Contacts and Referrals
Title / Status / Version / Date / Ref
Contacts and Referrals / Current / v29.1 / 07.12.2015
1.0 Introduction 3
2.0 View Contacts and Referrals 4
3.0 Recording a Contact 4
3.1 Completing a contact other than progressing to a referral 6
3.2 Progressing a Contact to a Referral 7
4.0 Complete a referral 8
5.0 Recording Team Manager’s Authorisation of the Referral 9
1.0 Introduction
The Children’s Services Single Point of Access will provide service users and other professionals with a high quality initial response built around the Children’s Alliance threasholds. Responses will include signposting to other agencies, involvement of early help or assessment by Children’s Services.
Written referrals (IARs) should be requested from other agencies / professionals; they should arrive with CSS within 48hrs. The Duty Social Worker should remind referrers that, in accordance with the Inter Agency Protocol, they have a duty to discuss their referral with the service user.
All incoming calls into Children’s Services on new or closed matters will be directed to the Single Point of Access (SPA) based at Corbyn Road
Good information, prompt decision making and clear process
EDT will also complete contacts, other teams will need to complete contacts on open cases where a reassessment or strategy meeting is required.
A contact becomes a referral when it is clear that the threshold is met for a social care assessment or a Child Protection Enquiry (CPE). The SPA SW makes this decision
A referral is a matter which the SW deems ‘Core Business’. The TM will review every referral and make the decision regarding next steps
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2.0 View Contacts and Referrals
Ø Click on the sidebar then sub-menu
Ø Click on a hyperlink date to view the individual contact details
Ø Click on the sub-menu
(This screen is Browse Referrals and shows the referral history)
Ø Click on a hyperlink date to view the individual referral details
Ø (Note: be very careful that you do not accidentally change information in the pick lists through using the scroll wheel as you could alter data)
3.0 Recording a Contact
Ø Click on the sidebar then sub-menu
Ø Click
Ø Current date and time - This will pre-fill, amend if necessary
Ø Who is making the contact? - Enter name of person in the text box
Ø What relationship is the person/agency making the contact to the contact subject?* - Select from the pick list
Ø Does this person work for an agency? - Click to search and select for the name of the organisation making the contact.
Ø Address - Pre-fills if the person making the contact is known to CCM
Ø Telephone - Use text field to type in the number
Ø Contact source to remain anonymous? - Select radio button
Ø Why is the contact being made? - Select from the pick list
Ø Details of the contact - Enter brief summary in the notes field
Ø How was the contact made? - Select from pick list
Ø Have you got consent to make this contact? - Select radio button
Ø Is the subject aware of this contact? - Select radio button
Ø Who took the contact? - The details of the person logged in will pre- fill, use button to search, select and change name if necessary
Ø Which team took the contact? - The details of the person’s team logged in will pre- fill, use button to search, select and change if necessary
Ø Summary of significant previous involvements - Enter relevant and a brief summary in the text box
If there are other children in the household that the contact applies to
Ø Click
Ø Select the box for each child that the contact applies to
Ø Click or button
Ø Click or button to return to the original child’s record.
3.1 Completing a contact other than progressing to a referral
Ø Click Date hyperlink of relevant contact
Ø What was the outcome of a contact? - Select from pick list
Ø Outcome date - Enter date into field
Ø Social worker's rationale for contact outcome - Enter a brief summary in the text box
Ø Click or button
Ø Click or button
3.2 Progressing a Contact to a Referral
Ø Click on the sidebar then sub-menu
Ø Click on a hyperlink date to progress to referral
Ø Progress to referral - Select Yes radio button
Screen will now refresh
Ø Referral Date - Will pre-fill with the current date and time, amend if necessary
Ø This is a re-referral. Was the previous referral not responded to satisfactorily? - Select radio button
Ø Main Children in Need code* - Select from pick list
Ø Who is responsible for this referral? - SW’s name will feed through from the contact information, use button to search, select and change name, if necessary.
Ø Which team is responsible for this referral? - SW’s team will feed through from the contact information, use button to search, select and change name, if necessary.
4.0 Complete a referral
Ø Is the referral complete - Select Yes radio button
Screen will now refresh
Ø Social worker's recommendation for next steps - Enter a brief summary in the text box
Ø Is the referral ready to go for authorisation? Selecting 'Yes' will require you to send the authorisation request to the appropriate person. - Select Yes radio button
Ø Use to search and select the Team Manager or ATM who will be authorising the assessment.
Ø Action by date* - This will generate Today’s Date
Ø Please enter any additional notes you want to send to the authoriser - Enter a brief summary in the text box
Ø Click or button
Ø Click or button
5.0 Recording Team Manager’s Authorisation of the Referral
Ø Select
Ø Tick the select box or click blue hyperlink
Referral Authorisation box will appear
Ø What is the outcome of this referral?* - Select from pick list
Ø When was the outcome determined?* - Enter Date
Ø Manager’s rationale for referral outcome* - Enter Text
Ø Authorise referral? - Yes or No
Ø Reject referral? - Yes or No
Ø Click or button
Ø Click or button
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