Sociology 411

Fall 2006, Hogan

History of Inequality: Third Quiz

True/False (Circle one): Five points each

1. T F Kerbo claims that we are currently (21st Century) at the peak of social inequality

2. T F Hogan and Wolf present data to challenge the claim that inequality decreased under industrial capitalist modes of production

3. T F Kerbo refers to the earliest general type of stratification system as "primitive communal"

4. T F Wolf and Hogan refer to the earliest, most common, and enduring mode of production as "kin-ordered" or "kinship" systems

5. T F Hogan and Wolf are particularly interested in the caste system, which Kerbo largely ignores

6. T F Kerbo views the primitive-communal system as largely egalitarian

7 T F Kerbo does not even mention the gender and age inequality in primitive-communal, hunting and gathering societies

8. T F Kerbo suggests that the Class system was the first that was based on achievement rather than ascription

Multiple Choice (circle one): ten points each

1. Hogan and Wolf disagree with Kerbo

a. on the facts of history

b. on the classification of stratification systems

c. on the relatively egalitarian nature of hunting and gathering societies

d. on the relatively achievement based system for becoming a chief (as in example of the chiefs of the five Iroquois nations)

2. Kerbo identifies the intermediate societies, between the hunting and gathering and the industrial societies as

a. agrarian societies

b. empires

c. feudalism

d. caste systems

3. Wolf and Hogan (lecturing on Wolf) combine Kerbo's intermediate stratification systems (between primitive communal and class systems) into the category of

a. kinship systems

b. slave systems

c. tributary systems

d. feudal systems

4. Hogan (lecturing on Wolf) distinguishes Wolf's Modes of Production by the scale of

a. surplus extraction and redistribution

b. inequality

c. population

d. production

5. Barrington Moore described the path to the modern state followed by Germany and Japan as

a. bourgeois revolution

b. revolution from below

c. revolution from above

d. the democratic path

6. In discussion, Hogan explained that

a. modes of production replace earlier modes, which disappear

b. modes of production are neither created no destroyed

c. multiple modes of production can coexist, but only one dominates

d. it is normal to have multiple, competing modes of production, all of comparable scale