All India Service (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1969

Revised proforma TO BE used for consulting the U.P.S.C.


Particulars relating to the disciplinary case referred to the Union

Public Service Commission with letter No......



*1. Name of accused officer and the Service to which he belongs.


*2. (i) Whether confirmed in the Service.

(ii) Date of such confirmation.


3. Post held:

(a) Designation.

(b) Scale of Pay.

(c) Pay Drawn.

(d) Date from which Pay shown against (c) drawn.


4. Date of next increment.


5. Date of Birth.


6. Date of Joining Govt. Service.


7. Date when due to retire or date of actual retirement in case
of persons who have already retired.


8. (a) (i) Amount of monthly pension admissible.

(ii) Amount of monthly pesnion sanction.

(b) (i) Amount of gratuity admissible

(ii) Amount of gratuity sanctioned.

(This information is required only in respect of cases of recovery from or withholding of pension/special additional pension)


9. (a) Appointing authority.

(b) Punishing authority.

(c) Appellate authority.


10. Whether an oral enquiry, if required, under the rules has
been held.


11. Name and designation of the Enquiry officer, appointed, if any.


12. Whether all the relevant documents, in original particularly the following have been enclosed with the letter seeking the Commission's advice/letter forwarding the case to the Central Government in the case of certain major penalties, appeals and memorials).

(A) In the case of original enquiries:

(i) Papers relating to preliminary enquiry, if any. In case the preliminary enquiry as done by S.P.E. their report together with all the depositions recorded by them.

(ii) Suspension order, if any.

(a) Order revoking suspension, if any.

(iii) Order of the Competent Authority for joint / common proceedings. Where issued, if two or more Govt. servants are involved in the case.

(iv) Charge-sheet with the statement of imputations of misconduct or misbehaviour and other enclosures.

(v) Reply of the accused officer to the charge sheet.

(vi) Order of appointment of the Inquiry Officer.

(vii) Order appointing the Presenting officer.

(viii) Record of the oral inquiry:

(a) Daily order sheet

(b) Correspondence file of the Inquiry officer.

(c) Depositions.

(d) Questions put to the accused officer by the I.O

(e) Statement of defence before the Inquiry officer

(f) Written briefs of:

(i) the Presenting officer.

(ii) the charged officer.

(g) Inquiry Officers' report.

(ix) Miscellaneous documents regarding evidence such as exhibits, statements etc. referred to in items (i)to (viii) above.

*(x) Sanction of the central Govt. for institu departmental proceedings where necessary tion of

*(xi) Show cause notice for withdrawing-withholding the pension.

*(xii) Reply of the accused officer to the show cause notice (B) In (the case of appeals:)

In addition to the documents specified under (A) above, the following:

(i) Order of the punishing authority.

(ii) Appeal, if any, of the accused officer.

(iii) Comments on the appeal as required under rule

18(4) of the A.I.S. (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969.

(C) In the case of Memorials: or Suo Moto Review

In addition to the documents specified under (A) & (B) above, the following:

(i) Orders, if any, on the appeal.

(ii) Memorial if any, from the accused officer.

(iii) Note indicating the reasons for modifying the existing order of penalty and precise extent of such modification.


13. Miscellaneous documents such as extracts of relevant Rules, Codes Acts, Judgements, Manuals etc., referred to in the charge-sheet, statement of allegations, statement of defence Inquiring Authority's Report, reply to show cause notice appeal, State Government's comments.


14. In case where no enquiry has been held and factual and procedural points have been raised in the officers


A note explaining such points.


15. Whether comments on procedural points, if any raised by the officer in his explanation to the charge sheet/reply to show cause notice/appeal have been given.


16. Whether complete and upto date confidential roll of the officer has been enclosed.


Signature ______

Name in Block letters of officer of the State Govt. signing the

statement: ______

Designation ______

Date __

Telephone Number ______