Building Tier 2 Words of the Week
Each week, try to incorporate the word of the week into your lessons and instruction. Post the posters in your room.
I attached the schedule and list of words that we will be focusing on each week for the rest of the year.
During advisement, you can also give students the Word of the Week challenges. Give them e-bucks for successfully completing the challenges.
I attached the challenges for the rest of the year here. I will also email this document, so you can print the challenges as needed.
Let me know if you have any questions!
K. Fisher-Bishop
MSB’s Tier 2 Words of the Week
11/6/12: classify-- To arrange items into groups or categories by identifying how items are related with similar characteristics.
11/12/12: compare-- To show how two or more items are similar or different, with an emphasis on similarities.
11/26/12: contrast—To compare two or more items and show how they are different
12/3/12: analyze-- To study something carefully in order to understand it or learn more about it.
12/10/12: context—the words and phrases that surround a word or sentence and help readers understand the meaning of the word or sentence
1/7/13: assess—to figure out the value or quality of something, both good and bad values
1/14/13: benefit-something that helps good to happen
1/22/13: detriment- something that causes harm or damage
1/28/13: estimate—a rough calculation, an educated guess
2/4/13: evident—obvious or easy to understand
2/14/13: constitute—to be something or a part of something
2/19/13: concept—an idea or thought
2/25/13: derive—to get something from a source
3/4/13: factor—something that is part of what makes another thing happen “Eating a balanced diet and exercising are factors in staying healthy.”
3/11/13: function—the purpose for which something is designed or used.
3/18/13: identify—to recognize and name something or somebody
4/1/13: indicate—to show or point out something
4/8/13: interpret—to find or explain the meaning of something.
4/15/13: major—of great importance
4/22/13: principle—the basic way something works; the model of quality or right and wrong that people follow in life.
4/29/13: proceed—to go on to do something
5/6/13: significant—meaningful or having an important effect
5/13/13: vary—to change something
Other possibilities:
Convey—to communicate or show by statement, suggestion, or appearance
Elaborate—to add details, explanation, examples, or other information to improve understanding
Evaluate—to judge the reasonableness and quality of ideas
Infer—to arrive at a conclusion after analyzing the facts
Justify—to defend or prove a response using specific examples
Feature—a characteristic
Passage—a brief portion of a written work
Frequency—how often something occurs
Correlation—something that shows a relationship
Differ—to be unalike, to disagree, opposite opinion
Objective—expressing or dealing with facts without influence from opinions or beliefs
Consequence—results of an action or decision
Demonstrate—show, exhibit, display, or show clearly
Vague—not clearly expressed or defined
Ambiguous—uncertain, unclear, doubtful
Influence—have an impact or effect on something
Obstacle—something that gets in the way or blocks progress
Premeditates—to plan before
Demise—death, the end of, the downfall
MSB’s Tier 2 Words of the Week Challenge
Successfully complete the challenge and you will earn e-bucks! Turn in your work to your advisor. The more effort you put into your answers, the more e-bucks you will get!
11/6/12: classify-- To arrange items into groups or categories by identifying how items are related with similar characteristics.
11/12/12: compare-- To show how two or more items are similar or different, with an emphasis on similarities.
11/26/12: contrast—To compare two or more items and show how they are different
The challenge: Vocab Self-Reflection
Answer each question using full sentences using support and explanations. Demonstrate your understanding of each word. Continue on the back of this paper as needed.
1. What things in your life would you classify as too complex? How could you make these things simpler for you?
2. When something bad happens, do you tend to exaggerate it (“It’s the end of the world!”) or do you tend to play it down (“It’s no big deal!)? Compare these two attitudes toward life. Which one do you think is more helpful? Why?
3. Is there a contrast between how you expect others to act or speak toward you and the way you speak or act toward others? Explain your answer, describing the contrast between the faults you focus on in someone else and those you see in yourself?
MSB’s Tier 2 Words of the Week Challenge
Successfully complete the challenge and you will earn e-bucks! Turn in your work to your advisor. The more effort you put into your answers, the more e-bucks you will get!
12/3/12: analyze-- To study something carefully in order to understand it or learn more about it.
12/10/12: context—the words and phrases that surround a word or sentence and help readers understand the meaning of the word or sentence
The challenge: Connect Two
Connect the two Tier 2 Words.
Example: Courteous & drenched are connected because a courteous person will share his umbrella so someone doesn’t get drenched.
______& ______are connected because ______
MSB’s Tier 2 Words of the Week Challenge
Successfully complete the challenge and you will earn e-bucks! Turn in your work to your advisor. The more effort you put into your answers, the more e-bucks you will get!
1/7/13: assess—to figure out the value or quality of something, both good and bad values
1/14/13: benefit-something that helps good to happen
The challenge: Sketch it
Draw a picture, cartoon, example, or symbol to represent each word. Write a caption to explain your sketches. You may not use the ideas from the posters hanging around the school. Use the back of this paper if needed.
MSB’s Tier 2 Words of the Week Challenge
Successfully complete the challenge and you will earn e-bucks! Turn in your work to your advisor. The more effort you put into your answers, the more e-bucks you will get!
1/22/13: detriment- something that causes harm or damage
1/28/13: estimate—a rough calculation, an educated guess
MSB’s Tier 2 Words of the Week Challenge
Successfully complete the challenge and you will earn e-bucks! Turn in your work to your advisor. The more effort you put into your answers, the more e-bucks you will get!
2/4/13: evident—obvious or easy to understand
2/14/13: constitute—to be something or a part of something
The challenge: Examples and Non-Examples
Answer each question about the Tier 2 Words.
Word / Example / Non-exampleEvident / What characteristics are evident within most students at MSB? / What characteristics are NOT evident within most students at MSB?
Constitute / What would constitute a valid reason to be suspended from school? / What would NOT constitute a valid reason to be suspended from school?
MSB’s Tier 2 Words of the Week Challenge
Successfully complete the challenge and you will earn e-bucks! Turn in your work to your advisor. The more effort you put into your answers, the more e-bucks you will get!
2/19/13: concept—an idea or thought
2/25/13: derive—to get something from a source
The challenge: Write a Story
Write a fictional short story, using the two Tier 2 words as creatively as you can. Choose one of the following scenarios:
*Going to the mall and the lights go out.
*Arriving in a new city and people think you are a celebrity.
*Finding a puppy with a bag of money tied around its neck at your door.
MSB’s Tier 2 Words of the Week Challenge
Successfully complete the challenge and you will earn e-bucks! Turn in your work to your advisor. The more effort you put into your answers, the more e-bucks you will get!
3/4/13: factor—something that is part of what makes another thing happen “Eating a balanced diet and exercising are factors in staying healthy.”
3/11/13: function—the purpose for which something is designed or used.
The challenge: Show What You Know
What factors might contribute to a short-lived life?·
What factors might contribute to a long-lived life?
What are the functions of the following items:
· A broom:
· A pen:
· A fork:
· Bathroom scale:
· Traffic Light:
What do you think the function of a prison should be? To help criminals become better citizens? To punish them? Or just to keep them where they can’t do any more harm? Explain.
MSB’s Tier 2 Words of the Week Challenge
Successfully complete the challenge and you will earn e-bucks! Turn in your work to your advisor. The more effort you put into your answers, the more e-bucks you will get!
3/18/13: identify—to recognize and name something or somebody
4/1/13: indicate—to show or point out something
The challenge: Word Work
1. If a rash indicates an allergy, the rash
A. has nothing to do with the allergy
B. causes the allergy
C. is a sign of the allergy
2. A road sign with a picture of a leaping deer indicates…..
3. A frown on someone’s face might indicate…..
4. What might your personal style of hair or clothing indicate about you?
5. If you described yourself to someone who had never seen you in person, how could that person identify you?
6. To identify a patient’s problem, a doctor may
A. do some tests
B. send a bill
C. give the patient some pills
MSB’s Tier 2 Words of the Week Challenge
Successfully complete the challenge and you will earn e-bucks! Turn in your work to your advisor. The more effort you put into your answers, the more e-bucks you will get!
4/8/13: interpret—to find or explain the meaning of something.
4/15/13: major—of great importance
The Challenge: Yes and No
What would some examples of major news stories that would interrupt normal TV programming? Draw a picture of an example in each slice of the pie on the top half.
What would be some news stories that would NOT be major enough to interrupt normal TV programming? Draw a picture of an example in each slice of the pie on the bottom half.
Nonverbal behavior can be interpreted by others in different ways. How might each nonverbal signal from you might be interpreted or misinterpreted?
Nonverbal Behavior / Interpretation or MisinterpretationTurning your back to someone while they are talking to you
Rolling your eyes
Avoiding eye contact
Standing very close to someone while talking
MSB’s Tier 2 Words of the Week Challenge
Successfully complete the challenge and you will earn e-bucks! Turn in your work to your advisor. The more effort you put into your answers, the more e-bucks you will get!
4/22/13: principle—the basic way something works; the model of quality or right and wrong that people follow in life.
4/29/13: proceed—to go on to do something
The challenge: Analogies
Write an analogy for each vocabulary word.
Principle is to ______As
______is to ______
Proceed is to ______
______is to ______
MSB’s Tier 2 Words of the Week Challenge
Successfully complete the challenge and you will earn e-bucks! Turn in your work to your advisor. The more effort you put into your answers, the more e-bucks you will get!
5/6/13: significant—meaningful or having an important effect
5/13/13: vary—to change something
The challenge: personal dictionary
Definition in my own words: ______
Sentence that shows my understanding: ______
Definition in my own words: ______
Sentence that shows my understanding: ______