the Canaanite world in history. Therefore these are the nations we are watching this year. Modern day: Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, and the Gaza strip. Since we are in a war season, this is an important year to pray. Arab is an Ayin word. God wants to bless the Arabs greatly, but He can’t do so when they attack and war against Israel.
India is also a Hei word. Mentioned two times in the Bible. [Chuck has been trying to go to India for years, and this year he is going two times. India is the first Asian nation to send a rocket to Mars and did this on Rosh Hashana 5775.]
One key to prosperity is to pray for Israel. The focus in an Ayin year is on the eye…the eye of the hurricane, characterized by calm in the middle of the storm. In a stormy year, God wants you to stay in the peace of the eye of the storm. The eye is a region of calm at the center of a hurricane. It is a circular area that is 20-40 miles in diameter.
Hei words include words for sleep, quiet, rest, intermission. Psalm 91 is a picture of living in the eye of the storm. You will not fear the terror of the night or the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. Psalm 91 is key chapter for this year. Because God loves you, He will rescue you! There is a place of protection in the middle of the storm. This protection is given to those who love God, trust Him and take refuge under the shadow of His wing. Draw Close to God.
This is the year of rest for the land, in a Shemitah Year: God has a place of peace & protection right in the middle of the storm this year when it is raging around you. Draw close to God this year, and make your place of peace in Him. Confess God’s goodness this year.
Other Hei words for this year: Hagar [God will work in miraculous ways this year.], Joshua [There will be battles & blessings this year.], Hadassah & Haman [See Esther arise & Haman fall this year. Supernatural blessings will come as your enemy falls.]
Hallal [Express most joyful praise! Overwhelming Joy! Unrestrained celebration. To make a show, to be clamorously foolish. To throw a party for God in exuberance worship; the shout HALLELUJAH is an exhortation to enter into the unrestrained praise of God. Time to come into a whole new way of praise and victory this year will come as we praise Him.].
Hei word is also mountain [This symbolizes government of God– God’s Kingdom is of utmost importance this year. ) Daniel 2: The rock becomes a huge mountain that fills the earth. The mountain is a kingdom that is set up by God in heaven and will endure forever.
Chuck emphatically states this is the year to participate
and understand “First Fruits”
This is the year for the window & the year of the wind. This is a year for the seasons to change. Change will not affect you when you give God your first. That is His provision for what is up ahead. Jesus was the First Fruit and God wants us to be in this cycle of blessing. Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added to you.
First Fruits is a Kingdom principle. Enter into this movement and let God develop this into your life so that you will accurately be able to see and walk in the blessings of the Kingdom. This is not about how much you give but to purposefully hear what God tells you to do. This is about aligning with the Kingdom of God. Satan has a kingdom as well. Which one will you align with?
What is the “whirlwind of heaven?” Holy Spirit often comes as “wind”. The “whirlwind of heaven” is God! ( Isaiah 66:15). God is breaking into history to empower and rescue His people. Expect God to intervene in a surprising way! Expect the windows of heaven to open this year, and for God to intervene in your life. This whirlwind will release seeds to sow for your future. Doors will be blown off of storehouses so that seeds can be released.
Holy Spirit comes as wind. The wind, the breath of God is a wind that He gave to Adam in order for Adam to gain life.
God is saying in this whirlwind: Help is on the way! Get ready for a fresh wind to fill you this year.
Chuck Pierce: This is a year to see the wind bring deliverance & expose the enemy. Watch for windows to open up. This will be a year of the conscience, which means repentance. When we step into the things around us, we will step into the eye of the storm if our conscience is clear. Enemies will try to surround & besiege us. We must know our boundaries, because the enemies will attempt to encroach on them. Declare that we will see the enemy when he encroaches on our territory. We have to be willing to go to war this year! The house church will save us in the days ahead; you need to know the houses which have a “fish” on them. As in heaven, so it will be on earth. Ask for God’s Whirlwind to come this year! You are commissioned to be in the eye of every storm around you!