Behavioral Matrix
Hallways / Arrival & Dismissal / Bathrooms / Lunchroom / ClassroomH / Have respect for yourself & others: / *Hands and feet to yourself.
*Respectful of quiet zones.
*Actively listening to your teacher. / *Listen and follow all directions given by adults.
*Actively listening for transportation home so you don’t miss your ride. / *Respect the privacy of others by keeping your eyes and hands to yourself.
*Do not waste bathroom supplies.
* Patiently wait your turn. / *Allow your classmates and teachers to enjoy their meal by eating quietly for the first 10 minutes of lunch.
*Use correct table manners while eating.
*Show gratitude for your meal by saying please and thank you to the cafeteria staff.
A / Act Responsibly / *Setting a positive example for other classmates by following expectations and procedures.
*Actively listening to your teacher. *Walking in a single file line (yellow/blue line). / *Remain in your designated dismissal area.
*Talk quietly with your peers to keep volume levels at a reasonable level.
*Move quickly and quietly to your car, day care, or van.
*Collect all materials to prepare for dismissal. / *Do not waste bathroom supplies.
*Clean up after yourself.
*Use the facilities for their intended purposes.
*Wash your hands thoroughly. / *Clean up your own mess.
*Get everything you need before you sit down.
*Know your lunch number.
W / Work Together / *Actively encourage your peers to follow expectations and procedures.
*Use good judgment when deciding when to report another student. / * Actively listening for transportation home so you don’t miss your ride.
*Encourage your peers to follow expectations and procedures. / *Listen to the bathroom monitor.
*Take turns using the facilities.
*If you see a mess, clean it up even if it’s not yours. / *Clean the tables and floor quickly and quietly.
*Clean the tables and floor to the best of your ability.
* Encourage your peers to follow expectations and procedures.
K / Know when to take ownership. / *Reporting dangerous situations and ignoring minor infractions.
*Self-monitoring and modifying incorrect hallway behaviors. / * Actively listening for transportation home so you don’t miss your ride.
* Self-monitoring and modifying incorrect dismissal behavior / *Leave the bathroom tidier than you found it.
*If you make a mess, own up to it and make it right.
* Self-monitoring and modifying incorrect bathroom behavior / *Clean up your own mess immediately.
* Self-monitoring and modifying incorrect lunchroom behavior
S / Show up promptly EVERYDAY. / *Respectful of quiet zones.
*Move quickly and quietly to your assigned classroom. / *Respectful of quiet zones.
*Move quickly and quietly to your assigned classroom. / *Move DIRECTLY to your assigned classroom.