EBLEX Sire Linkage Programme (SLP)

Programme Objectives
  1. Increase flock connectedness, strengthening the quality of Signet breeding evaluations.
  1. Provide a short-term injection of elite genetics into a breed, with the additional benefits if these sires are widely used and their genes retained in the population.
  1. Increase the profile of recording within Breeds and Societies.

Rules for SLP Qualification

A sum of £2,500 will be made available to the successful RLP applicant.

Nominated Ram Requirements
EBV’s / 3 or more in the top 10%
(based on the latest breed benchmark)
scanning / Been ultrasound
scanned / Or / Have 25+ progeny with
ultrasound measurements

Note: Rams who exhibit exceptional performance in specific traits (EBVs) that could be considered to improve the breed in a sustainable direction can also be nominated.

  • Additional criteria which could be taken into consideration are:
  • Recorded progeny born in one or more flocks.
  • Scrapie Genotype.
  • MV status.
  • High accuracy values for traits of interest.
  • Two generations of recorded ancestors.
  • Has been a Reference Sire with more to contribute to the breed.
  • The awarding panel must be convinced that there is a high chance that the semen collected would be used in multiple flocks. In small breeds, a written statement of intent from those breeders wishing to use the semen may be requested.
  • There are no age restrictions.
  • EBLEX will consider nominations twice a year in June and September.
  • Breed Societies, Breeding Groups or Individuals can nominate rams for semen collectionand nominations should be sent to Dylan Laws by the dates notified in the nomination letter/email.
  • Nominations are competitive and open to any Signet recorded breed based in the UK, analysed on an across-flock basis, and with five or more Signet recording flocks in England.
  • Two rams are selected at each round (total of four rams per year).
  • More than one ram per breed can be nominated in each round.
  • In the event of a number of eligible rams within a breed being nominated, those with the highest EBVs/index within the breed will have the best chance of selection.
  • The nominating body or individual will be informed of the outcome within one month of the deadline.

Responsibilities of Successful Nominating Body or Individual

  • A total payment of £2,500 will be made to the organisation or individual who nominates the ram to cover semen collection and storage costs of a minimum of 350 straws.
  • EBLEX will make one payment of £1,250 upon the successful collection and storage of 350 straws of semen.
  • The facilitator responsible for the collection must provide proof of the number of straws collected.
  • A second payment of £1,250 will be made after 350 semen straws have been distributed.
  • Prior to the final payment records must be submitted containing:
  • Which breeders have used the semen
  • How many doses they received
  • Semen must be made available free of charge to any breeder wishing to use it (do not have to be registered with Signet), for 3 years (after 3 years unused semen can be disposed of).
  • Payment of handling/shipping charges for semen distribution is the responsibility of the breeder wishing to use the semen.
  • Any additional straws (exceeding 350) are the property of the nominee who is/are free to market them as they wish.
  • EBLEX will not be liable for any costs incurred in the unsuccessful attempt to collect semen from any ram or rams.
  • In the case of a group or society nominating a ram, distribution of the funding is at the complete discretion of the group/society awarded the funding. One way to distribute funds might be:
  • £750 ram feefor the owner
  • £1500 for semen collection, and,
  • £250 for semen storage

Funds should be allocated by the applicant to ensure the storage costs for the three years are covered

  • EBLEX will use successful rams as case studies for publicising the SLP.

Revised May 2012 (Dylan Laws)