To clarify and deepen our thinking about articles we read.
Before the activity:
Participants are asked to read the article and to underline key passages as they are reading.
On the right side of their two column notes, participants should write any quote or phrase they selected to raise to the group. On the left side, they should write any questions, points of agreement or disagreement they want to make about the quote or segment.
Save the Last Word
In groups of 4 or 5
(1) Identify Person #1 in each group, e.g., the person whose first name is closest to the
beginning of the alphabet.)
(2) Person #1 will begin by reading one of his/her selected passages.
S/he will make no comment on the passage at that time.
(3) In clockwise order, starting with the person to the left of the reader, each other
person at the table will share briefly, in one or two sentences, his/her own reflections
on the passage which Person #1 just read.
(4) When everyone except Person #1 has made a comment on the passage, it is the turn
of Person #1 (the person who selected and read the passage) to have ‘the last word,’
that is, to share why s/he chose that passage. There is not ‘discussion’ or response to
others’ comments at this time.
(5) Person #2 reads the next passage. Again, others comment briefly and ‘the last word’
on the passage is saved for the reader, Person #2.
(6) The rounds continue until everyone has shared a passage. Commentary on each
selected passage should last no more than 1-2 minutes. If time, you can start a
second round.
(7) You have on each table a stack of green, yellow, and red cups. When this activity
begins, the green cup is showing. When the last person begins reading his/her
passage, display the yellow cup to indicate that your group is almost done. When the
last person finishes commenting on why s/he chose that passage, display the red cup
to signal completion.
(8) It is important to monitor the time carefully so someone at each table needs to be the
timekeeper. Before you start, would you please restate the directions to one another
at your tables and then give me your attention again.
ú What are the critical attributes of this strategy?
ú Under what conditions would you recommend to a teacher to use this activity