World History: The Boxer Rebellion of 1900
Excerpted from “Dreadnought: Britain, Germany and the Coming of the Great War”
(Robert Massie, 1991)
Name ______(15 Pts)
1. The Western Powers had been dismembering China for how many decades?
2. What does “Sha! Sha!” mean?
3. Foreign railroads took lands from the peasants and violated what?
4. Who did the Boxers hate even more than the foreign barbarians?
5. The Germans had seized the port city of Tsingtao which lies along what sea?
6. Empress Tz’u-hsi had initially advanced towards power as a result of what attribute?
7. Tz’-u-hsi moved against her opponents ruthlessly. How did she get rid of her son?
8. The Boxers claimed their “spirit soldiers” numbered how many?
9. In addition to all Chinese Christians the empress wanted the Boxers to also annihilate who?
10. How many nations in total had representatives living in Beijing’s Legation Quarter?
11. How was nature stimulating anarchy in China in the spring of 1900?
12. After decapitating Chancellor Sugiyama of Japan, the Boxers further violated the body by doing what?
13. How long did the Boxers’ siege of the Legation last?
14. How many soldiers protected the 3,000 people inside the foreign compound?
15. The 150 ponies were seen as a potential source of ?
16. A relief force en route to Peking retreated to Tientsin. That city was besieged by how many Chinese?
17. How many weeks elapsed with the outside world cut off from the events in Peking?
18. A second relief force composed of 25,000 men set off from Tientsin on August 5, 1900. How many days did it take this force to reach Peking and lift the siege?
19. Kaiser William II assumed a new role as what type of angel?
20. What type of speech did the Kaiser give to his departing soldiers?
21. Why did von Bulow urge the Kaiser to control himself and refrain from giving such speeches?
22. Why was the Kaiser angry with Fritz Krupp?
23. China was assessed a fine of 335 million dollars for the damage and loss of life caused by the Boxers. How many years were they given to pay the money?
24. The Russians would withdraw to their Far Eastern provinces and what port?
25. Why did the Americans wish to leave China as quickly as possible?
26. What reason did the British have for delaying their withdrawal?