Complete this form and submit to Sherry Sines, GWAEA Professional Development Coordinator
Grant Wood AEA
Individual TQ Professional Development Proposal
Name: Melanie ReeseSupervisor:Jeanie Wade-Nagle / Region: NorthWest / Date:2/2/10
Professional Growth Goal:To provide leadership to AEA PW-PBS trainers and to work to implement and coach PW-PBS in our agency and in our LEA's.
What student data suggest that this professional development is necessary?Learning Supports and PBS are part of our AEA's State Performance Plan Priorities. There is a recommendation coming from the DE that districts and buildings that are using SW-PBS should also have their PK-2 grade teacher trained in PW-PBS also. At this point we have 35buildings participating in SW-PBS, four of these buildings have their preschool teachers trained in PW-PBS also.
An estimated 9 to 13% of American children and adolescents between ages 9 to 17 have serious diagnosable emotional or behavioral health disorders resulting in substantial to extreme impairment (Friedman, 2002). Students with SED miss more days of school than do students in all other disability categories (U.S. Department of Education, 1994). More than half of students with SED drop out of grades 9-12, the highest rate for all disability categories (U.S. Department of Education, 2002). Of those students with SED who drop out of school, 73% are arrested within five years of leaving school (Jay & Padilla, 1987). Children who are identified as hard to manage at ages 3 and 4 have a high probability (50:50) of continuing to have difficulties into adolescence (Campbell & Ewing, 1990; Egeland et al., 1990; Fischer, Rolf, Hasazi, & Cummings, 1984). Early appearing aggressive behaviors are the best predictor of juvenile gang membership and violence (Reid, 1993). When aggressive and antisocial behavior has persisted to age 9, further intervention has a poor chance of success (Dodge, 1993). Of the young children who show early signs of challenging behavior, it has been estimated that fewer than 10% receive services for these difficulties (Kazdin & Kendall, 1998). Preschool children are three times more likely to be “expelled” than children in grades K-12 (Gilliam, 2005). Skills such as empathy, emotion management, and social problem solving contribute to children's success in school and to their later success in the workplace (Huffman, Mehlinger, and Kerivan, 2000). The school and the family are the two most important social-emotional learning environments for children (see Weissberg, Caplan, and Harwood, 1991, for a review.)
How will this professional development fit with agency, region and/or discipline goals?Learning Supports and PBS are part of the agency's State Performance Plan Priorities. An EC staff needs survey indicates that staff needs include data collection and coaching. 66% of staff indicate they are comfortable using PBS strategies, but not at coaching these strategies or how to collect data on them. Goals on the EC Action Plan include providing PD and increasing staff capacity in coaching and data collection methods. The Learning Supports Action Plan has a goal that addresses imbedding various LS services together, PW PBS, SW PBS and Olweius.
Which of the Iowa Teaching Standards will be addressed by this goal? (See attached)Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for and implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction.
Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students. Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning.
Demonstrates competence in classroom management.
Engages in professional growth.
Describe the proposed professional development:I woud like to attend the CSEFEL National Training Insititute to deepen my understanding of sustaining implementation through program wide leadership teams and using data based decision making in PW-PBS. At our AEA, I have also developed a system of coach - train - coach and using three coaches on a rotation (due to staff time constraints) coaching these classrooms and using a google site to share information on a weekly basis. I am also working with Tammy Beener on blending SW-PBS and PW-PBS to offer training to our buildings that have preschools in them to train PK-2nd grade on PW-PBS in addition to the SW-PBS training. On the last day of the institute there is a state leadership team day that 11 state teams across the country will particiapte in. The things I mentioned above are being piloted by us in Iowa and we would love to share with other states, we well as learn what other states are trying.
Describe the collaboration to learn and apply new knowledge and skills:I will be collaborating with other PW-PBS trainers in our AEA on coaching strategies and that I learn and how to collect data to sustain implementation and on the train-coach-train model. I will also be collaborating with Tammy Beener, coordiantor for SW-PBS at our AEA on how to blend the two models and deliver this training to the LEA's.
I will be applying new knowledge and skills that I will acquire in my work with current sites, ie., West Branch Daycare as well as supporting the other PW-PBS trainers and coaches as they work with sites. Data that we are collecting now is the evaluation tool that PW-PBS uses, the TPOT, we are doing baseline as well as after several training and coaching sessions we are again using the tool to see where competency of the teachers is and if our training and coaching has had an impact. I am hoping to gain further knowledge of data tools at the conference.
How will you demonstrate to your supervisor application of your new learning?The work that I will be doing with LEA's ie. West Branch Daycare, hopefully Lisbon will also be joining us soon, the use of data tools and the coaching model. Working with the other PW-PBS trainers and coaches and supporting them in their on-going learning of coaching and data collection. Feedback forms from participants, supervisors as well as AEA staff. Supervisor observation of training and coaching will be another way. Providing PD that is blending PW and SW PBS for more buildings in our AEA.
Plan of Action
Action steps to be taken / TimelineAttend National Training Institute
Continue providing train-coach-train model to West Branch Daycare and working with coaches here.
Meet with other PW-PBS coaches and trainers at our AEA to share new knowledge and work on our system of implementation.
Meet with Tammy Beener to work on blending SW and PW PBS
Provide blended training of SW and PW PBS / 3/17 - 3/20/10
On-going process
4/10 and on-going meetings
3/10, 4/10, 5/10 and on-going as needed
2010-2011 school year
TQ budget and other resources
Number of hours@ $35/hour / $Materials/books / $220 - registration for conference
List costs associated with implementation / $487 flight$ Shuttle to Sheraton Sand Key Resort $50 ($25 each way) $ Total$ 537
Associated costs
Total / $757
Other Resources:
Supervisor feedback and date reviewed.Discussed with Jeanie and she is supportive of this training and implementation plan on 2/2/10.
Iowa Teaching Standards
Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for and implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals.
Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position.
Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction.
Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students.
Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning.
Demonstrates competence in classroom management.
Engages in professional growth.
Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district.
Cg:Individual PD for TQ 6/25/09