Honors ChemistryMr. Adams

2013 – 14

Contact information:


Wikispace: gadams.pottsgrove.wikispaces.net

This course is designed for students who plan on continuing the study of chemistry in college. This course is highly recommended for any student that is planning on taking Advanced Placement Chemistry. By nature chemistry is a cumulative subject and it is vital that you keep up with the material. If you fall behind you will find it difficult to catch up. I suggest that you do at least a little studying every day, even if it is only looking through your notes. If you do not understand something, do not hesitate to come in for help. Most of the work will involve word problems, you should practice these problems as much as possible. To help in practicing the material there will be frequent homework assignments. A good suggestion before each exam is to redo all homework problems. You will be expected to have a calculator present at all times in class. There will be no sharing of calculators during quizzes and exams.

Textbook: Modern Chemistry. An online version of the textbook will be available. The website is: If you want to access the online textbook I will provide a user name and password.

Grading Policy

Weighted system

Demonstrating Knowledge and Skills

80% - Assessment (tests, quizzes, projects, performance)

Building Knowledge and Skills

20%- Homework, Classwork, Class Participation/Engagement and Lab assignments

Classroom and School Policies

(make-up exams, extra credit, late work, special assignments, class attendance, classroom citizenship, etc.)

Late Work

*Demonstrating Knowledge and Skills (Assessment)

-Students are expected to complete all learning activities designated as assessment.

-Students who are absent for a test, quiz, performance, or project will make-up the

assessment in an interval equal to the absence.

-Students who do not complete assessments by the due date must complete them

by the deadline, which is five contact days after due date. After the deadline, a 10% penalty applies unless there are extenuating circumstances.

*Building Knowledge and Skills (Classwork, Homework, and Participation/Engagement)

-Students will be given reasonable opportunities to complete building knowledge and

skills as defined by the teacher.

-Assignments not completed within 3 student contact days of the due date will be converted to a zero.

-Some assignments may not apply. This includes the homework assignments. (i.e. classwork grade assigned when student is absent)

Homework: I will check homework at the beginning of class. Homework will receive a √, - or 0.

Pop Quizzes: there will be frequent (at least once a week) quizzes at the beginning of class. They will typically be one or two questions and you will have no more than 10 minutes to complete the quiz. I may or may not warn you about uncoming quizzes.

Labs: For most labs, each group will be turning in lab assignments based on their work. In addition there will be a lab quiz for each lab. The quiz will either be part of the next exam or will be at the beginning of the next double lab period. If you miss a lab you will still be responsible for the content and will be expected to take the lab quiz.

On all assignments, answers to questions must include the proper units and must be rounded off to the appropriate number of significant digits. Partial credit will be given for partially correct answers so it is important to show all work. Unsupported answers will be marked wrong!

If you miss class you must make arrangements to make up missed work the day you return to class. Powerpoint presentations are available on my wikispace.

Topics to be covered:

Unit 1: Matter, Change and measurement (Chapters 1, 2)3 weeks

Unit 2: Atoms (Chapter 3)2 weeks

Unit 3: Electron Configuration (Chapters 4, 5)5 weeks

Unit 4: Bonding (Chapter 6, 7)5 weeks

Unit 5: Chemical Reactions (Chapter 8, 19)4 weeks

Unit 6: Stoichiometry (Chapter 9)3 weeks

Unit 7: States of Matter (Chapter 10, 11)5 weeks

Unit 8: Solution Chemistry (Chapter 12 - 15)5 weeks