The Language, Logic and Cognition Center (LLCC) at the Mount Scopus campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is home to a large group of scholars whose research is devoted to the study of human language from the perspective of multiple disciplines – linguistics, philosophy, computer science, cognitive science, and brain science.
LLCC runs a graduate program for outstanding students. The students in the program get involved in interdisciplinary research projects on language from the outset. Admission to the program is contingent upon acceptance to one of the relevant departments at the university (e.g., Linguistics, Computer Science, Philosophy, Cognitive Science, and Psychology). The center encourages and accommodates joint projects with members of the Edmond and Lily Center for Brain Sciences. We admit students who pursue advanced degrees, either M.A. or PhD.
Students in the program are required to fulfill all their departmental requirements; in addition they have to complete 15 additional credits in LLCC and/or in linguistics and adjacent fields. Course selection is based on the student's interests and is done in coordination with the student's advisory committee.
Alladmitted students receive a fellowship that includes a monthly stipend.
LLCC’s courses for the upcoming academic year will begin in October 2017.
Application requirements
The applicants must hold a BA (or equivalent) degree (or expect to obtain one before commencing their studies at LLCC). They should have a strong academic record and strong interest in research. They should also be able to demonstrate good proficiency in English.
The materials required for the application are specified in the application form (see below). It is recommended that the applicant contact an LLCC member regarding possibilities prior to submitting their application forms.
Scholarship registration form LLCC, 2017 - 2018
Personal Information
Name: Click here to enter text.
Last Name: Click here to enter text.
ID: Click here to enter text.
Birth Date: ------
Gender: Choose an item.
Address: Click here to enter text.
Email Address: Click here to enter text.
Cell Phone: Click here to enter text.
Work Phone: Click here to enter text.
Place of current employment: Click here to enter text.
Position: Click here to enter text.
Workload: Click here to enter text.
Academic information:
Bachelor's degree from faculty / school: Click here to enter text.
University: Click here to enter text.
Final score: Click here to enter text.
Current College / University: Click here to enter text. Year started: Click here to enter text.
Faculty / School: Click here to enter text.
Advisor (if available): Click here to enter text. Advisor's Email: Click here to enter text.
Other scholarships: Choose an item. Click here to enter text.
I hereby declare that the information given is truthful and accurate. I am committed to notify of every change with regards to this information immediately and in writing. I read all the scholarship's requirements as published in the HU academic secretary's site, and am committed to follow all requirements and conditions that apply for scholarship recipients at the Hebrew University.
I know early termination of my studies/research will lead to the cancellation of my eligibility for the scholarship.
I know that the LLCC center may terminate scholarship payments any time according to the judgment of the center's academic committee, in the event my academic progress is unsatisfactory, or if my academic achievements do not justify continuation of the financial support.
It is known to me that the scholarship is granted to me for one year (Academic year 2017-2018), and that the renewal will be subject to the approval of the LLCC's scholarship committee.
Application form and documents should be admitted at:
All the required documents should be submitted by 27.4.2017.
In addition to this form applicant must also include ALL of the following documents:
- a CV that includes: all scholarships and awards, publications in Hebrew and English, participation in conferences, work experience
- official BA transcripts/score sheets
- official MA/PhD transcripts/score sheets (if available)
- Statement of purpose: the statement should include research interests and goals (1 page)
- two recommendation letters by faculty members who are familiar with the applicant’s work
- photograph
Your application will be assessed by the admissions committee of the LLCC. It is possible that you will be requested to provide further documents.
You will receive the decision about your acceptance at the end of May.