1 – Scientific Revolution

{whenever you see bracketed words, they are not in text; on list at and of section}

Scientific Revolution

Geocentric model of universe (solar system)

Nicolae Copernicus (Poland)

Copernican hypothesis {Heliocentric}

Tycho Brahe (Denmark); {Tychonic Model}

Johannes Kepler (Bohemia)

Laws of planetary motion

Elliptical paths around sun

Planets speed up near sun

Rotation speed is proportional to distance

Sun-centered (solar) system {Heliocentric}

Galileo Galilei (Italy – Florence)

Law of Inertia

Telescope from Holland

Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World (1632) – the book that got him in trouble

Trial of Galileo in 1632


Isaac Newton (England)

Centripetal force

Principia (1687)

Newton’s three laws of motion

Law of universal gravitation (mutual attraction)

Francis Bacon (England) – {“twist the lion’s tale”}


Rene Descartes (“I think, therefore I am”)

Analytic geometry

Deductive reasoning

Andreas Vesalius

William Harvey

Robert Boyle // Boyles Law (1662)

Other words to know

GeocentricModel (geocentrism)


Tychonic Model

2 – Enlightenment




European Enlightenment (1690-1789)



Table Rasa (John Locke)


Montesquieu (Persian Letters (1721) and The Spirit of Laws (1748))

Separations of Powers and Checks & Balances

Parlements (this is NOT Parliament)


Denis Diderot(The Encyclopedia)



David Hume

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (The Social Contract (1762))

Immanuel Kant (What is Enlightenment? (1784))

3 – Enlightened Absolutism

Enlightened absolutism

Frederick II / Frederick the Great

Maria Theresa {Archduchess of Austria, Holy Roman Empress}

Pragmatic Sanction

War of Austrian Succession{King George’s War}

Seven Years War {French and Indian War}

Peter III

“first servant of the State” (Frederick)

Catherine the Great

Peter III of Russia

Pugachev’s Rebellion

Maria Theresa

Charles VI (only in relation to Maria Theresa)

Joseph II (r. 1780-1790)
Leopold II (r.1790-1792)

Other words to know

Archduchess of Austria, Holy Roman Empress

French and Indian War

King George’s War

Diplomatic Revolutionof 1756

4 – Agricultural Revolution (Working the Land) & Population Explosion

80% of the people in western countries

Open Field System (three field system)

Agricultural revolution (1650-1850)

The common


Jethro Tull - Seed Drill

Enclosure Movement

Other words to know

Charles “Turnip” Townsend

Robert Bakewell

Population Explosion

Population explosion of 1700s

[Change in mortality]

5 - Growth of cities and towns


John Kay – Flying shuttle


Consumer economy

Adam Smith - Wealth of Nations – 1776

6 - Building the Global Economy


Slave trade [and the abolition campaign]

Triangle trade


War of Spanish Succession (1701-1713)

Peace of Utrecht

War of Austrian Succession (1740-1747)

Seven Years War (1756-1763)

Other words to know

Anne I of England

Act of Settlement (1701)

Act of Union (1707)

United Kingdom / British

George I of England (Hanoverian Elector) (1714-1727)

James Edward, Stuart “Old” Pretender

Robert Walpole - Prime Minister

Whigs vs. Tories in Parliament

South Sea Bubble

House of Lords and House of Commons

George II of England (1727-1760)

War of Jenkins Ear (1739)

War of Austrian Succession (1740-1747)

Diplomatic Revolution of 1756

Seven Years War (1756-1763)

George III of England (1760-1820)

Frederick the Great of Prussia

Maria Theresa of Austria, 23 years old

Pragmatic Sanction


“Diplomatic Revolution” of 1756

7 - Marriage and Family (586-595) and (595-614)

Nuclear families

Illegitimacy explosion

[Dangers of childbirth]

Wet nursing

Foundling homes (foundling hospitals)

Attitudes toward children after 1760


Dark bread

Eating habits of the rural poor

Consumer revolution






Edward Jenner

Other words to know


Aristocratic Resurgence

8 – Crisis of Political Legitimacy

Louis XV

The parlements

Robe nobility (vs. nobility of the sword)

Impact of the War of Austrian Succession on France (financially)

Parlement of Paris and the 5% income tax

Impact of the Seven Years War on France (financially and spiritually)

Rene de Maupeou


Louis XVI – a quick description

The impact of the American Revolution

Impact of the Seven Years War on the relationship of Britain to the American colonies

British East Indian Company (1773)

Boston Tea Party

Coercive Acts

First Continental Congress (1774)

Lexington and Concord (1775)

Second Continental Congress (1776)

George III

Reason France got so deep into the American Revolution

Marquis de Lafayette

French-American alliance (1778)

Spanish and Dutch declaration of war (1779 and 1780)

Impact of American Revolution on Britain after

Other words to know

John Law

National Bank of Paris

Mississippi Company

Mississippi Bubble